
Orchid dragon root dragon egg

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When orchid farmers talk about orchids, they have endless topics, and the center of discussion is often who goes down the mountain and whether the orchid plant has a "dragon root". Every time they talk about the "dragon root", they only talk about whether it is an authentic downhill seedling. It's just that the seed seedlings (seedlings) are of higher value. However, we raise orchids.

When orchid farmers talk about orchids, they have endless topics, and the center of discussion is often who goes down the mountain and whether the orchid plant has a "dragon root". Every time they talk about the "dragon root", they only talk about whether it is an authentic downhill seedling. It's just that the seed seedlings (seedlings) are of higher value. However, we orchid farmers all know that orchids are superior or inferior, and there are very strict evaluation criteria, which do not change the original character of orchids on the basis of whether they are seeds or not. Thus it can be seen that there is another reason for people's pursuit of Longgen Miao. Another theory is that dragon root seedlings have great evolutionary potential. However, we know that among the criteria of orchids, stability is very important. if it is said that there is great evolutionary potential, it can be regarded as a very unstable variety; in other words, it can only be regarded as a promising product. Who will buy the expected goods at a high price? Therefore, the value of dragon root seedlings does not lie here.

Dragon root: refers to the bluegrass in the downhill grass with a main root developed from the primitive radicle, which is called the dragon root. The orchid seedlings that depend on the natural reproduction of orchid seeds in the mountains are called Longgen seedlings. Dragon egg: I think that many orchid seeds sprout together, and their roots grow together in the shape of ginger, which is called dragon egg. The dragon root is actually a false root, and there are stem nodes on it.

What is the secret of orchid dragon root seedlings? Why there is a great difference in the value of the dragon root seedling, and why the explanation of the dragon root in the orchid is faint and has never been explained in detail? With this doubt, I have a strong interest in the dragon root, and to observe and study.

After several years of observation and research, although I do not have a definite understanding of the formation of dragon root. But I have some understanding of the role of dragon root. Here, I would like to make a description of my understanding of Longgen, with a view to making a topic for those who are interested in Longgen to comment.

First, the conjecture formed by the dragon root

There seems to be a consensus in the orchid circle that the process of dragon root formation is that after the ball is ripe, before the fruit is fried, it falls to the ground unexpectedly, and happens to be covered with dead leaves after floating soil. Meet the corresponding conditions, germinate in the middle ball, its shape is like bean sprouts, all the seeds sprout at the same time, after germination due to the limited growth space (due to plant affinity) entangled with each other, the formation of a block of buds-dragon root is thus formed.

Second, the value of dragon root

The growth of the dragon root, the dragon root is formed, either looking for a growing point to break out of the ground, or die young. When the external conditions adapt to its growth, it gathers the strength of tens of millions of seedlings to form buds from the growing point where the soil is broken first, so as to obtain photosynthesis for the survival and growth of the population. At this time, the population is full of milky convex white crystal. When the external conditions are very suitable for its growth, many milky convex shapes can sprout rapidly, while the previously broken buds turn into semi-dormant state because of losing the strong nutritional supply of the donor. However, the photosynthesis obtained by it promotes the growth of the donor. Thus the achievement of the underground part, that is, the expanded dragon root group, block. At the same time, when each volume of dragon root grows, all the seed buds are dormant, gathering the strength of many kinds of buds, providing all the nutrients to the seed buds that break the soil first, and the external conditions at this time are more suitable for the growth of seed buds. Coupled with the large amount of nutrients provided by seed buds, the seed buds quickly form seedlings and roots, and when the seed buds become seedlings and roots, they automatically reduce the amount of nutrients obtained from the population, so that the population can grow when the conditions are suitable. However, at this time, the growing buds have formed their own vegetative organs-Reed head (pseudobulb), and gradually formed their own roots. However, the growth of the root system wraps and covers the original donor (dragon root block). And then produced the fact that hindered the growth of the dragon root block, resulting in the inhibition of the new growth point of the dragon root block, over time, the dragon root block should rest in the soil.

