
Cultivation techniques of plum trees

Published: 2025-01-22 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2025/01/22, Cultivation techniques of plum trees

Plum is the fruit of plum tree of Rosaceae plant, alias Jiaying son, Bu Lin, plum, jade plum, mountain plum. July to August ripening, plump, exquisite, beautiful shape, sweet taste, is one of the most popular fruits, widely cultivated around the world. Plum taste acid, can promote the secretion of gastric acid and digestive enzymes, and can promote gastrointestinal motility, thus improving appetite, promote digestion, especially for gastric acid deficiency, post-meal satiety, constipation knot effective. Fresh plum meat in serine, glycine, proline, glutamine and other amino acids, there are diuretic detumescence effect, cirrhosis of the liver has adjuvant treatment effect. Plum contains a variety of nutrients, beauty, lubrication of the skin, plum antioxidant content is surprisingly high, can be called anti-aging, anti-disease "super fruit."

Morphological characteristics of plum trees

Deciduous trees, 9-12 m high, crown broadly rounded, bark grayish brown, undulating, old branches purple-brown or reddish brown, glabrous, branchlets yellow-red, glabrous, winter buds ovoid, reddish purple, with several imbricate scales, usually glabrous, thin scales with very sparse hairs.

1, blade

Leaf blade oblong-obovate, long elliptic, sparsely oblong-ovate, 6-8 (-12) cm long, 3-5 cm wide, apex acuminate, acute or short caudate, base cuneate, margin obtusely double serrate, often mixed with simple serrate, tooth apex glandular when young, dark green, glossy above, lateral veins 6-10 pairs, not reaching leaf margin, forming a 45° angle with main vein, glabrous on both surfaces, sometimes sparsely pilose below along main vein or bearded in vein axils, stipules membranous, linear, apex acuminate, margin glandular, caducous, petiole 1-2 cm long, usually glabrous, apex with 2 glands or absent, sometimes glandular at leaf blade base margin.

2. Flowers

Flowers usually 3 and concurrent, pedicels 1-2 cm, usually glabrous, flowers 1.5-2.2 cm in diam., calyx tube campanulate, sepals oblong-ovate, ca. 5 mm, apex acute or obtuse, margin sparsely dentate, nearly as long as calyx tube, calyx tube and sepals glabrous outside, inner surface sparsely pilose at base of calyx tube, petals white, oblong-obovate, apex erose, base cuneate, distinctly purplish veined, shortly clawed, inserted at margin of calyx tube, 2-3 times longer than calyx tube, Stamens numerous, filaments unequal in length, arranged in irregular 2 whorls, shorter than petals, pistil 1, stigma discoid, style slightly longer than stamens.

3, fruit

Drupe globose, ovoid or subconical, 3.5-5 cm in diam., cultivars up to 7 cm, yellow or red, sometimes green or purple, pedicels depressed, apex apiculate, base longitudinally grooved, coated with wax powder, nucleus ovoid or oblong, rugose. Flowering April, fruiting July-August.

The growing environment of plum trees

Strong adaptability to the climate, as long as the soil layer is deep, there is a certain fertility, no matter what kind of soil can be planted. High requirements for air and soil moisture, extremely intolerant of ponding, poor drainage of orchards, often resulting in rotten roots, poor growth or various diseases. It is advisable to choose places with loose soil, good soil permeability and drainage, deep soil layer and low groundwater level to build gardens.

Cultivation techniques of plum trees

1. Selection of seedlings

Plum seedlings with pure variety, complete root system, healthy, full bud quality, no quarantine objects and no diseases and insect pests were selected.

2. Planting

Generally, the plant spacing is 2.5 meters ×4 meters, and the buds are planted before germination (preferably before April 20). Plum has the phenomenon of self-flowering sterility, so the cultivated varieties should not be single, and different varieties with the same flowering period should be planted at a certain distance as pollination trees, with a ratio of 4:1 or 8:1.

Fertilizer and water management of plum trees

1. Fertilization

① Base fertilizer. Base fertilizer is a basic fertilizer that can supply plum trees with a variety of nutrients for a long time. It is generally based on late-acting farm manure, such as compost, manure, crop straw, green manure, deciduous leaves, etc. Base fertilizer autumn application is good, adult plum trees, base fertilizer per plant fertilizer 50-100 kg.

② topdressing

A. Top dressing before flowering. 10 days before plum tree budding (early April), 0.5-1 kg of quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer or 25 kg of decomposed human excrement can be applied to each plant.

b. Topdressing after flowering. Should be timely topdressing available nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, in order to reduce physiological fruit drop, in late May to mid-June, 0.5 kg per plant.

c. topdressing during fruit expansion and flower bud differentiation. After physiological fruit drop to fruit rapid expansion period (late June to mid-August), dressing available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium compound fertilizer, 0.5-1 kg per plant.

d. Topdressing in late fruit growth: topdressing during the period from fruit coloring to harvest. This time, phosphorus and potassium were mainly used, and the best available nitrogen fertilizer was foliar spraying, with a concentration of 0.2-0.3%, combined with spraying.

2. Irrigation

Plum trees need a certain amount of water in each phenological period of the year. Irrigation should be carried out before germination and young fruit expansion period. Frozen water should be irrigated once before winter. In addition, plum trees are afraid of waterlogging, so plum gardens should repair drainage systems to avoid suffering from waterlogging.