
diagnosis Learn more about diagnosis

  • Diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of muskrat

    Diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of muskrat

    1, cold [diagnosis] depressed spirit, unwilling to move, appetite loss and even waste, often lying in the corner of the house. Severe runny nose, wheezing, elevated body temperature, wet and smelly coat, some lying motionless in the pool. [Treatment] Penicillin injection

    2020-11-08 breeding musk rat common disease diagnosis cold
  • Diagnosis of rabbit disease (ask a senior person to make a diagnosis)

    Diagnosis of rabbit disease (ask a senior person to make a diagnosis)

    Diagnosis of rabbit disease (ask a senior person to make a diagnosis)

  • The basic method and procedure of Chicken Disease diagnosis-Laboratory pathological diagnosis

    The basic method and procedure of Chicken Disease diagnosis-Laboratory pathological diagnosis

    The typical tissues and organs of sick and dead chickens were cut into 1.5~3mm × 5mm size, and the tissues were soaked in 10% formalin solution or 95% alcohol. The fixed sections were stained and the pathological changes were examined under microscope. Pathological examination in the diagnosis of poultry disease: chicken Marek's disease and avian leukemia check tumor; chicken infectious laryngotracheitis, chicken inclusion body hepatitis, fowlpox and so on; avian encephalomyelitis, chicken Marek's disease and other examination brain and myelopathy. Histopathological changes of some epidemic diseases in chicken diseases

  • Livestock and poultry diagnosis and treatment in the localization of care for farmers

    Livestock and poultry diagnosis and treatment in the localization of care for farmers

    To strengthen animal diagnosis and treatment functions, the Yunlin Branch of the Center for Animal Disease Diagnosis of National Taiwan University College of Health and Agriculture has added a laboratory and an autopsy room. Yesterday (8), an opening ceremony was held at the Huwei Hoeing Hall. Cai Gengyu, deputy director of the Department of Agriculture, and the National Taiwan University College of Health and Agriculture...

  • Differential diagnosis of the cause of stillbirth in sows by the shape of "stillbirth"

    Differential diagnosis of the cause of stillbirth in sows by the shape of

    Differential diagnosis of the cause of stillbirth in sows by the shape of "stillbirth"

  • Three elements of Chicken Disease diagnosis

    Three elements of Chicken Disease diagnosis

    Three elements of Chicken Disease diagnosis

  • Remote diagnosis and treatment of fish disease "hot in the upper layer and cold in the grass-roots level"

    Remote diagnosis and treatment of fish disease

    Remote diagnosis and treatment of fish disease "hot in the upper layer and cold in the grass-roots level"

  • Diagnosis and treatment of several common diseases causing porcine septicemia

    Diagnosis and treatment of several common diseases causing porcine septicemia

    In diagnosis and treatment, diseased pigs often show bleeding spots in the ear, neck, medial limbs, lower abdomen and other skin, first red then purple, then purple spots of septicemia and high temperature, which are often mistaken for plague and give up treatment, resulting in unnecessary losses caused by the death of a large number of live pigs. however, as long as careful diagnosis and treatment can reduce the loss. In the long-term veterinary clinic work, the author diagnosed and treated 3005 sick pigs, and the cure rate was 89%. The diagnosis and prevention methods are briefly described as follows. 1. 1.1 symptoms and diseases of porcine lung disease

  • Diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of tilapia

    Diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of tilapia

    Diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of tilapia

  • Basic methods for diagnosis of leprosy

    Basic methods for diagnosis of leprosy

    The main results are as follows: (1) General examination includes consultation, visual examination, palpation, auscultation, percussion and olfactory examination. (2) autopsy technique autopsy technique is a method of on-site diagnosis according to the pathological changes of the corpse based on the knowledge of pathological anatomy. Autopsy should be carried out as soon as possible after the death of raccoon dogs, and the changes of the corpse should not affect the diagnosis. Autopsy is best carried out in the pathology room of the animal farm. If there are no conditions, it is necessary to perform the autopsy outdoors. Places where the terrain is dry and away from water, roads and houses should be selected and properly handled after the autopsy.

  • Diagnosis and method of common diseases in black-bone fowl

    Diagnosis and method of common diseases in black-bone fowl

    1. Newcastle disease (chicken plague) [diagnosis] diseased chickens are lethargic, loss of appetite, elevated body temperature, tremor, backward head, reverse angle bow, circular movement and so on. Dyspnea, drooping wings, green feces, died after 2-3 days, the mortality rate was high. [treatment] at the age of 7-8 days, the chicks were given Newcastle disease Ⅱ vaccine by nose or eyes, once again at 28 days old, and then injected intramuscularly with Newcastle disease Ⅰ vaccine at 50-60 days old. In case of sudden onset, Newcastle disease Ⅰ should be used immediately.

