
The 13th five-year Plan for Animal Husbandry Development in Inner Mongolia (2016-2020)

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In order to promote the sound and rapid development of animal husbandry in the autonomous region, increase the supply-side structural adjustment of animal husbandry, develop green animal husbandry, and build the autonomous region into a base for the production, processing and export of high-quality green animal products, speed up the transformation from a large area of animal husbandry to a strong area of animal husbandry.

(2) vigorously promote the integration of agriculture and animal husbandry and consolidate the foundation for green development. By making use of the new projects such as the national rewards for large counties, the pilot project for the development of grass and animal husbandry, and the pilot project of "changing grain to feed", we can effectively ensure the supply of forage for herbivorous livestock and provide basic support for the adjustment of corn structure in our area. it has created conditions for the development of herbivorous animal husbandry. First, vigorously develop the cultivation of silage corn. We will encourage the combination of planting and breeding with the whole county and township, encourage large farmers, cooperatives and large-scale farms to plant silage corn on a large scale, and actively promote docking and cooperation with large-scale corn growers, such as cooperatives, so as to promote order planting. The second is to vigorously develop artificial grassland, implement projects such as returning grazing to grassland, returning farmland to grassland, high-yield and high-quality alfalfa demonstration projects, expand the planting area of high-quality forage grass and improve livestock-carrying capacity. The third is to promote grain economic feeding as a whole, carry out pilot demonstration of changing grain into feeding in major grain producing areas and interlaced areas of agriculture and animal husbandry, promote the combination of planting and breeding, return livestock and poultry manure to the field, improve the fertility of cultivated land, promote the transformation of aquaculture, reduce costs and improve benefits, and achieve circular development. Through structural adjustment, we can promote the dynamic balance of planting and breeding in the region, promote the integrated development of planting and breeding, and achieve a win-win situation between ecological protection and the development of green animal husbandry.

(3) vigorously promote the transformation of the mode of production and realize the rise of green development. Establish a green development mechanism, protect the "green" responsibility, and give full play to the "green" advantages. First, rely on the carrying capacity of resources and environment, optimize the production layout of animal husbandry, guide livestock and poultry breeding to transfer to areas with richer resources and large environmental capacity, and realize the greening of regional layout; the second is to use high and new technology, scientific management and modern equipment to transform the traditional animal husbandry, improve the modern equipment level of breeding facilities, improve labor productivity and resource utilization, and realize the greening of breeding methods. Third, based on grassland animal husbandry less intensive breeding, increase per unit yield, promote the overall transfer of breeding increment from pastoral areas to agricultural areas, achieve grass-livestock balance and protect grassland green ecology. Fourth, promote the construction of the traceability system of the whole industrial chain of mutton sheep in pastoral areas, establish a traceability system of the whole industrial chain covering breeding, production, acquisition, processing, sales and consumption in pastoral areas, create a unified regional grassland brand, and turn pastoral sheep into high-end products. Achieve high quality and high price, and create a good grassland green brand. Fifth, we should make use of the project of planting and breeding combined with breeding to support the construction of green demonstration counties, promote the comprehensive utilization of livestock and poultry manure throughout the county, open up the channel for the coordinated development of the breeding and breeding industry, provide conditions for the "zero growth" action of fertilizer use, and promote the green circular development of agriculture and animal husbandry.

V. key construction projects

Centering on the development goals and key tasks of animal husbandry during the 13th five-year Plan, and in combination with the spirit of the 10th Party Congress of the autonomous region, we have organized and implemented seven projects to accelerate the supply-side structural reform of animal husbandry, develop green animal husbandry, build the brand of high-quality green animal products, promote the integrated development of animal husbandry and secondary and tertiary industries, and accelerate the transformation from a large area of animal husbandry to a strong area of animal husbandry.

(1) the promotion project of green seed industry.

To improve individual production performance and the quality of livestock products as the main direction, combined with the layout of livestock and poultry production areas, the implementation of livestock and poultry genetic improvement plan. Rely on the national modern seed industry promotion project, increase the construction of breeding stations, improve the ability of seed production, seed supply and promotion of improved varieties, rely on subsidies for improved varieties from the state and autonomous regions, increase the construction of core breeding farms and artificial insemination sites, and improve the coverage of fine breeds. promote the level of livestock and poultry production Relying on the national livestock and poultry germplasm resources protection policy, we will increase the construction of livestock and poultry genetic resources conservation farms, protected areas and gene banks to ensure that genetic resources are not lost, germplasm characteristics are not changed, and economic traits are not reduced.

