
Spring ploughing production is carried out from south to north in an all-round way to adjust the structure of agriculture.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, This net news is another year when the Spring Equinox. According to the northern agricultural proverb, the Spring Equinox's wheat is worth a thousand dollars when he gets up, while the southern agricultural proverb says that when he wakes up in March, the Spring Equinox will plant trees and fertilize deep farmland. At present, most parts of the country have entered the busy season of spring tube spring sowing. According to the Ministry of Agriculture

This net news is another year of "the Spring Equinox". According to the northern agricultural proverb, the Spring Equinox's wheat is worth a thousand dollars when he gets up, while the southern agricultural proverb says that when he wakes up in March, the Spring Equinox will plant trees and fertilize deep farmland. At present, most parts of the country have entered the busy season of spring tube spring sowing. According to the agricultural situation dispatch of the Ministry of Agriculture and the reflection of various provinces, all localities conscientiously implement the spirit of the Central Committee's No. 1 document and the national video conference on spring ploughing management and spring ploughing preparation, catch early, step up efforts, strengthen measures, and make every effort to promote the smooth development of spring ploughing production.

Spring ploughing production has got off to a good start this year, with four signs:

First, there is a good foundation for summer grain production.

The area is expected to increase slightly and steadily, and the current seedling growth is a better year in recent years. The proportion of first-and second-class wheat seedlings in the green period was 88.8 percent, 1.8 percentage points higher than the same period last year, and the highest proportion in the same period in the past decade. In particular, the situation of wheat seedlings in Henan and Shandong provinces, which account for more than 40% of the country's wheat area, is obviously better than that of the previous year.

Second, the grain planting intention has increased slightly in a steady state.

According to a survey of planting intention, the area of grain across the country has increased steadily this year, the area of cotton and sugar has continued to decrease, the area of oil crops has remained flat and slightly reduced, and the area of vegetables has expanded.

Third, the rate of stable arrival of agricultural resources at full price is high.

The supply of "Liangza" seeds is sufficient, and the supply of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and agricultural film can meet the needs of spring ploughing. According to the monitoring of our ministry, affected by the decline in international fossil energy prices, the prices of chemical fertilizers, diesel oil and other agricultural materials generally showed a downward trend in February compared with the same period last year, which is conducive to reducing input costs and increasing farmers' enthusiasm for production. Fourth, solid preparations for spring ploughing.

The southern rice producing areas should prepare the rice seedling bed as soon as possible and vigorously promote the centralized raising and mechanical transplanting of rice seedlings. The northwest region pays close attention to spring plastic film mulching and tries its best to preserve soil moisture and spring sowing. The northeast region should make preparations for resisting spring flood and drought as soon as possible. At present, early rice in South China has entered the period of sowing and raising seedlings, and the progress of raising seedlings is the same as that of the whole year. Raising rice seedlings in the northeast rice greenhouse has been ready, laying a good foundation for timely spring sowing and one sowing of the whole seedling.

All localities reported that this year's spring ploughing production is still facing some difficulties and problems. The main performance is "two heavy tasks":

First, the situation of wheat seedlings is unbalanced and the task of field management in spring is heavy.

The growth of rice stubble wheat in Jianghuai region this year is weaker than last year, the trend of wheat growth in some areas of Huang-Huai-Hai region is obvious, the soil moisture in wheat fields in southwestern Hebei and Henan is insufficient, the base number of diseases and pests overwintering is large, and the spring management task of drought resistance and disease prevention of wheat in spring is heavy.

Second, the climate uncertainty is great, and the task of anti-disaster and spring sowing is heavy.

As the El Ni ñ o event weakened significantly in the spring and summer this year, the uncertainty of climate prediction is great. According to the forecast of the meteorological department, China's climate will be moderately deviated this year, with spring waterlogging in the east of Northeast China and spring drought in the west, and continuous rain in the Yangtze River basin, making it difficult for spring ploughing, land preparation and timely sowing. In view of the problems that may arise, the Ministry of Agriculture made arrangements as early as possible, and the Beginning of Spring made arrangements for spring field management and spring ploughing preparation work the next day, and formulated and issued a spring field management plan. All localities are required to do a good job in organizing and launching, and quickly set off an upsurge of spring field management and spring ploughing and preparation. Working groups and expert guidance groups have been sent many times to guide spring ploughing and spring management workers in major grain and oil producing areas, promote the implementation of various key technical measures, make every effort to promote the smooth development of spring ploughing production, and win the initiative of summer grain and a bumper grain harvest for the whole year.

This year is not only a key year for comprehensively deepening reform, but also an important year for the transformation of agricultural restructuring. "Spring is the beginning of the year, and agriculture is the first line." Agricultural departments at all levels, in accordance with the central arrangements, closely revolve around the main line of work of "stabilizing grain income, adjusting structure, improving quality and efficiency," based on fighting disasters and winning bumper harvests, relying on scientific and technological progress, strengthening guidance and services, and making every effort to do a good job in the implementation of various measures for spring ploughing and spring sowing, strive to change the mode of agricultural development and make a good start, and strive to maintain a good momentum of grain and agricultural development.

The first is to optimize the stable area of the structure.

We will implement policies to support grain production and guide farmers to grow good grain. We will optimize the structural layout, concentrate our efforts on protecting key points, and stabilize the area of rations such as rice and wheat. Adjust measures to local conditions to reduce corn cultivation in high latitudes and arid areas, and change to drought-tolerant crops such as miscellaneous grains, beans, potatoes, silage corn, and so on, so as to maintain a stable grain area.

Second, we should pay close attention to scientific and technological innovation and attack per unit area production.

We will continue to do a good job in technical guidance on important links, do a good job in field management in spring, promote the combination of promotion and control according to seedling growth and climate characteristics, and implement key technologies by region and crop. We should focus on the establishment of high grain production and the green production model, make every effort to overcome the technical bottlenecks affecting the improvement of per unit yield, quality, efficiency, and environmental improvement, and integrate a set of technical models of high and stable yield, saving cost and increasing efficiency, and green environmental protection can be replicated. we will create a number of demonstration areas that increase production and efficiency, and are coordinated and sustainable, so as to promote balanced production.

The third is to strengthen the capacity of infrastructure construction.

We will speed up the delineation of permanent basic farmland, strengthen the construction of farmland infrastructure, and speed up the construction of a number of high-standard quasi-farmland with drought and waterlogging, so as to support the stable development of grain. In particular, we should strengthen the protection and improvement of the quality of cultivated land, carry out a good "action to protect and improve the quality of cultivated land", improve soil, improve soil fertility, balance nutrients, and restore cultivated land, so as to realize "storing grain in the land". At the same time, we will launch and implement the "Action on Zero growth in Chemical Fertilizer use by 2020" and "Action on Zero growth in Pesticide use by 2020" to achieve cost-saving, efficient and environmentally friendly.

Fourth, strengthen disaster prevention and reduction to ensure safety.

It is highlighted that we should do a good job in the prevention of disasters such as drought, flood, and low-temperature freezing damage, make preparations against spring drought and low-temperature spring waterlogging as soon as possible, and strive to reduce disaster losses. We should give prominence to the monitoring and control of the source areas and perennial recurrence areas of major diseases and pests, such as migration, epidemic, and outbreak, especially the early prevention and control of the "two diseases and one pest" of wheat stripe rust, scab, and aphids, vigorously promote unified and joint prevention and control, resolutely curb outbreaks, and realize the seizure of grain by pests. At the same time, we should pay close attention to the supervision of agricultural materials market to ensure supply and safety.