
available in April Learn more about available in April

  • Chaozhou longan is precocious and available in April.

    Chaozhou longan is precocious and available in April.

    General longan production season is about July, Chaozhou fruit growers you Shuibin and Xu Yifeng, using production date adjustment technology, just let longan bear fruit in April, and several longan are fruitful, taste and sweetness are not reduced, these two days have been harvested, the price is estimated at 100 yuan per jin.

  • When should spring corn be sown? How long can it sprout after sowing? When do you apply fertilizer? How to fertilize? (with sowing time in different places)

    When should spring corn be sown? How long can it sprout after sowing? When do you apply fertilizer? How to fertilize? (with sowing time in different places)

    Every April, most parts of our country begin to sow corn, but due to local climatic factors, we still need to master certain techniques if we want to plant corn well. when will spring corn be sown? How long can it sprout after sowing? When do you apply fertilizer? How to apply fertilizer

    2020-11-09 Spring corn when sow good after how long can sprout
  • The most complete summary of the best time for corn sowing and fertilization demand in 2017

    The most complete summary of the best time for corn sowing and fertilization demand in 2017

    Spring corn has the advantages of early sowing, high yield and good economic benefit. However, due to early sowing, the ground temperature is often low and unstable, which is easy to cause rotten seeds. In order to ensure that the spring corn seedlings are uniform, uniform and strong, and to achieve the goal of high yield and high efficiency, today we are going to learn the sowing techniques of spring corn.

    2020-11-09 2017 corn sowing best time and fertilization demand spring
  • Technical points of garlic safety production

    Technical points of garlic safety production

    First, parcel selection. Choose loam or light clay loam for planting. Second, the appropriate time for early sowing. The suitable sowing time for garlic is September 25-30. Third, choose to grow garlic. Choose the garlic produced in the same year as a kind of garlic and store it under natural conditions. Plant garlic cloves 4 to 6 grams. Fourth, rational application of base fertilizer. The soil nutrient content reached 110.53 μ g / g of available nitrogen, 60.22 μ g / g of available phosphorus, 136.77 μ g / g of available potassium, 8.41 μ g / g of available sulfur and 0.85ug / g of available boron, respectively.

  • How does Yuqian spread its seeds in the past few months?

    How does Yuqian spread its seeds in the past few months?

    Yuqian is available every year from March to April, and this period is its flowering period. Yuqian is a kind of wild vegetable that people like very much. In spring, elm trees grow leaves first, and then blossom, and the fruit is called Yuqian, which is as round as a coin.

    2020-11-08 Yu Qian a few months have yes how spread seed abstract
  • What kind of fertilizer is applied to loquat trees

    What kind of fertilizer is applied to loquat trees

    Just planted in the year, apply relatively dilute organic fertilizer once a month. From the second year, organic fertilizer and an appropriate amount of available nitrogen fertilizer were applied before shoot germination; before flowering, organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer were applied, nitrogen and potassium accounted for 50% of the total fertilizer, phosphorus accounted for 40%; fruit expansion period

    2020-11-09 Loquat Shushi what fertilizer just planted that year every month
  • Raised a herd of cattle in Changping for a cup of ice cream

    Raised a herd of cattle in Changping for a cup of ice cream

    Raised a herd of cattle in Changping for a cup of ice cream

  • Cultivation techniques of plum trees

    Cultivation techniques of plum trees

    Cultivation techniques of plum trees

  • Cultivation techniques of Yuanling jujube Xin 1 and Xin 2

    Cultivation techniques of Yuanling jujube Xin 1 and Xin 2

    Yuanling jujube is the main dried variety in Chiping County, Shandong Province. In 2003, we introduced Yuanling jujube No. 1 and Yuanling jujube No. 2 selected from common Yuanling jujube from Shandong Fruit Tree Research Institute for cultivation experiment. 1 the basic situation of the experimental garden is 5.3hm2, flat terrain, sandy loam, deep soil layer, soil pH value of 7.2, organic matter content of 1.11%, alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen 53mg/kg, available phosphorus 13.9mg/kg, available phosphorus 79mg/kg. Experimental garden

  • Cotton pre-sowing preparation

    Cotton pre-sowing preparation

    First, soil preparation and fertilization: on the basis of ploughing and freezing in winter, base fertilizer is applied in spring, with 3 cubic meters of commonly effective organic manure and 30 kg of available ternary compound fertilizer per mu, and then ploughed, raked and leveled. After rain, it is necessary to rake again to absorb and preserve soil moisture, and enough moisture to be planted. Second, seed preparation: (1) Variety selection. Disease-resistant and insect-resistant hybrid cotton varieties are selected, such as Yuza 35, Zhongmian 47, Zhongmian 48 and so on. (2) seed selection. Select the seeds with high purity, full grains, maturity and high germination rate. (3) seed drying.

  • Fertilization time and method of Waxberry

    Fertilization time and method of Waxberry

    The base fertilizer of red bayberry is applied from September to October in autumn, the base fertilizer is beneficial to promote root growth, the sprouting fertilizer can be applied from March to April next year, which helps to promote axillary bud germination and branch and leaf growth, and the application of strong fruit fertilizer in the middle and upper period of April is beneficial to promote summer shoot growth and fruit development.

