
asexual Learn more about asexual

  • Why do some flowers need asexual reproduction?

    Why do some flowers need asexual reproduction?

    Why do some flowers need asexual reproduction?

  • What is the asexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata

    What is the asexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata

    If the "parrot mouth"-like mixed buds of arrow hemp are removed, arrow hemp can no longer stem, blossom and bear fruit. Arrow hemp without mixed buds and tubers of white and rice flax were used as seed cultivation, and the rods, branches and basic culture materials of Armillaria mellea were used as main and auxiliary sources of nutrition to continue to reproduce offspring, which is called asexual reproduction of Gastrodia elata. At present, asexual reproduction is the main method to cultivate Gastrodia elata, including box cultivation, bed frame cultivation, open field cultivation, bottle cultivation and plastic bag cultivation.

  • Cutting Propagation of Tea Plant

    Cutting Propagation of Tea Plant

    Tea trees can be propagated by seeds or vegetative organs such as stems, leaves and roots for asexual reproduction (or vegetative reproduction). There are many methods of asexual reproduction, such as cutting, striping and so on. The method of asexual reproduction is mainly short-spike cuttage. Most tea varieties have the ability of both sexual and asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction can protect the excellent characters of tea varieties, and the offspring have the same characters and high reproduction coefficient. However, there are many flower workers, the cost is high, and the requirements of seedling cultivation and management are high. 1. Cutting rooting

  • How does Euonymus reproduce asexually?

    How does Euonymus reproduce asexually?

    How does Euonymus reproduce asexually? Please introduce the method Euonymus asexual reproduction can refer to the following methods: First, root seedlings. Excavate the root segment of large plants, or use the thicker root system pruned during seedling raising, cut into segments 7 to 10 cm long, first use a slightly thicker wood cone than the root segment to drill holes in the seedbed, and then insert the lower end of the root segment.

  • Which kinds of flower reproduction are there?

    Which kinds of flower reproduction are there?

    The methods of flower reproduction can be divided into four categories: sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction, unisexual reproduction and tissue culture reproduction. Sexual reproduction is also called seed reproduction. It is through the role of the female and male organs of the flower, that is, the combination of pollen and ovules to form seeds, which are used to reproduce. The roots of seedlings produced by seeds are strong.

  • How to reproduce saffron, how to reproduce saffron / asexual reproduction

    How to reproduce saffron, how to reproduce saffron / asexual reproduction

    Saffron is a common plant in people's life, and it is a kind of flower that many plants like to cultivate. How to reproduce saffron is also an issue that many people are concerned about. In fact, the reproduction of saffron is based on the location, and the planting methods are different in different places.

  • Technical methods of seed selection and retention of Lotus Root

    Technical methods of seed selection and retention of Lotus Root

    (1) selection and breeding. The selection and breeding of lotus root mainly includes asexual seed selection and sexual cross breeding. 1. Asexual selection. China is rich in lotus root germplasm resources, which provides good conditions for asexual selection. In recent years, varieties selected from superior clones include Kexuan 1, Elian 1 and Zhejiang Lake.

  • The cloning technology of "asexual reproduction" of Chinese precious orchids is becoming mature.

    The cloning technology of

    The cloning technology of "asexual reproduction" of Chinese precious orchids is becoming mature.

  • Cultivation techniques of Siraitia grosvenorii

    Cultivation techniques of Siraitia grosvenorii

    Cultivation techniques of Siraitia grosvenorii

  • Asexual Propagation and cultivation Management of Ligusticum chuanxiong

    Asexual Propagation and cultivation Management of Ligusticum chuanxiong

    Method of reproduction: asexual reproduction. Sichuan Ligusticum chuanxiong planted in the dam (that is, flat land) is called Bachuanxiong, which is the main source of medicine. The one planted in the mountain area is called Ligusticum chuanxiong, which is the breeding material for dam Chuanxiong. 1. For breeding Ligusticum chuanxiong in selected and prepared mountain areas, Yangshan or half should be selected.

    2020-11-08 Species Ligusticum chuanxiong asexual reproduction methods cultivation management
  • Field Management of Lotus Root planting

    Field Management of Lotus Root planting

    Lotus root, also known as lotus root, belongs to the rhizome of the lotus family, which can be eaten or used medicinally. It is planted in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Guangdong and other places in China. The selection and breeding of lotus root mainly includes asexual seed selection and sexual cross breeding. Asexual

    2020-11-08 Lotus root planting field management lotus root also known as lotus root belonging to the lotus family
  • Asexual Seedling technique of Japanese Begonia

    Asexual Seedling technique of Japanese Begonia

    What are the main points of asexual breeding of Japanese crabapple? Japanese begonia, also known as bonobos, florescence in March-April, flowers are bright red and pink, after flowering yellow globular fruit, can be planted in the courtyard, roadside, slope, can also be used.

