
chalk Learn more about chalk

  • Prevention and treatment of honeybee chalk disease

    Prevention and treatment of honeybee chalk disease

    Change the box and replace the spleen: remove all the diseased spleen and pink honey spleen in the disease group, replace the nest spleen and then disinfect completely. Drug treatment: nystatin should be fed in time after changing the box and spleen, or choose raw and old garlic to peel, mash and mix with water, place it on the floor of the hive and let the bees lick it.

    2020-11-08 Bee chalk disease prevention trick summary change of box change of spleen except
  • The professional stone flower fairy is not expensive to play succulent meat.

    The professional stone flower fairy is not expensive to play succulent meat.

    Thanks to the material gods of xiaoyi163 and timing, basically because it is a large area of the shed to beat around and plant a random stab, which is like a player such a single piece and a single piece of chalk that is really good will not be sold to you! The price is not cheap. ...

  • Feed formula for fattening sheep

    Feed formula for fattening sheep

    Feed formula for fattening sheep

  • The art of life is everywhere.

    The art of life is everywhere.

    Walking on the streets of California, you may be attracted by these strange shadows on the ground, "what is this, where is the shadow, they don't look like this." Well, don't worry, you're not the only one fooled by them. After all, it's not.

  • What to do about planting flowers and trees withering

    What to do about planting flowers and trees withering

    What if the peanut seedlings are rotten? How do peanuts rot from emergence to harvest? A: after the emergence of peanuts, it was found that root wilt was caused by two causes: nematode, bacterial wilt and chalk syndrome.? Peanut nematode disease. Symptoms: first invade from the root tip, causing the main root to expand into a spindle shape

  • Secret of raising chickens: the ingenious use of gypsum powder in native chicken breeding

    Secret of raising chickens: the ingenious use of gypsum powder in native chicken breeding

    When it comes to plaster, we first think of building plaster, such as plaster sculpture, chalk and so on. In fact, there are many kinds of gypsum, there are construction, chemical industry.

  • How much is quicklime per ton? How to correctly use quicklime for disinfection in aquaculture?

    How much is quicklime per ton? How to correctly use quicklime for disinfection in aquaculture?

    Quicklime, mainly composed of calcium oxide, all natural rocks with calcium carbonate as the main composition, such as limestone, chalk, dolomitic limestone, etc., can be used to produce lime. How much is the quicklime per ton? How to use quicklime correctly in aquiculture

    2020-11-11 Quicklime price probably more less money one ton breeding how
  • Mousse, potted desserts. Turns out teachers are foodies, too.

    Mousse, potted desserts. Turns out teachers are foodies, too.

    Teachers are "engineers of the human soul" Three feet platform to cultivate peaches and plums, a chalk to write spring and autumn When teachers walk down the platform to start baking and what kind of situation? Recently, the school union held the first phase in the faculty activity center of the East Family District.

  • A New technique for artificial cultivation of Morchella growing Environment of Morchella

    A New technique for artificial cultivation of Morchella growing Environment of Morchella

    As one of the rare and nutritious fungi, Morchella is in great demand in the market, and pregnant women, the elderly and children can all eat it. Therefore, it is also very popular in the field of biological cultivation. The artificial cultivation technology of Morchella is simple, easy to operate and put into operation.

    2020-11-08 Sheep tripe bacteria artificial cultivation new technology growth environment sheep tripe
  • How to sow and reproduce of Compositae

    How to sow and reproduce of Compositae

    Bee cod, also known as Donghua, Dudong, so how to grow and breed bees? What's the impact? Pests and their prevention and treatment? According to this information, a bee-eater is a plant that likes a cool environment and needs some air moisture. When choosing soil, you should choose loose and fertile soil and be careful not to be too dry

  • Three techniques of peeling bonsai with tree stump

    Three techniques of peeling bonsai with tree stump

    The trunks of bonsai trees are mostly ancient, old, sick and disabled to show their "vigorous character" after a long time of vicissitudes, while the images of some bonsai trees show the characteristics of being young, tender, smooth and slippery. The peeling technique of tree stump bonsai is precisely based on the conditions of the trunk itself and reconstructed by artificial art to make the trunk image meet the requirements of bonsai art modeling and achieve the purpose of enriching various texture levels of tree trunks. Now let's introduce three techniques of peeling. Spin and peel. Part of the trunk goes from bottom to bottom.

