
Technical regulations for GAP cultivation of Jiuhua Polygonatum

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Technical rules for GAP cultivation of Polygonatum polygonatum in Jiuhua Polygonatum is a perennial herb of Liliaceae, which has the functions of tonifying qi and nourishing yin, invigorating spleen, moistening lung, tonifying kidney and so on. Modern medical research believes that Rhizoma Polygonatum has anti-aging, enhance immunity, anti -.

Technical regulations for GAP cultivation of Jiuhua Polygonatum

Polygonatum polygonatum is a perennial herb of Liliaceae, which has the functions of tonifying qi and nourishing yin, invigorating spleen, moistening lung, tonifying kidney and so on. Modern medical research believes that Rhizoma Polygonatum has the effects of anti-aging, enhancing immunity, anti-tumor and reducing the three highs. The legend of Jiuhuashan that "Polygonatum was eaten by Polygonatum and turned into a Buddha at the age of 99" makes the medicinal and health care value of Polygonatum even more mysterious. With the in-depth study of Jiuhua Polygonatum, the continuous development and utilization of its nutritional value and medicinal efficacy has been gradually accepted by the majority of consumers, so there is "Changbai ginseng in the north and Jiuhua Polygonatum in the south". In 2015, Jiuhua Huangjing was recognized as the first batch of forest ecological products by the China Forestry Industry Federation; in 2016, Jiuhua Polygonatum was named as "National Geographic indication Protection Product" by the State Administration of quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine. Anhui Provincial Administration of traditional Chinese Medicine identified Jiuhua Huangjing as one of the top ten Anhui medicines. In 2017, Jiuhua Huangjing was awarded the "Geographic indication of Agricultural products" by the Ministry of Agriculture of the people's Republic of China. With people's attention to health and the continuous development of tourism economy in Jiuhua Mountain, natural Polygonatum polygonatum resources have been far from meeting the market demand. Large-scale and standardized artificial cultivation of Polygonatum polygonatum is of great significance to the protection of natural traditional Chinese medicine resources, the protection of people's health and the development of tourism economy. According to the product standard of traditional Chinese medicine GAP (Good Agriculture Practice), combined with the biological characteristics of Rhizoma Polygonatum and the practice of pollution-free cultivation techniques in Qingyang County in recent years, the cultivation technical regulations of GAP were established.

1 subject content and scope of application

According to the product standard of Chinese traditional medicine GAP, this regulation stipulates the technical requirements of standardized cultivation of Jiuhua Polygonatum. This regulation is applicable to the production areas stipulated in the National Geographic indication Protection products of Jiuhua Huangjing in Qingyang County, Anhui Province. The Jiuhua Polygonatum polygonatum mentioned in this regulation is a genuine traditional Chinese medicine in Jiuhuashan area. According to this procedure, under normal conditions, Rhizoma Polygonatum can produce 52 500 ~ 67 500 kg / hm2 rhizomes or 7 500 ~ 10 500 kg / hm2.

2 citation standard

GB 3095Mel 2012 Ambient Air quality Standard; GB3838-2002 Surface Water Environmental quality Standard; GB4285-1989 Pesticide Safety use Standard; NY/T1276-2007 Pesticide Safety use Code General principles; GB5084-2005 farmland Irrigation Water quality Standard; GB16518-1995 soil Environmental quality Standard (Secondary Standard); Chinese Medicinal Materials production quality Management Standard (GAP); guidelines for rational use of Fertilizer (General principles) "Pharmacopoeia of the people's Republic of China" (2015 edition); "Green Industry Standard for Import and Export of Medicinal plants and preparations", Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.

3 production conditions

3. 1 natural conditions of producing area

3. 1. 1 geographical location. Qingyang County is located in the northern part of the mountain area of southern Anhui, close to the south bank of the Yangtze River, with beautiful mountains and rivers and a gathering of humanities. Jiuhua Mountain, one of the four major Buddhist shrines in China, is located in the territory. "G318" National Highway, G3 Expressway and Copper-Kowloon Railway transit stations, "S103" provincial highway runs through the north and south. It is bordered by Nanling and Jingxian in the east, Huangshan and Shitai in the south, Guichi in the west and Tongling in the north. The county has a total area of 1,180 km2, which is about 65 km long from north to south and 40 km wide from east to west, accounting for about 0. 87% of the total area of the province.

3. 1. 2 climatic conditions Qingyang County is a subtropical monsoon humid climate, mild climate, humid air, abundant rainfall, four distinct seasons, sufficient sunshine. The average annual temperature is about 16 ℃, the frost-free period is 230d, the average precipitation is 1650 mm, and the sunshine hours are 2100h. There is no heat in summer and no severe cold in winter. It is suitable for the natural growth of Polygonatum, peony, Eucommia ulmoides, Platycodon grandiflorum and other medicinal plants.