(2) Green development demonstration county project. Relying on the national support funds for large counties of dairy cows, breeding and breeding, taking the coordinated development of animal husbandry production and environmental protection as the goal, and focusing on the resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure, we will carry out the establishment of a green animal husbandry demonstration county and promote the comprehensive utilization of livestock and poultry manure throughout the county to promote the coordinated development of animal husbandry production and ecological protection.

(3) to promote demonstration projects in major counties from grain to feed. Establish the development concept of "planting for breeding, breeding with seed, and combination of planting and breeding", and select the flag counties with large planting area, good breeding foundation for cattle and sheep and potential for planting structure adjustment to carry out grain feeding pilot projects. Guide the pilot area "whole county, township and village" to carry out silage planting and develop herbivorous animal husbandry. Through the conversion of value-added through belly, we will promote the optimization and upgrading of the planting structure, save costs, improve quality and increase efficiency in animal husbandry, and increase income. We will promote the transformation of large grain counties into large farming counties, build a new agricultural and animal husbandry structure with the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry, giving consideration to both grain and grass, and the cycle of planting and breeding, realize the integration of planting and breeding, and the integration of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and promote the sustainable development of agriculture and animal husbandry.

(4) demonstration project for the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry.

We will strengthen the standardization of the infrastructure of beef cattle, meat sheep, dairy cows, pigs and poultry farms in the advantageous areas of livestock and poultry breeding and the main producing areas of livestock products, focusing on the construction of production facilities such as family farms in pastoral areas and standardized breeding sheds, forage fields, silage cellars, forage fodder sheds and processing, feeding facilities and manure treatment facilities in pastoral areas and agricultural areas, so as to improve the scale of dominant livestock species. Promote the transformation of the mode of production and improve the comprehensive production capacity. Large-scale farming has become the main body of the green development of animal husbandry.

(5) the construction project of the traceability system of the whole industry chain of green animal products. Establish a traceability system for superior livestock breeds and products, and realize the traceability of the whole industry chain such as production, processing, storage, transportation and sales, so as to protect and cultivate grassland beef and mutton brands, push grassland beef and mutton to the high-end consumer market, and increase the added value of livestock products. to improve the quality and efficiency of farming in pastoral areas. The traceability system network framework of "one platform and various traceability links" has been gradually established in pastoral areas. The two major pastoral areas of Xilinguole and Hulunbuir have realized the traceability system network of mutton sheep covering pastoral areas, and the pilot project of traceability system of mutton sheep in other pastoral areas has been basically completed. By 2020, relying on the industrial development and application of big data in the autonomous region, the construction standard system of the traceability system of the whole industrial chain of mutton sheep in the pastoral area will be improved, the operation management system will be further improved, and the traceability supervision service platform at all levels in the autonomous region will run smoothly. Relevant departments, regions, enterprises and farmers dock with the government information platform of the autonomous region government and the traceability supervision service platform of allied cities. The unified sharing and exchange mechanism of traceability data has been basically formed, and the interconnection of traceability information in the whole region has been realized.

(6) demonstration projects for disaster prevention and reduction in pastoral areas. Make use of the follow-up industrial funds of grassland replenishment awards to further increase the construction of forage reserves, focus on the construction of small household reserves, promote households to store and prepare materials, and ensure the supply of forage during the disaster period; use national and autonomous region artificial grassland construction projects and "grain to feed" project funds to expand the planting area of high-quality and high-yield forage and silage Make use of the subsidy policy of agricultural machinery and tools, increase the subsidy for forage planting and storage equipment, improve the collection and storage capacity, vigorously promote the utilization of straw silage, yellow silage, microsilage, pressing and puffing, and constantly improve the efficiency of straw fodder utilization. Make use of the national standardized large-scale aquaculture construction projects, grass and animal husbandry development projects and grassland supplementary awards follow-up industrial funds to increase support for the construction of family pastures in pastoral areas, and improve the standardization of shed construction, especially the construction standard of overwintering warm sheds for female livestock. reduce the overwintering mortality of adult animals. We will implement the construction project of emergency anti-disaster machinery and equipment, equip forage trucks, tractors, snow breakers and anti-disaster command vehicles, and gradually improve the mechanisms for monitoring and early warning, disaster assessment and emergency response of grassland disasters.

