
exhale Learn more about exhale

  • Life should not be devalued to grow rice. Sometimes 13 pesticides are spat out in a breath.

    Life should not be devalued to grow rice. Sometimes 13 pesticides are spat out in a breath.

    Rice is a staple food in many parts of Asia, with Malaysians consuming an average of 2.5 plates of rice a day. As Malaysia's basic food source, rice and rice...

  • "Waxberry" exhale, looking for the emissary of Jingzhou Waxberry.

    It is you who let the agricultural products come out of the mountain and make the farmers smile. You have been working silently to make the Chinese countryside more beautiful. We want to spread your deeds and reputation as a model of the "craftsman" of agricultural e-commerce. We would like to invite you to enjoy Jingzhou Waxberry and Miao Dong together.

    2020-11-27 " Waxberry exhale find Jingzhou out of the mountain emissary it is you
  • "Waxberry" exhale, looking for "emissary to help Jingzhou Waxberry come out of the mountain"

    "Yipingdong" 2016 Jingzhou online Waxberry Festival and Flying Mountain Culture Tourism Festival is urgently looking for "emissary of Jingzhou Yangmei out of the mountain". From May 23 to June 1, 2016, China Nongxun, in conjunction with the people's Government of Jingzhou Miao and Dong Autonomous County, launched a search for "helping Jingzhou Yangmei to come out of the mountain".

    2020-11-27 " Waxberry exhale find help Jingzhou out of the mountain emissary
  • The gentleman orchid lived a long life, pulled a leaf and threw it into the soil, and the white root exhaled.

    The gentleman orchid lived a long life, pulled a leaf and threw it into the soil, and the white root exhaled.

    The gentleman orchid lived a long life, pulled a leaf and threw it into the soil, and the white root exhaled.

  • How to do respiratory exercise in COPD

    How to do respiratory exercise in COPD

    From the name of COPD, it is a chronic disease, in fact, it is also chronic obstructive pneumonia, which is easy to be ignored by people. Until the onset of the disease is too late, but just found for COPD, active treatment and respiratory exercise and other comprehensive.

  • There are three indoor flowers. No, a lot of people have made mistakes. Don't ignore it.

    There are three indoor flowers. No, a lot of people have made mistakes. Don't ignore it.

    Many people in life will like to raise flowers at home, which can not only beautify the environment but also purify the air, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone. But sometimes, because of the lack of understanding of flowers, some people will mistakenly put some flowers that are harmful to their health.

  • What if succulent plants grow new roots and are exposed to the air?

    What if succulent plants grow new roots and are exposed to the air?

    The roots of succulent plants are exposed to the air, also known as air roots. Long air roots indicate that there are problems with the roots, including inability to support the main body, lack of oxygen, lack of water, lack of fertilizer and so on. If you are a new species, exhaling roots is a good phenomenon, plant.

  • The seven types of yoga remove toxins from the body and make the skin shiny and elastic.

    The seven types of yoga remove toxins from the body and make the skin shiny and elastic.

    First, stand with your feet greatly apart, put your hands on your hips, inhale and open the chest, exhale and bend the trunk of the body forward, first let the palms hit the ground, then bend the elbow joints to the ground, and finally land on the head and keep your knees straight. Keep it three to five.

  • Introduction to the efficacy and function of star anise gold plate

    Introduction to the efficacy and function of star anise gold plate

    Introduction to the efficacy and function of star anise gold plate

  • Various pathological manifestations of emphysema

    Various pathological manifestations of emphysema

    Emphysema is one of the more serious secondary lung diseases, because of the different sources of the disease, the pathological manifestations will be different or very different. There are inflammatory pathological reactions such as repeated infection and chronic bronchitis on the pathogen.

  • What are the kinds of turfgrass?

    What are the kinds of turfgrass?

    Turfgrass refers to the ground-covered herbs, which generally grow naturally and have high application value. At present, most areas will also be planted to green cities and gardens. What are the types of turfgrass? What are the kinds of turfgrass? Lawn

    2020-11-08 Lawn grass species class which lawn grass that is the ground
  • Bonsai recommendation: bonsai suitable for keeping in the bedroom fresh air takes away formaldehyde to help sleep

    Bonsai recommendation: bonsai suitable for keeping in the bedroom fresh air takes away formaldehyde to help sleep

    White palm: White palm is a well-known exhaust gas filter, which is an "expert" in inhibiting the exhaust gases exhaled by the human body, such as ammonia and acetone. It can also filter benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air. Its high evaporation rate can prevent the nasal mucosa.

  • How can you raise a smooth sailing?

    How can you raise a smooth sailing?

    How can you raise a smooth sailing?

  • Respiratory gymnastics with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    Respiratory gymnastics with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    Respiratory gymnastics, which evolved from respiratory exercises, can effectively promote and enhance the respiratory function of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic bronchitis, and then improve and change the status quo of the whole body. In the coordinated movement of the limbs and torso, each.

  • How many years does a tree live?

    How many years does a tree live?

    Trees in our daily life can be said to be everywhere, and its variety is very diverse, there are trees, shrubs and woody vines. Trees play an indispensable role in regulating climate and conserving water and soil, and most of the carbon dioxide we exhale each year

    2020-11-08 how many years can a tree live in our daily life?
  • Spring is the season of onset, which can be secondary emphysema

    Spring is the season of onset, which can be secondary emphysema

    Beijing and many areas in the north, last winter without snow, until recently, warm spring flowers suddenly change the climate, cold wind, rain and snow, lasting for many days. Weak constitution, sub-health, old and young groups, etc. are prone to colds, calls...

  • Plain sailing. Is it poisonous?

    Plain sailing. Is it poisonous?

    Plain sailing. Is it poisonous?

  • How to give medicine to sick pigs

    How to give medicine to sick pigs

    In the process of pig production, we often encounter such a problem: after suffering from disease, pigs often lose their appetite, or even do not eat, which brings difficulties to sick pigs to take drugs internally. So, how to solve this problem, the method is to carry out artificial forced infusion. The technique of giving medicine to diseased pigs is introduced: standing or recumbent Baoding, the head is fixed so that it can not move freely, the pig mouth is pried open with a mouth opener, and the stomach tube is quickly inserted into the esophagus from the tongue through the root of the tongue. When it is determined

  • Indoor cultured plants absorb formaldehyde is good for health

    Indoor cultured plants absorb formaldehyde is good for health

    Plants are known as natural purifiers, which can not only embellish and beautify the environment, but also purify the air, so it is an effective way to purify the air indoors. The photosynthesis of plant leaves can inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen when the sun is sufficient, but not only exhale carbon dioxide, but also inhale oxygen at night.

  • Discerning pigeon disease with discerning eyes

    Discerning pigeon disease with discerning eyes

    Look at the poor mental state of sick pigeons, do not like activities, be alone from the group, eat or not eat, lose weight, loose feathers, eyes, breathing faster, wheezing or making abnormal sounds from the throat and trachea, drinking water or not feeding young pigeons. Pigeons with bird plague, paratyphoid, ophthalmitis, mycosis and vitamin A deficiency have red, swollen, inflamed eyes and increased secretions; conjunctival flushing and vasodilation in patients with conjunctivitis; conjunctival cyanosis (purplish blue) in patients with erysipelas or pneumonia; conjunctival pallor in anemia or malnutrition; organophosphorus