3. 1. 3 soil conditions. The parent materials of soil in Qingyang County are mainly limestone, granite and mudstone, the soil is mainly sandy loam, supplemented by clay, the tillage layer is deep and loose, rich in organic matter, which is suitable for the growth of many kinds of plants. The soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, slowly available potassium and slowly available potassium were 21.99 ~ 49.22 g / kg, 1.36 ~ 2.68 g / kg, 7.32 ~ 17.11 mg / kg, 55.39 ~ 114.91 mg / kg, 180.20 ~ 489.75 mg / kg and 6.5 ~ 7.2 respectively. The nutrient status of dryland soil is pH 5.8, organic matter 21.7 g / kg, total nitrogen 1.37 g / kg, available nitrogen 138 mg / kg, available phosphorus 18.7 mg / kg, available potassium 114. 2 mg / kg, slowly available potassium 455.2 mg / kg, trace elements copper, manganese, iron and zinc 1.61, 15.62, 29.54, 3.94 mg / kg, available sulfur 24. 37 mg / kg, available boron 0. 35 mg / kg. According to a special survey, the proportion of selenium-rich soil in the region is 27%, and crops such as tea and traditional Chinese medicine are rich in selenium, which is one of the excellent areas for the production of selenium-rich agricultural products.

3. 2 species and variety types of Polygonatum polygonatum are perennial herbs of Liliaceae and Polygonatum, and Polygonatum polygonatum in Qingyang County, scientific name Polygonatum cyrtonemaHua. The cultivated species are native to Jiuhua Mountain and have egg-shaped leaves.

3. 3 Biological characteristics of Polygonatum polygonatum: perennial herbs, with strong roots and stems, thick, nodular or beaded, alternate leaves, dorsal gray-green, ventral green, 3-5 parallel veins, raised 2.5 mm, lobes 6, triangular-ovate, ca. 3 mm There are 6 stamens, inserted above the middle of the kaleidoscope, the filaments are 3 ~ 4 mm long, the apex is papillate or dilated, the ovary is nearly spherical, the style is 12 ~ 15 mm long, and the berries are globose and purple-black. The flowering period is 4m / m June and the fruit stage is 6m / m / 10 months. The seeds of Polygonatum polygonatum are bead-shaped, hard, navel is obvious, dark brown, and the weight of a thousand seeds is about 33 g. The germination rate of seeds stored dry at room temperature was low. Low temperature sand storage and variable temperature sand storage are beneficial to seed embryo development, break seed dormancy, shorten germination time, and improve germination rate and uniformity. The suitable germination temperature of seeds is 25 ~ 27 ℃.

Rhizoma Polygonatum has the characteristics of being fond of warmth, fear of inflammation and heat, fear of strong light, fear of drought and fear of waterlogging [1]. It is suitable for cultivation in cool mountains and sparse forests at low and middle elevations.

4 GAP cultivation techniques of Jiuhua Polygonatum

4. 1 selection and preparation of land

4. 1. 1 choose the location. Polygonatum can be planted in most areas of Qingyang County. It is most suitable to plant in moist and fertile woodland or mountain area, forest edge, grass or open area under forest, or under sparse forest. It is best to grow sandy loam with fertile soil and loose humus-rich soil [2]; clayey, heavy or barren, dry soil and soils with excessive heavy metals and toxic and harmful substances such as lead, mercury, chromium and arsenic are not suitable for cultivation.

4. 1. 2 land preparation. It is required that the depth of the soil should be more than 30 cm, and that of paddy soil should be more than 50 cm to break the plough bottom. The sloping land should be terraced in accordance with the contours to prevent soil erosion. Generally, the width of the border is 1.2 m, the length of the border is 10 ~ 15 m, and the border surface is 10 ~ 15 cm higher than the ground level. Apply sufficient base fertilizer in the border, high-quality rotten farm manure 60000 kg / hm2, evenly apply to the border bed soil, turn deeply for 30 cm, make the fertilizer and soil fully mixed, then rake fine, leveling and then make the border to be sown.