VI. Safeguard measures

(1) to strengthen organizational leadership. Departments in charge of agriculture and animal husbandry at all levels have set up leading groups for promoting the development of animal husbandry, and, in accordance with the principles of adapting measures to local conditions and highlighting key points, clearly implement specific measures to promote animal husbandry planning, perform their tasks and responsibilities, and ensure that the objectives of the "plan" are completed on schedule. Autonomous regions, league cities, and flag counties should establish supervision and feedback mechanisms, implement the responsibilities of local governments and departments, strengthen supervision and inspection, bring the promotion of the 13th five-year Plan into the scope of performance assessment of governments and departments at all levels, and promote the implementation of all kinds of work.

(2) strengthen financial, financial and insurance support. " In accordance with the principle of unchanged channels, unchanged uses, each taking his own responsibility and his own merit, innovating the management mechanism of funds related to animal husbandry, promoting the integration of funds, and bundling to support the construction of major projects. Establish a diversified investment and financing mechanism, actively explore an effective model for the integration of financial funds, financial capital and social capital, give full play to the leverage and multiplier effect of financial funds, and through the promotion of government policies and market-oriented operation, adopt credit guarantee, discount and other ways to guide and pry financial capital and social capital to support the construction of modern animal husbandry, so as to inject strong vitality into the development of animal husbandry. We will steadily expand policy agricultural insurance for pigs and dairy cows, explore the establishment of a policy insurance system for animal husbandry suited to regional conditions, include cattle and sheep in policy insurance, carry out disaster meteorological index insurance, and improve the anti-risk ability and market competitiveness of animal husbandry. We will promote the stable and orderly development of animal husbandry. We will establish a sustained and stable investment mechanism for disaster prevention and reduction in animal husbandry, set up a special disaster prevention and relief fund, incorporate it into the annual financial budget, carry out capacity-building for disaster prevention and reduction, and establish a reserve fund and use system for emergency relief of major and major natural disasters. improve emergency support capacity.

(3) to enhance the ability to support science and technology. We will integrate the industrial technology system of the autonomous region and the strength of scientific research institutes, focus on core technologies such as safe and efficient breeding, breeding of improved varieties, forage planting, and processing of animal products, and strengthen joint research and development of advanced technologies. We will strengthen the training of the backbone of technology promotion at the grass-roots level and the feeding and management techniques of new operators, train a number of new breeders who understand technology, can manage, and can operate, and raise the level of scientific livestock raising. We will speed up the improvement of the service capacity of animal husbandry technology popularization departments, support farmers and herdsmen cooperatives, professional service companies, professional and technical associations, animal husbandry-related enterprises, and scientific research and teaching institutions to carry out technical extension services, speed up the promotion of advanced and applicable technologies such as high-quality forage production, fine management of livestock and poultry breeding, epidemic prevention and control, and harmless treatment of manure, and effectively solve the problem of "the last kilometer" of technology promotion.

(4) step up reform and innovation. We will strengthen the supply-side structural reform of animal husbandry, vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation, mode of operation innovation, and support protection system innovation in animal husbandry, so as to achieve innovation-driven development of animal husbandry. We should establish the concept of "coordinating and benefiting farmers", vigorously promote the coordinated development of production and consumption, primary, secondary and tertiary production, cultivation and cultivation, and speed up the formation of a modern agriculture and animal husbandry development structure with a balance between supply and demand and industrial integration. We should set up the concept of "green agriculture", vigorously develop agriculture and animal husbandry of resource-saving, environment-friendly and ecological conservation, promote efficient utilization of resources, stable ecosystem, good environment of producing areas, and safe product quality, and create new growth points for the development of animal husbandry. We should establish the concept of "opening up to help agriculture", make overall use of both domestic and international markets and resources, expand the strategic space for the development of animal husbandry, and speed up the formation of an opening-up pattern of animal husbandry with complementary advantages and mutual benefit. We should establish the concept of "sharing rich farmers", arm animal husbandry with industrialized facilities and transform animal husbandry with information-based means, so that farmers and herdsmen can share more of the fruits of reform and development.