A. the charm of the dragon root: when we know the growth process of the dragon root, we know that the dragon root block is a living seedling bank. Because of the genetic relationship of the plant, if the dragon root seedling is Yupin orchid, then it can be inferred that the related population genetic relationship, that is, all the seeds of this population may be Yupin orchid. So, the remaining question is how to use the sprouting of dragon root seedlings to produce more buds, that is, to produce more excellent orchid plants.

B. due to the limitations of the conditions, the methods I used in my study of Longgen are the original soil cultivation method. After 5 years of cultivation, six different groups of plants were cultured on the root block of Jian Lan long. Three groups of flowers have flowered this year, and the result is that three groups of flowers are similar in shape and different in color (with tendons and tongue colors). If this is the dragon root block of a series of excellent orchids, you can imagine how large a series of excellent orchids it will produce. If we take Longgen as the female parent and adopt advanced tissue culture technology to propagate, how much achievement will be achieved.

A. general cultivation of quality Lanlong root: when we get high-quality blue dragon root seedlings, the most helpless thing is to use general methods to cultivate them. So, how to carry on the general cultivation of dragon root block? Generally speaking, there are two sources for the acquisition of dragon root pieces: (1) when they are collected up the mountain, the humus soil where the dragon root seedlings are produced and the dead leaves on the surface should be brought back together. When you get home, carefully peel off the dragon root piece from under the orchid bush, take a clean flowerpot, soak it in clear water for a few minutes, wait for the flowerpot to eat enough water, cover the bottom with several layers of clean expanded foam net (foam bag for packing fruit), then add 1/2 foam fragments of the basin body as cushion, then fill the humus soil brought back from the mountain to the mouth of the basin, shake it slightly and vibrate it, lie down or plant it shallowly (draw the basin soil out of a shallow ditch). After putting the dragon root block into it, add a little floating soil to cover its part, and then cover the withered buds, then carefully irrigate it with a fine-eyed flower pot so as not to rush out of the dragon root, and water it once in the next few minutes until it is completely watered. After slightly draining the water, move it to the shade and shelter for maintenance. After that, the soil is not dry or irrigated, and the leaf buds can be drawn out as long as it is more than a month. Wait until there are two true leaves, and when the root bud germinates, it will be peeled off and planted separately, or it can be planted around the dragon root block, and then new buds will sprout in about a month. As long as you take good care of it, a piece of dragon root will give you endless returns. (because the root of the dragon cultivated in this way grows buds at the same time, it also keeps growing. (2) if the dragon root seedlings are purchased, except for the better orchid potted soil at home, the other practices are the same as the above methods, except that there are no dead leaves on the cover and can be covered with clean Chinese fir shavings.

However, no matter what kind of careful care, general maintenance is difficult to produce great benefits because of poor conditions, and the best way is to use tissue culture, especially the dragon root of high-grade leaf art and leaf flower double art dragon root seedlings, such as tissue culture, it will be a shortcut to obtain a high-grade orchid strain.

In fact, in addition to the dragon root block, there are also walking stem dragon roots (that is, bamboo roots, also known as false dragon roots), which are deeply buried in the soil layer. In fact, they are all good tissue culture materials, which only depend on whether you use them or not.

