
anti-disaster Learn more about anti-disaster

  • The revelation after the catastrophe how to improve the anti-disaster ability of agriculture?

    The revelation after the catastrophe how to improve the anti-disaster ability of agriculture?

    The revelation after the catastrophe how to improve the anti-disaster ability of agriculture?

  • Money string of sharp pepper

    Money string of sharp pepper

    Qianxianzi pepper is a new variety with high yield, large fruit, high quality, disaster resistance and disease resistance. Its greatest advantages: early and middle maturity, vigorous growth, 4-5 branches, 20-30 peppers per branch, 100 peppers per plant, up to more than 150 peels dark green, smooth, beautiful and uncurved. Wrinkle-free anti-disaster, strong disease resistance, strong adaptability.

  • Is it possible to use multi-span greenhouse to cultivate edible fungi?

    Is it possible to use multi-span greenhouse to cultivate edible fungi?

    Is it possible to use multi-span greenhouse to cultivate edible fungi?

  • How to correctly grasp the harvest time of film-mulched peanut

    How to correctly grasp the harvest time of film-mulched peanut

    The cultivation of peanut with plastic film mulching is an important measure to promote high quality and high yield of peanut, but how to achieve high yield and harvest, it is particularly important to correctly grasp the harvest time of plastic film mulched peanut. Practice has proved that there are five main bases for correctly grasping the harvest time of film-mulched peanuts.

    2020-11-08 How to correctly master mulch flower raw harvest time profit and
  • "three defenses" in the growth stage of Standard Wheat

    Wheat from planting to harvest, to go through more than half a year, across the whole winter, spring, early summer into the harvest season. Different natural disasters may be encountered in different seasons and stages of wheat growth. Therefore, disaster prevention and reduction and ensuring the quality of wheat are very important for increasing production and income. Experts suggest that farmers should achieve "three prevention" during wheat growth: first, to prevent low temperature and freezing injury. At the beginning of wheat growth, it has to go through low temperature, rain and snow in winter. Moderate low temperature rain and snow for frozen pests and loose soil

  • "three precautions" in the growth stage of standard wheat

    Wheat from planting to harvest, to go through more than half a year, across the whole winter, spring, early summer into the harvest season. Different natural disasters may be encountered in different seasons and stages of wheat growth. Therefore, disaster prevention and reduction and ensuring the quality of wheat are very important for increasing production and income. Experts suggest that farmers should achieve "three prevention" during wheat growth: first, to prevent low temperature and freezing injury. At the beginning of wheat growth, it has to go through low temperature, rain and snow in winter. Moderate low temperature rain and snow can kill pests, loosen soil, increase natural nutrients and increase.

  • Matters needing attention in raising chickens in plastic greenhouse

    Matters needing attention in raising chickens in plastic greenhouse

    Matters needing attention in raising chickens in plastic greenhouse

  • Three precautions should be taken in the growth stage of standard wheat

    Three precautions should be taken in the growth stage of standard wheat

    Wheat from planting to harvest, to go through more than half a year, across the whole winter, spring, early summer into the harvest season. Different natural disasters may be encountered in different seasons and stages of wheat growth. Therefore, disaster prevention and reduction and ensuring the quality of wheat are very important for increasing production and income. Experts suggest that farmers should achieve "three prevention" during wheat growth: first, to prevent low temperature and freezing injury. At the beginning of wheat growth, it has to go through low temperature, rain and snow in winter. Moderate low temperature rain and snow can kill pests, loosen soil, increase natural nutrients and enhance cold resistance of wheat.

  • Strengthen confidence, fight disasters scientifically, strive to win autumn crops and have a good harvest.

    Strengthen confidence, fight disasters scientifically, strive to win autumn crops and have a good harvest.

    During the critical period of the growth and development of autumn grain and the formation of yield, many areas have encountered a relatively serious drought, which has caused some difficulties for us to win a bumper harvest for the whole year. The central government attaches great importance to drought fighting, such as fighting a fire. the Ministry of Agriculture issued an emergency notice and made arrangements as soon as possible.