    2020-11-08 Myrica rubra fertilization time and method abstract bayberry Yang Mei
  • How much does it cost to grow Houttuynia cordata? What planting techniques are available?

    How much does it cost to grow Houttuynia cordata? What planting techniques are available?

    Houttuynia cordata used to be one of the weeds that can be seen everywhere in rural areas, but now people begin to pay attention to health preservation and health care, resulting in Houttuynia cordata becoming very precious. Some people even start to plant fishy fish specially. How much is the cost of planting Houttuynia cordata? What planting techniques are available?

    2020-11-08 fishy grass planting cost yes how much have which technology
  • Planting and propagation methods and cultivation management of aquatic canna

    Planting and propagation methods and cultivation management of aquatic canna

    Plant name: aquatic canna, scientific name: Cannaglauca, alias: Florida canna. Aquatic canna is a large perennial herb. Strong nature, strong adaptability, like light, afraid of strong wind, suitable for growing in wet and shallow water

  • Technical regulations for GAP cultivation of Jiuhua Polygonatum

    Technical regulations for GAP cultivation of Jiuhua Polygonatum

    Technical rules for GAP cultivation of Polygonatum polygonatum in Jiuhua Polygonatum is a perennial herb of Liliaceae, which has the functions of tonifying qi and nourishing yin, invigorating spleen, moistening lung, tonifying kidney and so on. Modern medical research believes that Rhizoma Polygonatum has anti-aging, enhance immunity, anti -.

  • Cultivation techniques of Virgin Fruit of small Tomato

    Cultivation techniques of Virgin Fruit of small Tomato

    1. In the northern part of the cultivation season, the seeds were sown from mid-September to early January of the following year, and harvested from the end of December to the middle of May of the following year; in the southern region, the seeds were sown from late August to mid-December and harvested from late November to April of the following year. Second, variety selection of disease resistance, heat resistance, high quality, high yield, resistance to storage and transportation, commerciality.

  • When will fresh lotus seeds be available? How much is the market price per jin? How do you eat it?

    When will fresh lotus seeds be available? How much is the market price per jin? How do you eat it?

    Lotus seeds, also known as lotus root, lotus food, lotus meat, etc., are the fruits of lotus plants of the family Nymphaeaceae. They generally begin to mature and appear on the market around August, and the price is small and expensive. One can reach about 2 yuan. Often eating lotus seeds can remove heat, clear the heart, etc., so it is very popular. When is the fresh lotus seed?

    2020-11-09 Fresh lotus seed when have market price more less money
  • New cultivation techniques of Potato with High efficiency and non-pollution

    New cultivation techniques of Potato with High efficiency and non-pollution

    The high-efficiency and pollution-free cultivation technology of potato has the most significant effect on the gentle slope of red soil hilly land, which can mature more than 15 days earlier than the potato cultivated by common methods in the same period, save fertilizer by 30%, save labor by 2-3, save cost by more than 40%, increase production by 150%, and increase the rate of large potatoes by 30%, 40%, 667 square meters and more than 700 yuan. First, select improved varieties: early and middle maturity varieties with high quality, high yield and strong resistance should be selected, and virus-free varieties are better. The varieties available are

  • Planting and Management of Salvia miltiorrhiza

    Planting and Management of Salvia miltiorrhiza

    The methods of root propagation, cutting propagation and seed propagation can be used to plant Salvia miltiorrhiza. Among them, split-root propagation is mostly used in Sichuan, cutting propagation is mostly used in North China, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and seed propagation is available in most areas. In general, cultivated Salvia miltiorrhiza needs

    2020-11-09 Salvia miltiorrhiza of planting and management salvia miltiorrhiza yes picking
  • When is the vine sweet potato planted? When will it be available? How much is a kilo? How?

    When is the vine sweet potato planted? When will it be available? How much is a kilo? How?

    Ipomoea batatas, also known as soil melon, sweet potato, radish fruit, potato, potato, etc., is a common herbaceous vine in China. It is widely cultivated because of its rich nutrition and high yield like sweet potato.

  • Schisandra chinensis can be interplanted with scallion or Schisandra chinensis seedlings under full light conditions.

    Schisandra chinensis can be interplanted with scallion or Schisandra chinensis seedlings under full light conditions.

    In order to make full use of the land between the rows of cultivated Schisandra chinensis, interplanting spring onions or seedlings of Schisandra chinensis before 4-year-old fruit can receive certain economic benefits to supplement the cost of cultivating Schisandra chinensis. 1. Plan 1. Cultivated Schisandra chinensis has a row spacing of 1.5m and a plant spacing of 0.5m. The available land area per mu (667m2) of Schisandra chinensis orchard is as follows: per mu (667m2), according to the estimate of 33m long side and 20m short side (660m2), the row spacing is 1.5m, 22 rows can be planned, each length is 20m;
