
Purple root orchid leaves yellowing how to do, 5 causes and solutions / improper temperature, water and fertilizer

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Purple root orchid, friends who have seen it should be impressed, it is colorful, its flower shape is very similar to lilies, it is a very beautiful ornamental flower. However, on the way to raise purple root orchids, many flower lovers often have some problems, such as yellowing leaves. So, what if the purple root orchid leaves turn yellow?

Purple root orchid, seen friends should be impressed, it is bright colors, it flowers and lilies are very similar, is a very beautiful ornamental flowers. However, on the way to raising purple root orchids, many flower friends often have some problems, such as yellowing leaves. So, what about purple root orchid leaves? Today, Xiaobian will tell you the causes and solutions of purple root orchid leaves yellowing.

1. Purple root orchid leaves yellow, find the cause

As a common ornamental flower, the cultivation method of purple root orchid is very simple, but because there are many novices, they will inevitably appear negligence, resulting in yellow leaves, thus affecting the ornamental nature of the plant. What about the yellowing of the purple root orchid leaves? At this time, everyone only needed to calm down and find the cause, and do the corresponding treatment, purple root orchid or save.

Second, the purple root orchid leaves yellow causes and solutions

1. Environmental mutation

There are many reasons for the yellowing of purple root orchid leaves. You can first consider whether there is a problem with the growth environment. Because nowadays, the network is developed, many flower friends 'purple root orchid potted plants are bought online, this may appear large environmental changes, plants temporarily can not adapt, thus appear leaf yellow symptoms.

Solution: Very simple, ask the store about the growth environment before the purple root orchid, and then we change to a similar environment at home. After the purple root orchid adapts, it will slowly change until it adapts to the current environment, and then it can be maintained normally. After a period of time, the leaves will recover.

2. Too much watering

Purple root orchid likes wet environment, plus the friends who raise flowers like watering, resulting in too much watering, causing ponding in the basin, resulting in yellow leaves.

Solution: Remove the plants from the pot, dry them in the sun, and replant them after the pot soil dries. Usually to purple root orchid watering, pot soil is not dry when not to water, dry when to water, as long as the appropriate pot soil wet on it.

3. Excessive fertilization

Proper fertilization can make purple root orchid grow faster and bloom more beautiful. However, once too much fertilizer was applied, the roots of the purple root orchid could not be absorbed all at once, thus burning the roots. Roots are bad, leaves do not absorb nutrients, naturally yellow.

Solution: If it is caused by excessive fertilization purple root orchid leaves yellow, we should immediately pour some water dilution, serious also need to change the pot soil, and later pay attention to control the amount of fertilizer.

4, the temperature is too high

Purple root orchid likes warm environment, in cool and humid places, growth will be very good. But if in summer, when the temperature is too high, purple root orchid can not stand, thus appearing leaf yellowing phenomenon.

Solution: Move the purple root orchid to a cool place for maintenance, and pour appropriate amount of water, which can be restored after a period of time.

5, normal phenomenon

If you can rule out the above points, then the reason for the yellowing of purple root orchid leaves may be a normal phenomenon! Because purple root orchid just planted, within a week, its leaves will turn yellow, and this means that it is slow seedlings, is a very normal phenomenon.

Solution: Because it is a normal phenomenon, so we do not pay attention to, after this period of time, purple root orchid leaves will soon return to green. Of course, if you're really worried, cut off the yellow leaves and they'll grow back in a month.

In general, purple root orchid is very easy to raise, but because many flower friends are novices, it is inevitable that yellow leaves will appear. However, after reading the full text, I believe everyone has a bottom in mind, and the problem of leaf yellow can be handled according to the above method. About purple root orchid leaves yellow, Xiaobian introduced to this, I hope to bring help to everyone.

How to do purple root orchid rotten root, 3 reasons and solutions/improper water and fertilizer is the key

Purple root orchid, a beautiful indoor culture Jiapin, its color beautiful, on the indoor can also purify the air, so by the flower friends love. In life, there are many people who raise purple root orchid, but in the breeding process, because of improper maintenance, many people will encounter rotten roots, then purple root orchid rotten roots how to do? In this regard, Xiaobian summarized three reasons, go and see together!

1. Purple root orchid rotten root, find the cause

Flower friends who have raised purple root orchid should know that it is a plant with strong adaptability and is very easy to raise. Good maintenance is also relative, because if you are a novice, and did not follow the purple root orchid breeding method to maintain, it is easy to cause purple root orchid not to bloom, or even rotten roots appear. As for what to do about the rotten roots of the purple root orchid, first of all, we must find the cause and then solve it.

Second, the purple root orchid rotten root causes and solutions

1. Too much watering

Purple root orchid likes wet environment, so in the breeding process, we have to keep the pot soil semi-wet state, and this requires us to water the right amount. Watering is a skill, especially for beginners, and it's easy to overwater. Once the water poured too much, it would cause water in the basin, which would lead to the rotten roots of the purple root orchid.

Solution: If it is too much watering, if it is not serious, move the pot soil to a ventilated astigmatism to allow the water to evaporate quickly; if it is serious, it is recommended to replace the new soil, then cut off the rotten roots and replant.

