
What are the efficacy, functions and taboos of lotus root tonic at "parity"? What can't you eat with?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lotus root is a kind of food that we often eat in our life. It tastes slightly sweet and crisp, and its practices are varied. Lotus root is rich in dietary fiber and rich in a variety of vitamins, which is very suitable for people with weak physique. Do you know the efficacy and function of lotus root and what are the taboos?

Lotus root is a kind of food that we often eat in our life. It tastes slightly sweet and crisp, and its practices are varied. Lotus root is rich in dietary fiber and rich in a variety of vitamins, which is very suitable for people with weak physique. Do you know the efficacy and function of lotus root and what are the taboos? What can't you eat with?

I. brief introduction of lotus root

Lotus root is the underground stem of lotus perennial herbaceous plants in the lotus family, also known as lotus root, lotus root node, noon section, lake lotus root, fruit lotus root, vegetable lotus root, water whip, lotus root, light side, lotus root (Shaanxi, Shanxi), etc., lotus root is slightly sweet and crisp, and can be eaten raw or cooked. In China, the main seven-hole lotus root and nine-hole lotus root, traditional Chinese medicine thinks that the medicinal value is quite high. Lotus root originated in India, in the Northern and Southern dynasties, the cultivation of lotus root has been quite common, now Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Guangdong and other regions.

Second, the efficacy and function of lotus root

Lotus root taste sweet, cold, into the heart, spleen, stomach meridian; a variety of eating methods can be stewed, fried, cold and so on, according to experts, taro has five major functions and functions.

Nutrient content of 100g lotus root

Energy 293kj

Moisture 80.5g

Protein 1.9g

Fat 0.2g

Dietary fiber 1.2g

Carbohydrates 15.2g

Carotene 20 μ g

Retinol equivalent 3 μ g

Thiamine 0.09m

Riboflavin 0.03mg

Niacin 0.3mg

Vitamin C 44mg

Vitamin E 0.73mg

Potassium 243mg

Sodium 44.2mg

Calcium 39mg

Magnesium 19mg

Iron 1.4mg

Manganese 0.23mg

Copper 0.11mg

Phosphorus 58mg

Selenium 0.39 μ g

1. The lotus root has the effect of clearing heat and moistening the lungs and cooling blood: the lotus root is cold, eating raw lotus root can clear heat and moisten the lungs, has a good auxiliary effect on symptoms such as thirst and anxiety, and can generally be eaten with cold salad and lotus root juice; secondly, lotus root has the effect of cooling blood, which can be used to treat heat diseases.

2, the lotus root has the function of invigorating the spleen and appetizing: the lotus root contains tannin, which helps to increase appetite and promote digestion. It is suitable for people with poor appetite to eat.

3. The lotus root has the effect of eliminating food and stopping diarrhea: the lotus root contains dietary fiber, which can promote digestion and has a certain therapeutic effect on laxative and antidiarrheal.

4. Lotus root has the function of vasoconstriction and hemostasis: Lotus root is rich in vitamin K, which plays an auxiliary role in the treatment of patients with blood stasis, hematemesis, bleeding in urine, hematochezia and parturients.

5. The beneficial effect of lotus root on blood and beauty: Lotus root has high nutritional value and is rich in trace elements such as iron and calcium. Women eating lotus root can regulate blood, tonify blood, adjust appearance and achieve the effect of beauty and beauty.

Third, taboos on the consumption of lotus root

1. For those with spleen deficiency and stomach cold and diarrhea, do not eat raw lotus root: raw lotus root cold, spleen deficiency and stomach cold, diarrhea prone, diabetes, stool diarrhea are not suitable for consumption.

2, puerpera do not eat lotus root: Lotus root is cold, puerpera should not eat prematurely, generally two weeks after delivery.

3. The blackened and odorous lotus root is not suitable for consumption.

4. Do not cook lotus root in iron pot: Lotus root contains iron, so it is best not to use iron pot when stir-frying lotus root, because it will make lotus root turn black.

What can't lotus root be eaten with?

1. Don't eat lotus root with animal liver: Lotus root contains cellulose. Eating both will reduce the absorption of trace elements in animal liver.

2, lotus root and radish do not eat together: both are cold food, eat raw cold, weak people do not eat.

5. How to choose lotus root?

1. Choose short and thick lotus roots with full appearance: choose short and thick lotus roots with full appearance. This kind of lotus root is fully mature and tastes best. Try not to choose lotus roots with an incomplete shape.

2. Choose lotus roots with no scars and wet soil: scarred lotus roots are not easy to preserve, while lotus roots with wet mud are better preserved.

3, choose yellow lotus root: generally, the newly dug lotus root is yellowish brown, if it is black or has a peculiar smell, it is not recommended to buy it, the color is whiter, it is not recommended to buy it, it may be soaked in chemicals.

4. Choose lotus root with large ventilation hole: generally speaking, lotus root with large ventilation hole is more juicy and tastes better.

Conclusion: now you can eat lotus root all the year round, usually we might as well eat more to supplement the nutrition our body needs. Generally speaking, the real mature season of lotus root is in autumn, so September-October is the best season to eat lotus root. Especially for women, eating lotus root has a good cosmetic effect.