  • Diagnosis and feeding methods of Common Diseases in Black-bone Chicken

    Diagnosis and feeding methods of Common Diseases in Black-bone Chicken

    1. Newcastle disease (chicken plague) [diagnosis] diseased chickens are lethargic, loss of appetite, elevated body temperature, tremor, backward head, reverse angle bow, circular movement and so on. Dyspnea, drooping wings, green feces, died after 2-3 days, the mortality rate was high. [treatment] at the age of 7-8 days, the chicks were given Newcastle disease Ⅱ vaccine by nose or eyes, once again at 28 days old, and then injected intramuscularly with Newcastle disease Ⅰ vaccine at 50-60 days old. If the attack is sudden, the Ⅰ vaccine of Newcastle disease should be injected intramuscularly immediately.

  • Clinical diagnosis, prevention and treatment of porcine mycoplasma pneumonia (porcine asthma)

    Clinical diagnosis, prevention and treatment of porcine mycoplasma pneumonia (porcine asthma)

    Clinical diagnosis, prevention and treatment of porcine mycoplasma pneumonia (porcine asthma)

  • What is the difference between a licensed veterinarian and a licensed assistant veterinarian, official veterinarian or village veterinarian?

    What is the difference between a licensed veterinarian and a licensed assistant veterinarian, official veterinarian or village veterinarian?

    After registration, licensed veterinarians can issue prescriptions, fill in diagnosis certificates, issue relevant certification documents, and carry out business activities such as animal disease diagnosis, treatment and animal health care; licensed assistant veterinarians cannot register, but can only file, and cannot issue prescriptions or fill in certificates.

    2020-11-11 practice veterinary physician and assistant official veterinarian village
  • Development Prospect of Veterinary Drug Management Enterprises

    Development Prospect of Veterinary Drug Management Enterprises

    The degree of scale of the breeding farm is improved, and the proportion of self-collecting medicine is increasing. Veterinary drug management enterprises are mainly faced with small farms, which have more business in the past few years. In recent years, large-scale livestock and poultry farming has developed rapidly, and large-scale farms purchase directly from veterinary drug production enterprises.

    2016-01-10 Veterinary drugs management enterprises development prospects farms scale
  • Diagnosis and treatment of Fox Eperythrozoonosis

    Diagnosis and treatment of Fox Eperythrozoonosis

    Fox eperythrozoonosis is an infectious disease caused by eperythrozoon attached to the surface of fox red blood cells and dissociated in plasma. In July 2003, a fox with elevated body temperature, dyspnea and nosebleed was found in a breeding park in a certain city. The disease was diagnosed as fox eperythrozoonosis by on-site clinical symptom observation, pathological examination and laboratory diagnosis. The diagnosis and treatment are introduced as follows. 1 the incidence of the disease was found in 2 households specialized in fox farming in a city's breeding park on July 2, 2003.

  • Diagnosis and treatment of pigeon disease

    Diagnosis and treatment of pigeon disease

    The purpose of pigeon disease diagnosis is to recognize the disease as soon as possible so as to take timely and effective prevention and treatment measures. Diagnosis is the forerunner of prevention and control work, only timely and correct diagnosis, prevention and treatment work can be targeted and achieve remarkable results. Otherwise, it will often act blindly, delay the opportunity and bring great economic losses to the pigeon industry. According to the occurrence and development of pigeon disease and the physiological characteristics of birds, the clinical diagnosis of pigeon disease includes three aspects: investigation of epidemic characteristics, observation of pigeon flock and individual symptoms and pathological anatomy. I. popular characteristics and individual

  • Diagnosis and treatment of Bovine viral diarrhea with High risk Infectious Diseases

    Diagnosis and treatment of Bovine viral diarrhea with High risk Infectious Diseases

    Diagnosis and treatment of Bovine viral diarrhea with High risk Infectious Diseases

  • Clinical diagnosis and treatment of common reproductive disorders in small and medium-sized pig farms (1)

    Clinical diagnosis and treatment of common reproductive disorders in small and medium-sized pig farms (1)

    Clinical diagnosis and treatment of common reproductive disorders in small and medium-sized pig farms (1)

  • Diagnosis method of flower pest

    Diagnosis method of flower pest

    Diagnosis method of flower pest
