
and root Learn more about and root

  • How to replenish the roots of banyan bonsai?

    How to replenish the roots of banyan bonsai?

    The beauty of the banyan bonsai lies in the roots, stems, branches and leaves. If the shape of the stem and branches is very complete, but the root appears thin and powerless, the part of the root is defective, the number of the root is less, the root direction is offset, and the root size is uneven, it will affect the beauty of the whole. At this time, the root filling method can be used to make the root more perfect.

  • How about the price of yew root carving

    How about the price of yew root carving

    How about the price of yew root carving

  • How to lift the root of bonsai

    How to lift the root of bonsai

    The root is an important part of the stump bonsai. The distribution and shape of the root directly affect the ornamental value of the bonsai. Through planned cultivation, the roots of the stump are turned over, changed soil and changed pots year by year. In this process, the roots are arranged, the extension direction of the roots is mastered, and then they continue to be planted, gradually revealing the soil surface of the roots.

  • The growth and function of Rice Root

    The growth and function of Rice Root

    After accelerating germination, the seeds sprout and take root. At first, only one root, called seed root (main root), grew from the radicle of the seed. The fibrous root that grows from the root point of the stem node is called adventitious root. There are about 5 hairy roots in coleoptile nodes and incomplete leaf nodes, 10 hairy roots in the first, second and third leaves, and about 10-20 hairy roots in the nodes above the fourth leaf. This is because the leaves increase sequentially from the bottom up, the supply of nutrients to the hairy roots increases sequentially, and the hairy roots also increase. Aboveground nodes, generally not rooting. The nutrients produced by leaves are

  • What is the root of the banyan tree, how to cultivate the root of the banyan tree?/3 recruit to cultivate the perfect root of the banyan tree

    What is the root of the banyan tree, how to cultivate the root of the banyan tree?/3 recruit to cultivate the perfect root of the banyan tree

    The beauty of banyan bonsai lies in its unusually developed roots and its leafy upper body. It is placed indoors or cultured in the open air, which is very ornamental. Life, often hear someone say banyan air roots raised will be very good-looking, then what is banyan air roots? How to cultivate the roots of fig trees

  • [White palm rotten root] what about the rotten root of white palm?

    [White palm rotten root] what about the rotten root of white palm?

    White palm rotten root how to do, white palm flower friends must have encountered white palm leaf droop, rotten root phenomenon, this is a typical improper breeding, resulting in white palm rotten root, the following is finishing encountered white palm root rotten root how to deal with

  • Root system of cotton

    Root system of cotton

    Cotton is native to tropical and subtropical regions and is a perennial plant. After long-term artificial selection and cultivation, it gradually moved northward to the temperate zone and evolved into an annual crop. Within a year, sowing, budding, flowering, boll setting, seed maturation, and completion of the growth cycle. In the process of growth and development, cotton still retains some characteristics of the original perennial crops and has unlimited growth habits. Under suitable conditions, fruit branches can constantly proliferate fruit branches, fruit nodes, buds, blossoms and bolls. Cotton is a straight root crop with developed root system, deep main root and wide distribution of lateral roots.

  • Root cultivation and root protection to achieve high yield

    Root cultivation and root protection to achieve high yield

    Root cultivation and root protection to achieve high yield

  • What are the efficacy, functions and taboos of lotus root tonic at "parity"? What can't you eat with?

    What are the efficacy, functions and taboos of lotus root tonic at

    Lotus root is a kind of food that we often eat in our life. It tastes slightly sweet and crisp, and its practices are varied. Lotus root is rich in dietary fiber and rich in a variety of vitamins, which is very suitable for people with weak physique. Do you know the efficacy and function of lotus root and what are the taboos?

    2020-11-09 " parity " tonic lotus root efficacy and effect
  • Purple root orchid leaves yellowing how to do, 5 causes and solutions / improper temperature, water and fertilizer

    Purple root orchid leaves yellowing how to do, 5 causes and solutions / improper temperature, water and fertilizer

    Purple root orchid, friends who have seen it should be impressed, it is colorful, its flower shape is very similar to lilies, it is a very beautiful ornamental flower. However, on the way to raise purple root orchids, many flower lovers often have some problems, such as yellowing leaves. So, what if the purple root orchid leaves turn yellow?

  • Planting technology sharing: lotus root planting technology!

    Planting technology sharing: lotus root planting technology!

    Planting technology sharing: lotus root planting technology!

  • Orchid dragon root dragon egg

    Orchid dragon root dragon egg

    When orchid farmers talk about orchids, they have endless topics, and the center of discussion is often who goes down the mountain and whether the orchid plant has a "dragon root". Every time they talk about the "dragon root", they only talk about whether it is an authentic downhill seedling. It's just that the seed seedlings (seedlings) are of higher value. However, we raise orchids.

  • What kind of root of orchid is dragon root?

    What kind of root of orchid is dragon root?

    The "dragon root" and "dragon root seedling" in orchids can be divided into true and false. The so-called "dragon root seedling" is actually formed by seed germination, which is also called "real seedling". ...

  • Causes and methods of root cutting of mango

    Causes and methods of root cutting of mango

    Causes and methods of root cutting of mango

  • Can I eat lotus root slices raw?

    Can I eat lotus root slices raw?

    Lotus root is a very common vegetable on all kinds of dinner tables, which can be cooked in soup or fried, and some people like to eat lotus root slices raw. Can lotus root slices be eaten raw? Can lotus root slices be eaten raw? Lotus root can be eaten raw, lotus root is cold, eating raw can clear heat and moisten the lungs.

    2020-11-08 Lotus root slices can be eaten raw Mo lotus root yes all kinds meals table very
  • The cause and solution of the rotting Root of Cymbidium

    The cause and solution of the rotting Root of Cymbidium

    The cause and solution of the rotting Root of Cymbidium

  • When planting succulent plants, I will teach you to cut your roots and grow faster.

    When planting succulent plants, I will teach you to cut your roots and grow faster.

    The succulent plant is not afraid of you to move its roots, so whether it is the succulent plant that needs to be turned over or the succulent plant that has just been bought, the first thing is to trim the root. For succulent plants, root pruning has many benefits, not only to check the root system.

  • Matters needing attention in harvesting lotus root

    Matters needing attention in harvesting lotus root

    Matters needing attention in harvesting lotus root

  • Planting techniques of Lotus Root

    Planting techniques of Lotus Root

    Planting techniques of Lotus Root

  • Bonsai teaching: how much do you know about bonsai Logan techniques?

    Bonsai teaching: how much do you know about bonsai Logan techniques?

    A bonsai is a tree that grows between cracks, weathered and dispersed by rocks or trees in coasts and rivers. The sand in the roots has been washed away, the roots have been exposed, the trees have been loaded, and the curved roots of the curved roots have been exposed.