4. 2 Polygonatum reproduction

4. 2. 1 seed propagation. The 3 ~ 4-year-old plants with strong growth and no diseases and insect pests were selected to strengthen the field management and control the diseases and insect pests. In autumn, the berries are picked from green to yellow, put into a sieve basket and washed off the pulp in the river, dried indoors and treated with sand at low temperature. The method is as follows: dig a deep pit (40 cm deep and 30 cm wide) in the sunny leeward of the courtyard, mix 1 seed with 3 parts of clean fine river sand, the humidity of the sand is clutched by hand, scattered on the ground, and no dripping between fingers, put the mixed wet sand into the pit, and put corn or soybean straw in the center to facilitate ventilation. Then cover it with fine sand to keep the pit moist, check regularly to prevent drying and rodent damage, take out the seeds when the seed buds begin to germinate before and after the sting in the spring of the following year, sift out the wet sand to sow or sow directly. Broadcast or strip sowing can be used. Strip sowing: on the whole seedling bed, the furrow depth was 3 ~ 5 cm according to the row spacing of 15 cm, and the treated seeds were evenly sowed into the ditch. The soil thickness is 2.5 ~ 3.0 cm, compacted slightly to keep the soil moist [Jishan Huayao].

Polygonatum seed embryos have secondary dormancy. Naturally, the emergence rate of Polygonatum seed embryos is less than 10% in the same year after sowing, and can only reach 80% ~ 90% in the following year [3]. In the year of sowing in the nursery, attention should be paid to clearing ditches, draining water and weeding. After the emergence of seedlings in the spring of the following year, attention should be paid to strengthening management and building shade sheds. Pull weeds in time to prevent grass famine, irrigate and apply thin dung water to promote the healthy growth of young seedlings. In late August, the shade shed can be removed. Generally speaking, it takes 4 ~ 5 years to develop large commercial seedlings.

4. 2. 2 rhizome propagation. The plants with strong growth, consistent characters and no diseases and insect pests were selected as remaining seeds in the remaining seed planting field. In early spring, the rhizomes with buds were harvested directly and used as seedlings (5 ~ 7 cm,2 ~ 3 nodes). Soak the seedlings with 50% carbendazim 500 times solution or treat the wound with plant ash, dry pulp before planting.

4. 3 planting in spring is from late March to early April, and autumn planting is carried out in October. When planting, on one side of the border ditch, the holes were opened according to the row spacing of 27 cm × 27 cm and the depth of 13 ~ 17 cm. One segment of rhizome was planted in each hole, and the bud mouth was arranged on one side of the shady plant. After planting, thin human and animal dung water was applied, and the fine soil was flush with the border.

4. 4 field management

4. 4. 1 interplanting. Rhizoma Polygonatum is a shade-loving plant, properly interplanting long-stalk crops is not only beneficial to the growth of Polygonatum, but also increase economic benefits. It is most suitable for planting under the forest, and it can also be intercropped with peach, plum, apricot, chestnut and other economic fruit forests.

4. 4. 2 ploughing, weeding, topdressing and grass mulching. In April, June and November of each year, the weeds were removed by intertillage, and topdressing was carried out in combination with intertillage. Ploughing should be shallow, so as not to hurt the roots. Topdressing fertilizer was applied after two times of ploughing in April and June, such as human and animal manure water and a small amount of urea. After weeding in November, 750kg / hm2 of superphosphate and 750kg / hm2 of rapeseed cake fertilizer were applied. It is recommended to use biological bacterial fertilizer (organic fertilizer), biogas residue fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, edible mushroom rod waste, rapeseed cake fertilizer and other organic fertilizer, chlorine-free three-element compound fertilizer, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and so on. Cutting and burying green can be used to increase soil organic matter in mountainous areas. The use of industrial waste fertilizer and urban waste fertilizer is prohibited.

Grass mulching in summer can not only inhibit the growth of weeds, avoid soil erosion, preserve soil moisture and nutrients, improve soil environment, but also improve the yield and quality of Polygonatum. Crushed rice, wheat straw and rapeseed shell can be used as mulch.

4. 4. 3 drainage and irrigation. Huang Jing likes to be wet and afraid of drought, and the fields should always be kept moist; the hot and dry weather in August should be watered in time, and drip irrigation or sprinkler irrigation can be used if conditions permit. In the rainy season, special attention should be paid to clear ditches and drainage to avoid waterlogging and rotting roots.

4. 5 pests and diseases

4. 5. 1 main diseases and insects. The diseases include leaf spot, white silk disease, black spot, anthracnose, soft rot, Fusarium wilt and so on, among which leaf spot is the most common, white silk disease is the most serious, and the main pests are grub, small land tiger, golden needle worm, leafhopper and a kind of budding gall mosquito.

4. 5. 2 green prevention and control technology.

4. 5. 2. 1 choose disease-free seedlings. Plant quarantine must be carried out for introduction from other places, and chemical treatment shall be carried out before the seedlings are planted. Soak for 30 min with 50% carbendazim 500x solution, air dry before planting.

4. 5. 2. 2 agricultural measures. According to the growth and development characteristics of Polygonatum polygonatum, an environment conducive to its healthy growth should be created. Focus on shading (under-forest cultivation or sunshade), anti-waterlogging, drought prevention and other links.

