
Indoor cultured plants absorb formaldehyde is good for health

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Plants are known as natural purifiers, which can not only embellish and beautify the environment, but also purify the air, so it is an effective way to purify the air indoors. The photosynthesis of plant leaves can inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen when the sun is sufficient, but not only exhale carbon dioxide, but also inhale oxygen at night.

Plants have the reputation of "natural purifier", which can not only decorate and beautify the environment, but also purify the air, so it is an effective way to purify the air indoors. Photosynthesis of plant leaves can inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen when there is plenty of sunlight, but not only exhale carbon dioxide but also inhale oxygen at night. But not all left and right plants compete with people for oxygen at night, and some flowers release oxygen at night. It is reported that scientists have paid for their lives, and there are more than 100 kinds of such flowers belonging to more than 300 species, including cactus, tiger skin orchid, tiger tail orchid, pineapple, tequila and so on.

Planting indoor plants is good for human health.

The scent of flowers can regulate the function of the central nervous system.

Indoor cultivated flowers and plants can emit a striking aroma, which comes from an aromatic oil produced by plants, whose chemical composition belongs to a kind of terpene. Flower fragrance through people's sense of smell, can adjust the central nervous system of the body, improve brain function, people smell fragrance, feel relaxed, refreshed. The green of plants can stimulate the cerebral cortex and eliminate fatigue.

Second, the elegance of flowers can regulate people's mood

Different flowers, together with natural stones, ornamental fish and birds, eliminate people's work and study tension and stimulate people's cognitive psychology and cognitive pleasure. At the same time, the green of plants stimulates the cerebral cortex and relaxes people's tension.

Third, it is conducive to treatment and physical and mental health.

The green of flowers and plants can not only absorb the ultraviolet rays harmful to the eyes in the sun, but also because of the weak reflection to the light, it is a soft and comfortable hue, which helps to eliminate nervous tension and visual fatigue. A good green environment can also adjust and improve various functions of the body through the action of various sensory organs and the central nervous system. Some plants can also dispel mosquitoes, kill bacteria and suppress poison.

Fourth, increase the concentration of indoor negative ions.

The vast majority of flowers and plants suitable for growing in rooms and offices, in addition to providing oxygen, can also increase the concentration of negative ions in the air, absorb harmful gases, and purify the air. In a wide variety of indoor flowers and plants, broad-leaved green flowers play the best role in increasing negative ion concentration. In the space with more air negative ions, it can not only play an indirect role in the treatment of neurasthenia, hypertension and heart disease, but also strengthen the sensitivity of thinking activities, and the indoor air is fresh and pleasant.

Plants with better effect of purifying air except formaldehyde

1. Flowers that purify formaldehyde

Under the condition of 24-hour lighting

A, aloe vera: can absorb 90% formaldehyde in 1m ³air, which is called the "killer" of formaldehyde removal.

B, tequila: can absorb 50% formaldehyde

C, tongue orchid: can absorb 86% formaldehyde and nitrogen peroxide gas.

2. Flowers that purify benzene

Ivy: also known as "hundred-legged centipede", can absorb 90% of benzene

B, tequila: can absorb 70% benzene

C. Tiannanxing: although it is a perennial poisonous herb, it can absorb 80% benzene and 50% trichloroethylene through leaves.

3. Flowers that purify carbon monoxide

Hanging orchid: can absorb 96% carbon monoxide.

However, due to the role of harmful gases after the death of residential flowers, except for a few, the vast majority of them are very small. In rooms with low concentration of pollution, plants and flowers can be used to purify the air; for rooms with moderate pollution, the purification effect is not satisfactory, even if the time is longer, the purification effect is not significant.

So growing plants indoors is a good thing, but it can not simply be used to remove pollutants, because plants can only play an auxiliary role in removing formaldehyde and other pollutants. Purifying indoor pollution is not a method can be done, it is best to use several methods together, must often open windows for ventilation, with the use of Mayan blue solids for adsorption, it is best to use liquids such as photocatalyst wood essential oil for better results.

What is the ranking of formaldehyde-absorbing plants?

