
bred Learn more about bred

  • Anhui released 280 artificially bred Chinese alligators! What level of protection are they? Can I eat it?

    Anhui released 280 artificially bred Chinese alligators! What level of protection are they? Can I eat it?

    Alligator sinensis is one of the smallest crocodile species in the world and is farmed in many areas. Recently, Anhui released 280 artificially bred Chinese alligators! Do you know what level of protection these Chinese alligators are? Can I eat it? I. Anhui released 280 people

    2020-11-11 Anhui released 280 artificial breeding Yangtze crocodile they yes
  • Selection of artificial breeding King transfer worms in Bee Culture Technology

    Selection of artificial breeding King transfer worms in Bee Culture Technology

    In addition to the close relationship between queen bee weight and egg weight and queen bee quality, all factors in the process of artificial rearing have a great influence on queen bee quality.

  • South Korean scientists have bred "biochemical pigs" to produce therapeutic agents for cerebral thrombosis.

    South Korean scientists have bred

    South Korean scientists have successfully developed a biochemical pig (biopig) that produces a therapeutic agent for cerebral thrombosis (cerebral hemorrhage) through urine. South Korea's Rural Revitalization Agency said a few days ago: "the gene for the treatment of cerebral thrombosis (TPA) was injected into the fertilized eggs of pigs and successfully bred four pigs whose therapeutic substances can be excreted through milk and urine." South Korea has become the second country in the world after the United States to produce animals that can be genetically modified to treat cerebral thrombosis. The United States adopted transgenic technology in 1997.

  • Chinese scientists have bred miniature pigs

    Chinese scientists have bred miniature pigs

    Chinese scientists have bred miniature pigs

  • Weaning time of young rabbits bred in winter

    Weaning time of young rabbits bred in winter

    Weaning time of young rabbits bred in winter

  • China's first batch of transgenic cloned cattle successfully bred their offspring in Beijing

    China's first batch of transgenic cloned cattle successfully bred their offspring in Beijing

    China's first batch of transgenic cloned cattle successfully bred their offspring in Beijing

  • The annual yield of cucumber bred by Shanghai Jiaotong University is 16000 kg per mu.

    The annual yield of cucumber bred by Shanghai Jiaotong University is 16000 kg per mu.

    The annual yield of cucumber bred by Shanghai Jiaotong University is 16000 kg per mu.

  • Grazing and feeding techniques of bred cattle

    Grazing and feeding techniques of bred cattle

    Grazing and feeding techniques of bred cattle

  • Jiangsu bred Japonica Rice with Disease and insect Resistance

    Jiangsu bred Japonica Rice with Disease and insect Resistance

    A breakthrough was made in the breeding of new japonica rice varieties with multi-resistance, high yield and high quality in cooperation between Bokun Agricultural Research Institute of Yixing City, Jiangsu Province and China Rice Research Institute. 4701, 4714 and other new high-yield and high-quality japonica rice lines resistant to brown planthopper, rice blast and other diseases and insect pests were successfully bred. It is reported that the new japonica rice lines with high yield and high quality aggregated the genes of resistance to brown planthopper, white-backed planthopper, rice blast and stripe blight, as well as high yield and high quality specific genes. The results showed that these new high quality japonica rice lines were resistant to brown planthopper,

  • A New strain of High quality Japonica Rice was bred in Yixing, Jiangsu Province

    A New strain of High quality Japonica Rice was bred in Yixing, Jiangsu Province

    The author recently learned from the Bokun Agricultural Research Institute in Yixing City, Jiangsu Province that the "breeding of new japonica rice varieties with multi-resistance, high yield and high quality" carried out by the institute in cooperation with the National Rice improvement Center of the China Rice Research Institute has made a breakthrough. 4701, 4714 and other new high-yield and high-quality japonica rice lines resistant to brown planthopper, rice blast and other diseases and insect pests were successfully bred. It is reported that the new japonica rice lines with high yield and high quality have aggregated genes for resistance to brown planthopper, white-backed planthopper, rice blast and stripe blight, as well as high yield and high quality.