4. 5. 2. 3 physical and chemical entrapment. The use of frequency vibration insecticidal lamp and black light can effectively trap and kill beetles (grub adults), planthoppers, leafhoppers and so on. According to different topography, one frequency vibrating insecticidal lamp is installed every 1. 3 ~ 2. 7 hm2 Sweet and sour solution to trap and kill tigers: sucrose 1 part, vinegar 4 parts, wine 1 part, water 16 parts, and 0. 1% trichlorfon. 1 part, mixed with sweet and sour liquid, can effectively trap and kill the tiger. Place a pot of [Jishan Huayao] every 90 ~ 150 m2.

4. 5. 2. 4 chemical control. The diseases and insect pests of Rhizoma Polygonatum cultivated under the forest or imitating wild cultivation are relatively mild, and generally there is no need for chemical control. However, in the case of continuous cropping or improper management in dry land, white silk disease, grub and leaf blight may occur seriously, which need to be prevented and controlled.

(1) White silk disease. Rotation or flood-drought rotation; disinfection with soil disinfectants before planting; 800 ~ 1000 times of 5% Jinggangmycin or 23% thiofuramide suspension before or at the initial stage of the disease, root irrigation treatment, 0. 4 ~ 0. 5 L per plant (hole). The rats were reperfused after 7 ~ 10 days [5].

(2) grubs. The seriously damaged plots should be irrigated with 40% chlorpyrifos or 90% trichlorfon 1000 times.

The use of drugs for pest control should be carried out in strict accordance with green food production standards, and the use of highly toxic and high residual pesticides is strictly prohibited.

4. 6 harvesting processing Polygonatum polygonatum can be harvested 2 years after planting, but the yield is the highest in 4 ~ 5 years after planting, and the yield can be increased by 30% ~ 50% in one year. It is better to dig when the leaves are yellow and withered in October and November in autumn. Dig with a double-toothed hoe. According to the direction of ridge planting, dig out the soil of Polygonatum rhizome in turn, remove the remaining part of the ground, use bamboo knife or wood to scrape off the soil, be careful not to hurt the rhizome, the whisker root does not need to be removed, if there is root injury, deal with it separately. Do not wash with water before processing. During the initial processing, it can be washed with clean water and steamed in a steamer for 3 ~ 4 hours. after steaming to the heart, take it out and dry it gently while drying.

The commodity specification of Polygonatum polygonatum: it is qualified with sweet taste, no bitterness, no white heart, no root, no mildew, no moth, no pesticide residue, big block, fat, yellow color, translucent cross section and more than 10% polysaccharide content.

5 discussion

At present, the artificial cultivation technology of Jiuhua Polygonatum is relatively mature, but seedling propagation is still a bottleneck of large-scale planting. The reproduction methods of Polygonatum polygonatum include seed propagation and asexual reproduction (rhizome and tissue culture propagation), but the rhizome with bud head is mainly used as propagation material. Although the propagation coefficient of seed breeding is high, it takes 4 ~ 5 years from sowing to seedling formation, which takes a long time and high cost. Although artificial tissue culture has been successfully reported, it is far from reaching the technical level of traditional Chinese medicine such as Bletilla striata and Dendrobium candidum.

White silk disease is a soil-borne disease with great damage in the artificial cultivation of Polygonatum polygonatum at present. As the pathogen of white silk disease has a wide range of hosts, the pathogen is widespread, and the field cultivation cycle of Polygonatum polygonatum is long, so it is difficult to effectively control the disease. Production needs to start from the selection of disease-free seedlings, soil environmental management and other aspects, with the use of drug control [6]. In particular, there is an urgent need for a compound biological agent to effectively control the reproduction of white silk pathogen through antagonism or induction, immunity and so on.

As a geographical indication agricultural product and ten major Anhui medicine varieties, Jiuhua Polygonatum has been highly valued and supported by the governments of Chizhou City and Qingyang County. Experts and scholars from relevant colleges and universities inside and outside the province, such as Anhui University of traditional Chinese Medicine, have fully studied the classification, morphology, ecology, physiology, biochemistry, history and culture of Polygonatum, which has laid a theoretical foundation for the production and processing of Polygonatum. In order to speed up the industrialization of Jiuhua Polygonatum, it is hoped that more colleges and universities and scientific research institutes will pay attention to the techniques of rapid propagation, standardized cultivation and deep processing of products. This study made a preliminary discussion on the GAP cultivation techniques of Jiuhua Polygonatum, hoping to play a positive role in the standardized artificial cultivation of Jiuhua Polygonatum.