
arthritis Learn more about arthritis

  • Diagnosis and treatment of porcine arthritis

    Diagnosis and treatment of porcine arthritis

    Diagnosis and treatment of porcine arthritis

  • To prevent degenerative arthritis, blue and white coconut seedlings can be another option in addition to Viguli.

    To prevent degenerative arthritis, blue and white coconut seedlings can be another option in addition to Viguli.

    To prevent degenerative arthritis, blue and white coconut seedlings can be another option in addition to Viguli.

  • Prevention and treatment of porcine rheumatoid arthritis in winter

    Prevention and treatment of porcine rheumatoid arthritis in winter

    Porcine rheumatoid arthritis mostly occurs in the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and other active joints, often symmetrical, but also metastatic. The spine and joints also occur. Acute joint rheumatism is characterized by acute synovitis, joint swelling, fluid accumulation in the joint cavity and fluctuating palpation. When standing, the affected limbs are often flexion, and the movement is dominated by lameness, often accompanied by systemic symptoms. When it becomes chronic, it shows the symptoms of chronic arthritis, hyperplasia and hypertrophy of synovial tissue around synovium, thickening of joints and limited activity. It is difficult to lift the affected limb, the movement is slow, the stride is shortened, and the limp follows the movement.

  • The medical function of bee venom

    The medical function of bee venom

    Bee venom has the effects of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesia, lowering blood pressure and anti-radiation. Bee venom can inhibit more than 20 kinds of bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus is very sensitive to bee venom. Bee venom is a natural medicine for arthritis and rheumatism. This is because the polypeptides in bee venom have anti-inflammatory effects and can promote the increase of adrenocortical hormones in the blood. Therefore, it is effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and neuritis. Small doses of bee venom can also be used to desensitize people who are allergic to bee venom. Some people are allergic to bee venom.

  • Prevention and treatment of viral arthritis and encephalitis in farmed goats

    Prevention and treatment of viral arthritis and encephalitis in farmed goats

    Goat viral arthritis-encephalitis is a viral infectious disease. The clinical features of adult sheep are chronic polyarthritis, occasionally associated with interstitial pneumonia or interstitial mastitis, and lambs often show symptoms of encephalomyelitis. The disease is distributed all over the world and is found in many

    2020-11-08 Breeding goat virus arthritis encephalitis prevention and treatment
  • Bacterial disease of pigs-Haemophilus parasuis

    Bacterial disease of pigs-Haemophilus parasuis

    Haemophilus parasuis, also known as fibrinous serositis and arthritis, is gram-negative bacilli, showing sporadic polyserositis and arthritis. With the development of the world pig industry, the application of large-scale feeding technology and highly intensive feeding, as well as the existence of sudden new respiratory syndrome and other factors, the disease is becoming more and more popular and the harm is more and more serious. In the past two years, it is not uncommon to report that Haemophilus parahaemophilus causes polyserositis and arthritis in pig farms, especially in large-scale pig farms.

  • What disease is swollen pig joint, how to prevent and cure effectively?

    What disease is swollen pig joint, how to prevent and cure effectively?

    What disease is swollen pig joint, how to prevent and cure effectively?

  • Duck arthritis syndrome

    Duck arthritis syndrome

    1) The main symptoms. The joint swelling of sick ducks was mainly seen in hock joints, followed by knee joints, hip joints and toe joints. Swelling of joints, purplish red, hot sensation on palpation, local softness at the beginning of the disease, then gradually hardening, severe limp or inability to walk, reduced feed intake, gradual emaciation and increased mortality. 2. Preventive measures. The disease is associated with a variety of bacterial infections, such as Staphylococcus, Salmonella, Riemerella anatipestifer and so on. We should insist on "all-in" in feeding system

  • This kind of plant is used in folk to treat rheumatoid arthritis, bone pain and fracture. Do you often do potted plants in your home?

    This kind of plant is used in folk to treat rheumatoid arthritis, bone pain and fracture. Do you often do potted plants in your home?

    Goose palm vine is a common gardening foliage plant, flower lovers believe that they know quite a lot about this plant. Goose palm vine is a positive plant, but because of its strong negative fitness, it is widely used in potted plants. This plant is called "gathering" in the goose palm rattan flower market.