  • Calcium feed for laying hens

    Calcium feed for laying hens

    Calcium feed for laying hens

  • Six pieces of fish feed formula

    Six pieces of fish feed formula

    1. Suitable for raising tilapia in running water and cage: 20% grass meal, 30% fish meal, 20% bean cake, 20% corn gluten meal, 20% rice sugar, 10% wheat bran, 5.5% corn flour, 1% bone meal, 0.5% salt and vitamins. two。 Suitable for grass carp: sweet potato rattan meal 45%, bean cake 13%, rice sugar 15%, wheat bran 12%, fish meal 3%, corn flour 10%, bone meal 1.5%, salt 0.5%. 3. Suitable for silver carp and grass carp: straw

  • Goat breeding technology

    Goat breeding technology

    Goat breeding technology

  • Feeding environment of horned frog

    Feeding environment of horned frog

    Feeding environment of horned frog

  • Feed formula for 9 kinds of fish

    Feed formula for 9 kinds of fish

    1. Suitable for grass carp or silver carp rice straw meal 70%, bean cake 15%, cotton cake 10%, corn flour 5%, plus bone meal 1%, salt 0.5%, vitamin amount. two。 It is suitable for raising grass carp and soybean straw, or peanut vine 60%, bean cake 15%, rapeseed cake (or cottonseed cake) 10%, corn flour 10%, fish meal 5%, clam shell meal (or bone meal) 1%, salt 0.5%. 3. Suitable for grass carp thousand green grass powder (or peanut vine, sweet potato vine) 45%, bean cake 15%, rice bran 15%, wheat bran 1.

  • Several kinds of fish feed formula

    Several kinds of fish feed formula

    Suitable for grass carp or silver carp rice straw meal 70%, bean cake 15%, cotton cake 10%, corn flour 5%, plus bone meal 1%, salt 0.5%, vitamin amount. Second, it is suitable for raising grass carp, soybean straw, or peanut vine in cage, 15% of bean cake, 10% of rapeseed cake (or cottonseed cake), 10% of corn flour, 5% of fish meal, 1% of clam shell meal (or bone meal) and 0.5% of salt. Third, suitable for grass carp dried grass powder (or peanut vine, sweet potato vine) 45%, bean cake

  • Feed formula for nine kinds of fish

    Feed formula for nine kinds of fish

    1. Suitable for grass carp or silver carp rice straw meal 70%, bean cake 15%, cotton cake 10%, corn flour 5%, plus bone meal 1%, salt 0.5%, vitamin amount. two。 It is suitable for raising grass carp and soybean straw, or peanut vine 60%, bean cake 15%, rapeseed cake (or cottonseed cake) 10%, corn flour 10%, fish meal 5%, clam shell meal (or bone meal) 1%, salt 0.5%. 3. Suitable for grass carp thousand green grass powder (or peanut vine, sweet potato vine) 45%, bean cake 15%, rice bran 15%, wheat bran 10%

  • The formula of nine kinds of fish feed

    The formula of nine kinds of fish feed

    1. Suitable for grass carp or silver carp rice straw meal 70%, bean cake 15%, cotton cake 10%, corn flour 5%, plus bone meal 1%, salt 0.5%, vitamin amount. two。 It is suitable for raising grass carp and soybean straw, or peanut vine 60%, bean cake 15%, rapeseed cake (or cottonseed cake) 10%, corn flour 10%, fish meal 5%, clam shell meal (or bone meal) 1%, salt 0.5%. 3. Suitable for grass carp thousand green grass powder (or peanut vine, sweet potato vine) 45%, bean cake 15

  • Can Morchella be planted in Guangdong?

    Can Morchella be planted in Guangdong?

    Morchella is a fungus shaped like sheep tripe, which is of high edible value. It is generally cultivated in the wild, and it is suitable for both men and women, old and young. At present, some areas are also under artificial cultivation. Can Morchella be planted in Guangdong? Morchella can be grown in Guangdong, but at present I

    2020-11-08 Sheep tripe fungus Guangdong can be planted moth sheep tripe yes extra species