
Anhui released 280 artificially bred Chinese alligators! What level of protection are they? Can I eat it?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Alligator sinensis is one of the smallest crocodile species in the world and is farmed in many areas. Recently, Anhui released 280 artificially bred Chinese alligators! Do you know what level of protection these Chinese alligators are? Can I eat it? I. Anhui released 280 people

Alligator sinensis is one of the smallest crocodile species in the world and is farmed in many areas. Recently, Anhui released 280 artificially bred Chinese alligators! Do you know what level of protection these Chinese alligators are? Can I eat it?

I. Anhui released 280 artificially bred Chinese alligators!

In the early years, China established Chinese alligator nature reserves and artificial farms in Anhui, Zhejiang and other places to ensure the continuation of the species. On May 20, the 16th Chinese alligator field return activity was launched in Liuchong Datang, the core area of Shuangkeng District, Jingxian National Nature Reserve, Anhui Province. This year, 280 artificially bred Chinese alligators will be released in five counties (urban areas) in the reserve, the largest release in years.

In this regard, Anhui Chinese alligator national nature reserve administration deputy director Sun Siqing introduced, The released crocodile is through DNA genetic background analysis, From 320 candidate alligators selected, Ensure the genetic diversity of the released crocodile. According to scientific monitoring needs, the researchers also wore satellite trackers for 30 of them. Since 2003, Anhui Alligator National Nature Reserve has released a total of 508 artificially bred Chinese alligators.

2. What level of protected animal is Chinese alligator?

China has listed Chinese alligators as first-class protected animals and forbids hunting.

In 1973, the United Nations listed it as an endangered species and a banned species, and it is a critically endangered species in the World Conservation Union.

3. Can artificially bred Chinese alligators be eaten?

Whether artificially bred or wild Chinese alligators are not edible! In addition, legislation on wildlife is gradually being carried out everywhere, so it is not possible to sue for killing or eating.

In addition, it is stipulated in China's Criminal Law that anyone who illegally hunts or kills precious or endangered wildlife under special state protection, or illegally purchases, transports or sells precious or endangered wildlife and their products under special state protection shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention and shall also be fined; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than 10 years and shall also be fined; if the circumstances are especially serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years and shall also be fined or confiscated of property.

In addition, although Chinese alligators are small in size, they are fierce animals after all, so they cannot enter wild reserves and breeding bases at will, so as not to encounter danger.