    2016-03-20 Firm confident scientific anti-disaster all-out capture autumn grain there is a
  • The 13th five-year Plan for Animal Husbandry Development in Inner Mongolia (2016-2020)

    The 13th five-year Plan for Animal Husbandry Development in Inner Mongolia (2016-2020)

    In order to promote the sound and rapid development of animal husbandry in the autonomous region, increase the supply-side structural adjustment of animal husbandry, develop green animal husbandry, and build the autonomous region into a base for the production, processing and export of high-quality green animal products, speed up the transformation from a large area of animal husbandry to a strong area of animal husbandry.

    2020-11-11 Inner Mongolia animal husbandry development "13th five-year Plan" planning for
  • Take targeted measures to strengthen the management of cotton in the middle and later stage

    Take targeted measures to strengthen the management of cotton in the middle and later stage

    This year, cotton is affected by unfavorable weather such as low temperature, overcast and rain, lack of sunshine, etc., and a large area of plants grow weakly and develop late. In addition, natural disasters such as recent torrential rains and typhoons occur frequently, so the situation of cotton production is very grim. At present, cotton is in a critical period of growth, and various localities should take targeted technical measures to strengthen the management of cotton fields, promote the transformation of seedling conditions, and strive to achieve a bumper cotton harvest. 1. Fertilizer operation. Focus on the application of top fertilizer and mixed spraying of drug fertilizer in the later stage, generally applying urea 5-7.5 kg per mu to increase boll weight and prevent premature senility. The bell is late and medium.

  • The Market Prospect of Pseudostellaria heterophylla

    The Market Prospect of Pseudostellaria heterophylla

    The Market Prospect of Pseudostellaria heterophylla

  • The latest market prospect of Pseudostellaria heterophylla

    The latest market prospect of Pseudostellaria heterophylla

    Prince ginseng is also known as child ginseng and child ginseng. It is a tuberous root of perennial herb, which likes to grow in a warm and humid environment and is afraid of high temperature. it is distributed in East China, Central China, North China, Northeast and Northwest China. the medicinal materials are mainly produced in Fujian, Guizhou, Jiangsu and mountains.

    2020-11-10 The latest prince ginseng planting market prospect also known as
  • The harvest of early rice has passed 90%. This year, the area of early rice is stable and slightly reduced per unit yield.

    The harvest of early rice has passed 90%. This year, the area of early rice is stable and slightly reduced per unit yield.

    At present, more than 90% of the country's early rice has been harvested. According to the agricultural situation dispatching of the Ministry of Agriculture and the analysis of field yield measurement by experts, this year, the area of early rice decreased slightly, the per unit yield increased slightly, most of the major producing areas showed a trend of flat yield, and the total early rice yield of the whole country is expected to reap a bumper harvest. Early rice production is stable this year

    2016-03-20 Early rice harvest has passed 90% this year the area stable slightly reduced
  • Spring ploughing production is carried out from south to north in an all-round way to adjust the structure of agriculture.

    Spring ploughing production is carried out from south to north in an all-round way to adjust the structure of agriculture.

    This net news is another year when the Spring Equinox. According to the northern agricultural proverb, the Spring Equinox's wheat is worth a thousand dollars when he gets up, while the southern agricultural proverb says that when he wakes up in March, the Spring Equinox will plant trees and fertilize deep farmland. At present, most parts of the country have entered the busy season of spring tube spring sowing. According to the Ministry of Agriculture

    2016-03-20 Spring ploughing production from south to north all-round development agriculture transfer mode
  • Matching techniques of close planting in three rows of narrow trenches on ridges of soybean

    Matching techniques of close planting in three rows of narrow trenches on ridges of soybean

    The matching technology of close planting of three rows of narrow furrows on soybean ridges is a set of new soybean cultivation model independently developed by agricultural scientists and technicians in the reclamation area, and passed the appraisal of scientific research achievements of Inner Mongolia Science and Technology Department in December 2005. This technology has reached the advanced level of soybean cultivation technology in similar areas in China as a whole, and it is reasonable and close planting in mechanization.