2. Improper fertilization

After watering, let's talk about fertilization, which is also one of the reasons for the rotten roots of purple root orchid. In the process of purple root orchid growth, it needs to be fertilized appropriately, and some flower friends are directly poured into the soil when fertilizing, without avoiding the roots. However, the roots of purple root orchid are bulbous. If fertilizer is poured directly onto the roots when fertilizing, it is easy to let the roots rot.

Solution: If it is caused by improper fertilization of purple root orchid rotten roots, flower friends need to dig out the whole plant, then cut off the rotten roots, replace with new soil and replant. In addition, after fertilization, we must slowly pour along the edge of the pot, and at the same time do not let the surface of the plant contaminated with fertilizer.

3. Insufficient sunlight/poor ventilation

In addition to the above two points, there is another situation that causes the purple root orchid to rot: under normal watering, if the purple root orchid does not get enough light, and the plant is located in an environment that is not ventilated. This situation will allow the water in the pot soil to remain, and over time, it will cause the roots of the plant to rot.

Solution: Simply cut the rotten roots and replant them, then move them to a ventilated area and keep them in light for more than four hours a day.

Through the above introduction, I believe that everyone will encounter rotten root symptoms again, and should know how to do it! In general, purple root orchids are not difficult to raise. As long as everyone is careful, rotten roots will not appear. Of course, there is no hurry, according to the above method of treatment can be. About purple root orchid rotten root, small editor introduced to this, hope to bring help to everyone.

Purple root orchid is good to raise, purple root orchid cultivation methods and precautions/avoid direct light

Purple root orchid, a very beautiful flower, its beautiful color stunning, floral rich, raised indoors, has excellent ornamental value. In life, because of the beauty of purple root orchid, many flower friends will raise it at home, that purple root orchid good to raise it? In this regard, Xiao Bian carefully sorted out the breeding methods and precautions of purple root orchid, very detailed, friends who want to raise come in and have a look ~

1. Is the purple root orchid good to raise?

Purple root orchid likes warm and humid environment, avoid high temperature, strong light, so it is very suitable for raising at home. In indoor cultivation, in addition to watering frequently to keep the pot soil moist, warm measures should be taken in winter, and the indoor temperature should not be lower than 5℃. As for the soil, it is well drained and rich in humus. So purple root orchid good raise, see its growth habits, or very good raise.

2. Cultivation methods and precautions of purple root orchid

1. Soil

How to raise potted purple root orchids, first of all, naturally select the soil. Although to buy online or flower shop purple root orchid potted, there are existing soil, but to raise it well, it is best to re-select soil, choose purple root orchid like soil: rich in humus, good drainage.

2. Light

Light is very important in the cultivation method of purple root orchid. It is understood that purple root orchid likes light, growth process needs sufficient light, but it bogeys strong light, too strong light will make it hurt. So in the summer sun, either give it shade, or put it in the astigmatism maintenance.

3. Temperature

Purple root orchid likes warm environment, avoid high temperature, not cold, the most suitable growth temperature is 18-25℃. In summer high temperature, purple root orchid should be moved to the shade, otherwise easy to appear purple root orchid leaves yellow symptoms; in winter low temperature, should control the room temperature at 10-12℃, so it is good for dormancy. If the temperature is lower than 5 degrees, freezing damage will occur.

4. Watering

How to raise purple root orchid, water is indispensable. Because purple root orchid likes wet environment, but it bogeys ponding, so watering should be appropriate, maintain pot soil in 50% dry: state, should not be too dry or too wet.

Watering method: daily maintenance, every 10-15 days to purple root orchid watering once, pay attention to each time to water enough, not half of the water left half. At the same time, it is also most afraid of water, so the amount of watering can not be too much.

5. Fertilization

Plant growth, can not be separated from nutrients, so in the cultivation method of purple root orchid, fertilization is also very important. Generally speaking, the purple root orchid can be fertilized once a month, and it is best to choose diluted fertilizer.

Note: proper amount of fertilizer can make purple root orchid grow better, but must adjust the concentration of fertilizer, even can increase the frequency of fertilization, remember not to let fertilizer too thick, otherwise easy to burn roots, resulting in poor plant growth, and is not conducive to purple root orchid flowering.

Third, the cultivation of purple root orchid precautions

1, pest control

In the breeding process, because most novices do not know the breeding method of purple root orchid, it is easy to have improper maintenance, resulting in the emergence of pests and diseases. Once infested by pests, purple root orchid ornamental will be greatly affected, so once found should immediately spray control. As for what kind of medicine to spray, there is a detailed introduction in the pest control of purple root orchid, not much here.

2, pruning

During the cultivation process of purple root orchid, various problems will occur in the plant, such as finding diseased pests and thin branches, which need to be cut off in time. In addition, flower friends also need to clean up the fallen leaves in time. If not pruned in time, it will cause a large area of yellow leaves to fall.

3. Replacement of basin soil

With the increase of maintenance time, purple root orchid will gradually grow up, so it is very important to change pots at the right time. The best time to choose in winter, this time is the dormant period of purple root orchid, change pot will not affect future growth.

In general, purple root orchids are quite easy to raise, but if you want to raise them good-looking, you need to pay more attention to them, and according to the above requirements to maintain, so that purple root orchids can bloom beautiful flowers. About the cultivation methods and precautions of purple root orchid, Xiaobian introduced here, hoping to bring help to everyone.