
Strengthen confidence, fight disasters scientifically, strive to win autumn crops and have a good harvest.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, During the critical period of the growth and development of autumn grain and the formation of yield, many areas have encountered a relatively serious drought, which has caused some difficulties for us to win a bumper harvest for the whole year. The central government attaches great importance to drought fighting, such as fighting a fire. the Ministry of Agriculture issued an emergency notice and made arrangements as soon as possible.

During the critical period of the growth and development of autumn grain and the formation of yield, many areas have encountered a relatively serious drought, which has caused some difficulties for us to win a bumper harvest for the whole year. The central government attaches great importance to fighting drought like fighting a fire, and the Ministry of Agriculture has issued an emergency notice and made arrangements at the first time, and all localities should also act quickly to further enhance their sense of responsibility and urgency in doing a good job in agricultural drought relief work, and take effective measures to promote scientific disaster resistance. make every effort to win a good harvest of autumn crops.

It is necessary to scientifically study and judge the current drought situation, and unswervingly set the goal of fighting drought and winning a bumper harvest. At present, the drought in some areas is serious, but from the point of view of the whole country, the drought is generally lighter than usual, and it will not have an overall impact on the output of autumn grain. The drought-free areas of the drought-stricken provinces have high temperature and sufficient light, and autumn grain crops such as corn grow well, as long as the meteorological conditions are normal in the later stage, they can increase production to a certain extent and offset some of the losses caused by drought. All localities should strengthen their confidence in fighting disasters and winning bumper harvests, strengthen support for key drought areas, strengthen guidance services, earnestly implement various financial subsidy policies and disaster relief measures, and strive to reduce production in heavy drought areas, not in light drought areas, and increase production in non-drought areas.

It is necessary to strengthen classified guidance and promote scientific drought relief in various localities. Organize experts and agrotechnical personnel to go deep into the fields, check seedlings and soil moisture, and formulate technical guidance for disaster species, regions and crops according to different disaster degrees and different crop growth and development processes. The Ministry of Agriculture has successively sent 17 drought relief working groups and expert groups to guide various localities to fight drought scientifically. The arid areas should cooperate closely, organize government cadres and agrotechnical personnel to carry out work supervision and technical services, and take care of the hardest-hit areas with special guidance and responsibility, especially to guide the drought-affected areas to seize the favorable opportunity of rainfall in mid-late August to do a good job in fertilizer and water management. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen communication and consultation with meteorological and water conservancy departments, and further study and put forward measures to combat drought and ensure a bumper harvest.

It is necessary to combine emergency measures with comprehensive treatment, gain a foothold in the long run, and do a good job in drought relief. While fighting drought, we should focus on soil moisture in arid areas, do a good job in the adjustment and transportation of varieties, ensure the smooth progress of planting in autumn and winter, pay attention to the rise of planting costs and the decline of farmers' income in arid areas, and give timely support to farmers' use of water, electricity and oil for irrigation, so as to improve farmers' enthusiasm in fighting drought and protecting grain. It is necessary to actively promote agricultural water-saving irrigation and dry farming techniques, step up efforts to implement high-standard farmland construction, optimize crop planting structure, and gradually reduce the impact of drought on agricultural production.