Studies have shown that formaldehyde has a strong carcinogenic and carcinogenic effect. Formaldehyde has effects on abnormal sense of smell, stimulation, allergy, abnormal lung function, abnormal liver function and abnormal immune function. Do you want to know how we can reduce the harm of formaldehyde through plants? Today, the editor will introduce to you which vegetable oils absorb formaldehyde. . characteristics: the leaves are clustered, the sword leaves are just erect, the leaves are entire, and the surface is milky white, yellowish and dark green, showing transverse stripes. Common family potted varieties, resistant to drought, like warm sunshine, but also resistant to shade, avoid waterlogging. Efficacy: Tiger tail orchid is a formaldehyde-absorbing plant, which can absorb more than 80% of indoor harmful gases, and has a strong ability to absorb formaldehyde. . characteristics: easy to breed, strong adaptability, one of the most traditional indoor hanging plants. Its leaves are slender and soft, and small plants are drawn from the axils of the leaves, hanging from the basin, stretching and hanging, like flowers, evergreen all the year round. Efficacy: Cymbidium is also a plant that absorbs formaldehyde, it can absorb more than 70% of indoor harmful gases, and its ability to absorb formaldehyde is super. The general room raises 1 to 2 pots of orchid, the poisonous gas in the air can be absorbed completely, so the hanging orchid also has the laudatory name of "green purifier". . characteristics: Ivy is known as formaldehyde nemesis is the most ideal indoor and outdoor vertical greening variety, evergreen vines, branches thin and soft, its typical negative plant, can grow in full light environment, grow well in warm and humid climate, not hardy. Efficacy: Ivy is also a formaldehyde-absorbing plant, strong removal of formaldehyde, benzene. It can decompose two harmful substances, namely formaldehyde in carpets, insulating materials, plywood and xylene hidden in wallpaper. . characteristics: Fulang flower is a perennial herb of Compositae, also known as African chrysanthemum, with large diameter, rich colors and often blooming throughout the year. Like warm, sunny and well-ventilated environment, is a semi-cold-resistant flowers, like fertile, loose, humus-rich sandy loam. Efficacy: this plant is not only a formaldehyde-absorbing plant, but also has a strong ornamental, there are many varieties can be used for cut flowers. . chrysanthemums are also formaldehyde-absorbing plants. Chrysanthemums can decompose two harmful substances, namely, formaldehyde in carpets, insulation, plywood and xylene, which is harmful to the kidneys hidden in wallpaper. Not only that, it also has a strong ornamental, potted varieties or land flowers have a lot to choose from. In addition, its petals and rhizomes can also be used as medicine. . characteristics: aloe is a perennial evergreen succulent plant with short stem nodes, erect, thick, succulent, lanceolate leaves. Like warm, dry climate, cold resistance is not strong, not shade-resistant. Efficacy: it is not only a plant that absorbs formaldehyde, but also has strong medicinal value, such as sterilization and cosmetic effect. At present, many potted varieties have been developed, which have a strong ornamental property and can be used to decorate the house. . several pots of green plants are placed at home, which can not only be watched, but also absorb healthy and fresh air every day, which is beneficial to health and beautify the environment. That's all for today's introduction of formaldehyde-absorbing vegetable oils. Thank you for your appreciation. Wave decoration tells you: indoor hydroponic plants can purify the air and are beneficial to health. Home is the harbor in the depths of people's souls. No one wants their home to be lifeless and unhappy. Home is originally a place to relax and a good place to bathe the soul. Everyone wants their home to be vibrant, warm and harmonious. So how can you make your home full of vitality? You can raise some fish, flowers and so on. Simple and easy to raise. But the flowers have dirt, watering is afraid of soiling the house, what should I do? In fact, some indoor hydroponic plants can purify the air and are beneficial to health. 1. Indoor hydroponic plants are easy to maintain. Each plant needs five basic growth factors to grow healthily and luxuriantly. They are: light, air, suitable temperature, water and nutrients. Without any of them, the plant will soon wither and die, and no other ingredient can be remedied. The soilless cultivation plants themselves already have three factors: (1) Air: laying small granular ceramsite with good permeability in the plant roots can ensure the balanced air permeability of the plant roots. (2) moisture: the water demand of plants is set at the water level hole, and the container can maintain a certain amount of water reserve, so as to save the trouble of continuous watering. (3) nutrients: hydroponic plants are purchased with enough fertilizer to maintain plant growth, so they can live on their own for up to three months. (4) Light and appropriate temperature: only these two factors depend on external conditions. 2. Volatilize moisture and maintain air humidity. If the office can be greened to a large extent, you will no longer need artificial air conditioning. Large-area hydroponic plants are the most effective air conditioners and are conducive to the formation of ecologically beneficial air purification indoors. Cultivating hydroponic plants in large workspaces can significantly reduce the morbidity of staff. The dry air produced by ordinary air conditioners is harmful to people's respiratory tract, and after the introduction of green plants, the number of people who get sick can be reduced by about 40%. 3. Purify the air and be beneficial to health. Scientific studies have shown that plants can absorb and attach harmful gases to the leaf surface, especially the root system of hydroponic plants, which has stronger adsorption capacity. They can add harmful gases and dust to their metabolism and detoxify them when the substance changes. Because of their plant characteristics and ability to combine with minerals, hydroponic plants have a particularly good filtration effect on improving indoor air, including: (1) adsorption of obvious harmful substances: hydroponic plants absorb harmful substances mainly through their roots. Some plant species can remove up to 90% of formaldehyde, benzene or carbon monoxide from the house. (2) absorption of nicotine: it is now known which plants can best control which harmful substances. For example, green pineapple can clean the air very well in smoking houses, because its leaves and roots can obviously absorb and fix more nicotine. (3) absorption of formaldehyde: weeping banyan can also effectively absorb a large number of this toxic gas attached to its leaves, within 1-2 days, it can add 90% of the harmful substances to the metabolic process, resulting in sugar, energy and other clean natural substances. 4. Clean and hygienic, with few diseases and insect pests. Hydroponic plants relieve the trouble of finding soil and management when preparing all kinds of potted soil, and adapt to the characteristics of high efficiency and fast rhythm in modern society. 5. Beautify the environment and delight the mood. Hydroponic plants are elegant in style and highly ornamental. Hydroponic flowers can not only watch leaves, stems and flowers, but also appreciate the ever-changing roots, increasing the decoration of flowers. Can make use of flowers with thousands of changes in shape and color, with several kinds of flowers random configuration and layout, so as to achieve similar artistic effect of flower arrangement. Therefore, it is not easy to raise hydroponic plants to death. Species of hydroponic plants: green pineapple, taro, tortoise back bamboo, white palm, Anthurium andraeanum, Guangdong evergreen, aloe, rich bamboo, goose palm wood, copper money grass, water bamboo and so on.