
encephalitis Learn more about encephalitis

  • Canine encephalitis

    Canine encephalitis

    Encephalitis refers to the inflammation of meninges and brain parenchyma caused by infection or toxic factors. in a broad sense, encephalitis includes a variety of brain infections and encephalopathy. [etiology] suppurative encephalitis is mostly caused by suppurative bacteria, head trauma, adjacent suppurative foci and systemic sepsis through blood transfer. Parasitic encephalitis can also be caused by the migration process of some parasitic larvae into the brain tissue. Non-suppurative encephalitis is more common in secondary infectious diseases, such as canine distemper and rabies. Bacteria

  • What about pigs suffering from encephalitis? The old veterinarian recommended a medicine

    What about pigs suffering from encephalitis? The old veterinarian recommended a medicine

    What about pigs suffering from encephalitis? The old veterinarian recommended a medicine

  • Clinical symptoms, Prevention and treatment of Porcine Encephalitis B

    Clinical symptoms, Prevention and treatment of Porcine Encephalitis B

    Porcine Japanese encephalitis (je) is a zoonotic disease caused by Japanese encephalitis virus (je). The disease was first found in Japan, so it is also known as Japanese B encephalitis. The pathogenic Japanese encephalitis virus is not resistant to the outside world and can be inactivated after 30 minutes at 56 ℃ or 2 minutes at 100 ℃, but it can survive for several years under the condition of minus 70 ℃. When the pH value is less than 7 or more than 10:00, the activity decreases rapidly. Disinfectants such as 2% caustic soda solution and 3% Lysol water

  • To prevent Japanese encephalitis in pigs, Chiayi County Livestock Institute calls on pig farmers to implement mosquito prevention and vaccination.

    To prevent Japanese encephalitis in pigs, Chiayi County Livestock Institute calls on pig farmers to implement mosquito prevention and vaccination.

    The time sequence enters the spring, the weather is getting hotter and hotter day by day, although there is drought and lack of water, there are still most farmland to grow rice. In order to prevent the epidemic of Japanese encephalitis in pigs, Chiayi County Livestock Disease Prevention and Control Institute calls for raising.

  • Prevention and treatment of Japanese Encephalitis in Pigs

    Prevention and treatment of Japanese Encephalitis in Pigs

    Porcine Japanese encephalitis is a zoonotic disease caused by Japanese Japanese encephalitis virus. Mosquitoes are the long-term host and main communicator of the virus, so the epidemic of the disease has obvious seasonality, that is, mosquitoes occur more frequently in summer and autumn. The disease can infect pigs of different ages, genders and breeds, about 6 months after birth. Generally, there are more sporadic and recessive infections, but no matter whether they are symptomatic or not, they are contagious at the initial stage of infection. Most pigs have sudden onset after infection.

  • Prevention of Japanese Encephalitis in Pigs in early Summer

    Prevention of Japanese Encephalitis in Pigs in early Summer

    In early summer, the climate gradually becomes hot, and all kinds of mosquitoes (such as Culex pipiens, Aedes albopictus, Anopheles mosquitoes, etc.) begin to multiply in large numbers. Mosquitoes are important vectors for the transmission of Japanese encephalitis virus. After feeding on the blood of sick animals, mosquitoes can carry the virus for life and can carry the virus through the winter, becoming the source of infection in the following year. Japanese encephalitis can infect many kinds of animals and people, and do the most serious harm to pigs, especially it can destroy the reproductive performance of pigs, lead to miscarriage of pregnant sows, give birth to stillbirths, weak fetuses, mummified fetuses, and orchitis in boars.

  • Porcine epidemic encephalitis B

    Porcine epidemic encephalitis B

    An acute zoonotic disease caused by a virus. Pigs suffering from this disease mainly cause abortion in sows and acute orchitis in breeding boars. The pathogen is Japanese encephalitis virus, which is very small and exists in the brain, spleen, blood and swollen testicles of diseased animals. In addition, blood-sucking Aedes mosquitoes and Culex pipiens mosquitoes are the storage hosts of the virus. The virus is so weak that general disinfectants can kill it quickly. [popular] (l) it is often popular in late summer and early autumn, with obvious seasons

  • The pig suddenly can not stand up, find the right reason and then treat it!

    The pig suddenly can not stand up, find the right reason and then treat it!

    The pig suddenly can not stand up, find the right reason and then treat it!