  • Li Xuansheng, Vice President of Chiayi Chang Gung Hospital,"Hong Junpei Cultural and Educational Foundation" Public Welfare Speech

    Li Xuansheng, Vice President of Chiayi Chang Gung Hospital,

    (taiwan business daily news) walking, running and jumping every day, joints bear the weight of our whole body. on march 9, the hong junpei cultural and educational foundation invited professor li xuansheng, vice president of chiayi chang gung memorial hospital, to give a lecture on "joint health and happy life."

  • Cattle and sheep breeding technology: promoting the popularization of independent and rapid detection of infectious diseases in cattle and sheep

    Cattle and sheep breeding technology: promoting the popularization of independent and rapid detection of infectious diseases in cattle and sheep

    Arthritic encephalitis in goats and leukemia in cattle (cattle do not have CAE). Common infectious diseases in two cattle and sheep often cause economic losses to farmers, while dairy farmers and sheep farmers often do not know how to develop without plugging in.

  • Cattle and sheep breeding technology: promoting the popularization of independent and rapid detection of infectious diseases in cattle and sheep

    Cattle and sheep breeding technology: promoting the popularization of independent and rapid detection of infectious diseases in cattle and sheep

    Arthritic encephalitis in goats and leukemia in cattle (cattle do not have CAE). Common infectious diseases in two cattle and sheep often cause economic losses to farmers, while dairy farmers and sheep farmers often do not know how to develop without plugging in.

  • Prevention and treatment of polyserositis and arthritis in pigs

    Prevention and treatment of polyserositis and arthritis in pigs

    1. Preventive measures ⑴ should first strengthen the feeding management, strictly implement the veterinary sanitary disinfection system in pig farms, and avoid or reduce the occurrence of stress factors, such as preventing sudden changes in feeding conditions and infection of other pathogenic microorganisms. ⑵ when stress occurs, pigs can be given prophylactic doses of antibiotics (such as amoxicillin, florfenicol) or sulfonamides, which can prevent the occurrence of the disease. When new pig herds are introduced into ⑶, they should be raised in isolation and maintenance.

  • Those who don't know this kind of grass should take a good look at it. It's worth collecting.

    Those who don't know this kind of grass should take a good look at it. It's worth collecting.

    Dinggongteng dinggongteng [alias] spicy vine, Baogongteng, spot fish strong. Erycibes Caulis Erycibe obtusfolia Benth. The rattan stem. [plant morphology].

  • Thoughts on diagnosis of Pig Disease

    Thoughts on diagnosis of Pig Disease

    Thoughts on diagnosis of Pig Disease

  • The efficacy and function of horse urine burning

    The efficacy and function of horse urine burning

    The efficacy and function of horse urine burning

  • Summer has no effect and function.

    Summer has no effect and function.

    Summer has no effect and function.

  • Prevention and treatment of porcine omphalitis

    Prevention and treatment of porcine omphalitis

    1. When the cause of delivery, the umbilical cord disinfection is not strict or due to the dirty shed caused by bacterial infection. two。 A few days after the symptoms are born, the umbilical cord is moist and swollen, the base of the umbilical cord is red and swollen, sometimes there is an abscess around the umbilical cord, pus is discharged from the umbilical cord, ulceration, umbilical pain and arch back, do not like sports. Metastatic arthritis often occurs, diseased pigs have loss of appetite, fever, dysentery and lameness. 3. During the prevention and treatment of delivery, the umbilical cord should be disinfected with iodine. When the umbilical cord is inflamed, the proprietary Chinese medicine "Jiuyidan" can be applied externally, or penicillin can be injected around the umbilical hole.

  • It turns out that so many reasons can lead to leg disease in chickens.

    It turns out that so many reasons can lead to leg disease in chickens.

    1. Vitamin or trace element deficiency (1) when vitamin B1 is deficient, the sick chicken legs are soft and will not stand, lie down and look up at the stars. (2) when vitamin B2 was deficient, the tibia of the diseased chicken was dysplastic, the joint was enlarged, the claws were curled, and the hocks landed. Some legs spread apart, or one leg forward, one leg backward, similar to the symptoms of Marek's disease. (3) when calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D3 are deficient or the proportion of calcium and phosphorus is out of balance, cartilage and osteoporosis occur, the bone wall is thin and honeycomb in hollow bone, keel curved.

  • The difference between Poria cocos and Poria cocos introduction of Poria cocos and Poria cocos

    The difference between Poria cocos and Poria cocos introduction of Poria cocos and Poria cocos

    The difference between Poria cocos and Poria cocos introduction of Poria cocos and Poria cocos