  • A pumpkin king who weighs 130 jin is bred by 12 yuan a seed.

    A pumpkin king who weighs 130 jin is bred by 12 yuan a seed.

    A pumpkin king who weighs 130 jin is bred by 12 yuan a seed.

  • Potato variety selection

    Potato variety selection

    The selection of excellent varieties is the basic condition for the cultivation of high quality, high yield and high efficiency of potato. In addition to high yield, high quality, good adaptability, disease and insect resistance and stress resistance, excellent potato varieties have their own according to the requirements of the market and the special uses of the varieties.

    2020-11-27 Potato variety selection excellent variety yes potato
  • Is it good to breed boar?

    Is it good to breed boar?

    About g boar is also called big white pig. In the 20th century, this kind of pig breed has been introduced into our country. About g boar can be bred, but good breeding pigs need to be selected from them for breeding. Usually, people will select about g boar several times in advance.

    2020-11-08 Big Yorkie boar breeding okay big again
  • Zhangjiakou Academy of Agricultural Sciences bred a new naked oat variety "Baguang 18"

    Zhangjiakou Academy of Agricultural Sciences bred a new naked oat variety

    Zhangjiakou Academy of Agricultural Sciences bred a new naked oat variety "Baguang 18"

  • 14 new cotton varieties resistant to Verticillium wilt were bred

    14 new cotton varieties resistant to Verticillium wilt were bred

    14 new cotton varieties resistant to Verticillium wilt were bred

  • Is crocodile a protected animal?

    Is crocodile a protected animal?

    Is crocodile a protected animal?

  • Hainan has successfully bred glutinous rice with high yield and good quality.

    Hainan has successfully bred glutinous rice with high yield and good quality.

    Hainan Academy of Agricultural Sciences has successfully bred a glutinous rice "Haifengnuo No. 1" with better quality than Li traditional mountain orchid rice. This variety has the advantages of high yield, disease resistance, cold tolerance, lodging resistance and good waxy. The average yield per mu is 4 times that of Shanlan rice. Mountain orchid rice, also known as "mountain blocking rice", refers to a kind of dry glutinous rice planted by Hainan Li compatriots who cut down a piece of open land on the mountain, which is suitable for making wine. Shanlan wine is called the champagne of the Li nationality. Therefore, Shanlan rice is the favorite traditional crop of the Li nationality. Agricultural Department of Hainan Province

  • New varieties of grain and cash crops were bred in China during the 12th five-year Plan period.

    New varieties of grain and cash crops were bred in China during the 12th five-year Plan period.

    In recent years, important breakthroughs have been made in independent innovation of crop varieties and tackling key problems in production technology. more than 370 new varieties of grain and cash crops have been bred during the 12th five-year Plan period, forming a number of original and major achievements, laying the foundation for ten consecutive increases in grain output. This is a reporter.

    2016-03-20 During the Twelfth five-year Plan period China breeding grain and in recent years
  • How old can Sutai sows be bred?

    How old can Sutai sows be bred?

    Sutai sows can be mated for the first time when they are about 6-7 months old, when their body weight is about 70kg, Sutai sows have about 20 days of estrus and the duration of one estrus is about 4 days. When the new Sutai sow is breeding

    2020-11-08 Su Tai sow how big can mating summary long
  • After 6 years of carefully bred rice, high quality varieties were finally obtained.

    After 6 years of carefully bred rice, high quality varieties were finally obtained.

    One kilogram of rice sold at a high price of HK $188. The reporter learned from the summary meeting of agricultural and forestry crop breeding in the province yesterday that this is the sales record set by Ezhong No. 5 rice cultivated in our province. The No. 5 rice in Ezhong is the crystallization of the selection and breeding of scientific and technological personnel in our province for 6 years. According to reports, he Shengqiu of the Rural Science and Technology Department of the Provincial Science and Technology Department felt that the rice was very delicious when he visited abroad in 1998, so he brought back 107 rice and handed them over to Chen Yiyi, a researcher at the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Chen Yiyi is like a treasure.