The "dragon root" and "dragon root seedling" in orchids can be divided into true and false. The so-called "dragon root seedling" is actually formed by seed germination, which is also called "real seedling". As we all know, the seeds of orchids are very small, many and light. After the orchid capsule matured and split, the seeds were scattered in the original place where she raised her. In the event of the wind, some of these gentle seeds flutter with the wind, leave their homes, fly away, and scattered in other places. The landing place is suitable for orchid growth of hillside stone wall, mountain woodland, mountain stream canyon, where some scattered seeds take root, sprout, long leaves, settle down and thrive. In nature, after the orchid seeds germinate, the "dragon root" is first formed in the soil. This "dragon root" is not the root of the orchid, but the rhizome of the orchid. When the "dragon root" grows to the soil surface, its top expands to form a small pseudo-bulb, which takes root downward, grows leaves upward, and grows into seedlings. This kind of orchid seedling with "dragon root" is called "seedling", commonly known as "dragon root seedling", also known as "dragon root seed seedling". Generally speaking, the dragon root has only the primary plant, while the secondary bud has no dragon root. The dragon root is small and dense, the internodes are short and crisp, there are many nodes and internodes, each node has a dormant bud, each dormant bud may sprout a new seedling. Generally speaking, the life span of a dragon root is about 2 years. After the small seedling grows and the Reed head is formed, the dragon egg falls off on its own, and the dragon egg no longer comes back. The original dragon root will leave papillae for a long time after decay, and the traces of the dragon root are vaguely discernible. There are two cases of true dragon root and dragon root seedling: one is the dragon root seedling germinated by a single seed. In nature, most of this kind of dragon root is the young and weak seedling of a single seedling, and each plant has only one dragon root, which is vertical or nearly vertical under the bud. In the mountains, most of the young single orchid seedlings belong to this kind of dragon root seedlings, and sometimes dozens of such dragon root seedlings can be collected at a time up the mountain. This kind of dragon root seedling is weak and laborious in management, and it is difficult to see flowers for 8 years. The second is ginger-shaped dragon root. Ginger-shaped dragon root, also known as massive dragon root, shaped like ginger, also like coral, orchid plant grows from the tuber. The ginger dragon root may be due to the fact that tens of thousands of seed particles sprouted densely at the same time after the orchid capsule fell to the ground, intertwined into tubers. This ginger-shaped dragon root sprouts sometimes several or even dozens of seedlings grow together.

It has been suggested that dragon root seedlings are easy to produce new varieties of variation, with a probability of about 1.4%, and in the evaluation of dragon root, it is said that the length of dragon root is superior to the elderly, the short is inferior, the short Internode is better, and the Internode length is inferior. The more weird the dragon root, the better. Whether these views can be established or not needs to be further verified. About the formation of false dragon root seedlings. In general, the pseudobulbs of orchids are clustered together, and there is a short underground stem where they are connected. During the growth of this underground stem in nature, for some reason, if the soil is buried too deep or is pressed by large rocks, the growth is restrained, endangering the survival of orchid clumps, a longer bamboo root (false dragon root) will sprout all the way to the appropriate place to form new buds, roots and leaves, and form new pseudo-bulbs. this bamboo-like underground stem is also commonly known as "dragon root". The growing plant is also called "dragon root seedling". The dragon root that Taiwan's Orchid Jie calls "digging three feet into the ground is hard to find" may refer to the dragon root that this kind of orchid plant is deeply buried in the soil. Some people say that for domestic orchid plants, due to improper planting, false bulbs are buried too deep in pot soil, resulting in a similar situation. And put forward this kind of "dragon root seedling" variation is more, this point of view also needs to be confirmed by orchid friends.

In recent years, under the influence of the theory that dragon root seedlings are easy to produce new varieties, many people, driven by profits or eager to seek better varieties, blindly purchase or go up the mountain to dig dragon root seeds to produce seedlings, resulting in destructive destruction of orchid resources. It is true that the Han Kuang and Wan Daifu in Taiwan's New year Orchid inscriptions are cultivated from the dragon root seedlings. It is an indisputable fact that the double-petal strange flower of Orchid has the characteristics of strange root, strange nail, strange leaf, dragon root, three-sided thorn, and so on. In fact, it is possible for dragon root seedlings to produce leaves and flowers, but this is only a possibility. Because the inscription is a very rare thing. It is "strange flowers have characteristics, but those with characteristics do not necessarily bloom strange flowers". "Dragon Root" is only one of the characteristics of Jiapin Orchid, but not all dragon root seedlings with dragon root will produce Jiapin frequently.