
Zhangjiakou Academy of Agricultural Sciences bred a new naked oat variety "Baguang 18"

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Zhangjiakou Academy of Agricultural Sciences bred a new naked oat variety "Baguang 18"

A few days ago, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province held an on-site observation meeting of the new naked oat variety "Bazu 18" in Kangbao County. More than 40 experts from the national oat industry technology system and more than 150 technicians from the main producing areas of naked oats in Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Gansu and other provinces and regions attended the on-the-spot meeting.

The site will be held in the 2000 mu modern naked oat production base planted in the original seed farm of Kangbao County, where all the new high-quality and high-yield naked oat varieties "Bashi 18" have been successfully cultivated by the Municipal Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The growth of this variety is very gratifying and has been well received by the experts at the meeting.

It is understood that "Bazheng 18" has the characteristics of high yield and high quality, drought and barren resistance, disease resistance and lodging resistance, salt and alkali tolerance, golden grain, sturdy straw, large ear and grain weight, and high β-glucan content. it is an ideal variety for processing oatmeal and oat rice. In 2014, it set a world record for naked oats with a yield of 437.72 kg per mu in Kangbao County. Zhao Caifen, Song Weigen, Ren Quanjun