  • The latest course of seedling raising techniques and methods of rambutan

    The latest course of seedling raising techniques and methods of rambutan

    Rambutan can reproduce both sexually and asexually, but we usually use asexual reproduction in production. But what the editor wants to share with you today is the seedling technology of sexual reproduction of rambutan, because the seedling of asexual reproduction

    2020-11-10 Latest Red hair Dan Seedling techniques methods tutorials
  • Breeding and cultivation techniques of Rose

    Breeding and cultivation techniques of Rose

    The breeding methods of roses: the breeding methods of roses can be divided into sexual breeding and asexual breeding. The main cultivated varieties in production, such as Pingyin double red rose, Fenghua rose and purple rose, all adopt asexual breeding. Asexual breeding includes ramet, root burying, grafting and tender wood cutting, which are most widely used.

  • Asexual Propagation and Seedling raising method of Schisandra chinensis-tissue Culture

    Asexual Propagation and Seedling raising method of Schisandra chinensis-tissue Culture

    As a new technology and scientific research means, plant tissue culture has developed vigorously in various fields of plant science, and has been widely used in agriculture, forestry, horticulture, Chinese herbal medicine and other production fields, showing great advantages. A large number of seedlings will be provided in a short time to meet the needs of production. As a means of asexual propagation, tissue culture can propagate 60 000 branches in 8 months with one apple bud, 1 million seedlings in one year with one poplar axillary bud and 500000 seedlings in one year with one Schisandra chinensis bud.

  • Lamination of asexual reproduction of Cornus officinalis

    Lamination of asexual reproduction of Cornus officinalis

    Cornus officinalis, also known as jujube skin, medicinal jujube and Shu jujube, the enucleated pericarp is called cornus meat and cornus meat. It is a unique woody traditional Chinese medicine in China with a wide range of uses and high medicinal value, economic value and ornamental value. it has always been a tight medicine in the domestic and foreign pharmaceutical market.

    2020-11-08 Grow mountain dogwood asexual reproductive embossed Cornus officinalis also known as
  • Conservation biological characteristics and asexual reproduction techniques of Lonicera edulis

    Conservation biological characteristics and asexual reproduction techniques of Lonicera edulis

    Biological characteristics and asexual reproduction techniques of Lonicera edulis L. According to the bio-ecological characteristics of indigo plants according to the spirit of document No. 13 of the State Council (1981) and the deployment of Jilin Provincial Zoning Commission, from June 1982 to 1990.

  • How to propagate Cuiyun grass, the propagation method / asexual cuttage is the simplest / attached step

    How to propagate Cuiyun grass, the propagation method / asexual cuttage is the simplest / attached step

    Cuiyun grass grows rapidly and has strong adaptability. it is not only simple in maintenance skills, but also easy to reproduce. As long as there is a more fertile and healthy substrate, spread the branches on it and keep the soil moist, a large area of green grass can be reproduced.

  • Asexual propagation and seedling raising method of Schizandra chinensis

    Asexual propagation and seedling raising method of Schizandra chinensis

    in that cultivate garden, a large number of transverse stem can be produced by the trees over 3 year old, which distribute in the soil layer 5~15 cm below the ground surface. When the tender shoots are 10~15 cm high, the transverse stems will be dug out, and the "seedlings" with roots will be cut off with scissors, and planted in the prepared nursery land according to the row spacing of 10 cm ×20 cm, as shown in Figure 3 - 6. If it is sunny, plant it

  • Management techniques of asexual cuttage nursery of tea plant

    Management techniques of asexual cuttage nursery of tea plant

    (1) in sunny days, watering the soil once in the morning and evening within 20 days after insertion to keep the soil moist; watering once a day on the 20th-60th day, and pay attention to drainage on rainy days. (2) fertilization can be carried out 60 days after fertilization, once every 10 days, and once every 15 days after 2 months. Apply 1.5 kg urea per mu in the third month and 2.5 kg urea per mu from the fifth month, 12 piculs of water per mu; mix fertilizer and water well so as not to hurt roots and leaves. (3) Tea with shade removed