  • Treatment of fox encephalitis

    Treatment of fox encephalitis

    The main results are as follows: (1) the clinical symptoms of infectious hepatitis in silver black fox and arctic fox are varied. When infected with the disease under natural conditions, the incubation period is 10-20 days or more, and in artificial infection, the incubation period is 5-6 days. The disease is divided into three types: acute, subacute and chronic. Acute: the first manifestation is refusing to eat, slow to react, and the body temperature rises to 41. Above C. Vomiting, thirst increased, the course of disease 3-4 days, and finally died in a coma. Subacute; first of all, the expression of mental depression, sick fox lying down

  • Prevention and treatment of viral arthritis and encephalitis in farmed goats

    Prevention and treatment of viral arthritis and encephalitis in farmed goats

    Goat viral arthritis-encephalitis is a viral infectious disease. The clinical features of adult sheep are chronic polyarthritis, occasionally associated with interstitial pneumonia or interstitial mastitis, and lambs often show symptoms of encephalomyelitis. The disease is distributed all over the world and is found in many

    2020-11-08 Breeding goat virus arthritis encephalitis prevention and treatment
  • Cattle and sheep breeding technology: promoting the popularization of independent and rapid detection of infectious diseases in cattle and sheep

    Cattle and sheep breeding technology: promoting the popularization of independent and rapid detection of infectious diseases in cattle and sheep

    Arthritic encephalitis in goats and leukemia in cattle (cattle do not have CAE). Common infectious diseases in two cattle and sheep often cause economic losses to farmers, while dairy farmers and sheep farmers often do not know how to develop without plugging in.

  • Cattle and sheep breeding technology: promoting the popularization of independent and rapid detection of infectious diseases in cattle and sheep

    Cattle and sheep breeding technology: promoting the popularization of independent and rapid detection of infectious diseases in cattle and sheep

    Arthritic encephalitis in goats and leukemia in cattle (cattle do not have CAE). Common infectious diseases in two cattle and sheep often cause economic losses to farmers, while dairy farmers and sheep farmers often do not know how to develop without plugging in.

  • Identification and control measures of reproductive disorders in sows (1)

    Identification and control measures of reproductive disorders in sows (1)

    Identification and control measures of reproductive disorders in sows (1)

  • What is the cause of piglet vomiting?

    What is the cause of piglet vomiting?

    It may be caused by encephalomyelitis, encephalitis and exhaustion, pseudorabies, rotavirus enteritis, classical swine fever and so on. If vomiting is caused by encephalomyelitis, encephalitis and exhaustion, you can pour some cold water on the pig's head, so that its intracranial pressure can be reduced by one.

    2020-11-11 Piglets vomiting what is it the reason maybe is because of the brain
  • Thirty kinds of diseases of bamboo rodents that must be mastered in culturing bamboo rats

    Thirty kinds of diseases of bamboo rodents that must be mastered in culturing bamboo rats

    Thirty kinds of diseases of bamboo rodents that must be mastered in culturing bamboo rats

  • What causes the disease when the conception rate of sows is low?

    What causes the disease when the conception rate of sows is low?

    What causes the disease when the conception rate of sows is low?

  • Thoughts on diagnosis of Pig Disease

    Thoughts on diagnosis of Pig Disease

    Thoughts on diagnosis of Pig Disease

  • Etiological Analysis of Chicken Encephalopathy

    Etiological Analysis of Chicken Encephalopathy

    Chicken encephalopathy refers to the disease caused by the invasion of chicken brain tissue. The main manifestations are a variety of neurological symptoms, such as head and neck tremor, movement disorder, wing and leg paralysis, crooked neck, rotation and so on. The causes of the disease are varied, including bacterial, viral, metabolic, toxic and so on. Caused by E. coli invading brain tissue. Autopsy showed large grayish-white necrosis and depression of beans in the posterior part of the cerebral hemisphere. Clinical symptoms can be seen head and neck tremor, standing instability and so on. Aseptic at diagnosis

  • How to plant beef tendon seeds

    How to plant beef tendon seeds

    It is an annual herb of the genus Gramineae, which is mainly distributed in the north and south provinces of China and the temperate and tropical regions of the world. It can be used as feed or as a whole plant of traditional Chinese medicine. Then the grass seeds of Niujiao should be

    2020-11-08 Beef tendon seed how beef tendon grass it is
  • The sow was vaccinated before and after pregnancy. Did you do it right? Deviation has a great influence.

    The sow was vaccinated before and after pregnancy. Did you do it right? Deviation has a great influence.

    The sow was vaccinated before and after pregnancy. Did you do it right? Deviation has a great influence.
