
also known as ginger. Learn more about also known as ginger.

  • Laiwu turmeric

    Laiwu turmeric

    Laiwu ginger Laiwu ginger, also known as turmeric, ginger, is a famous product in Shandong. The producing areas are mainly concentrated on both sides of the Wen River and Huihe River in the west of Laiwu. It is famous at home and abroad for its thin skin, bright color, less silk and meat, spicy and delicious, rich nutrition, storage resistance and so on. Ginger has a wide range of uses, not only for seasoning, pickling, sugar, but also for processing ginger juice, brewing ginger wine, extracting ginger oil, or important fragrance raw materials and medicinal materials. Therefore, the ancients once known it as "dampness-resistant tea" and "Fushi in vegetables". In the Compendium of Materia Medica

  • The distribution of the latest ginger

    The distribution of the latest ginger

    Ginger, also known as ginger, white ginger, Sichuan ginger, etc., is a perennial herb of Zingiberaceae. Ginger is native to tropical regions such as China and Southeast Asia. It has a long history of edible and medicinal use in China, and its development and utilization is relatively early. It is a kind of economic production with great development and utilization value.

    2020-11-10 Latest ginger origin distribution ginger alias
  • Ginger common 7 major diseases 2 major pest control methods summary!

    Ginger common 7 major diseases 2 major pest control methods summary!

    As the saying goes, eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, ginger is one of the indispensable condiments for people at present. If ginger wants to have a good harvest, the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests can not be ignored. Let's take a look at the seven common diseases and two pest control methods of ginger. Ginger

    2020-11-09 Ginger common large disease pest control method summary
  • How to grow devil ginger

    How to grow devil ginger

    Guizi ginger, also known as ginger and Jerusalem artichoke, is edible, and the tuber is rich in starch and is an excellent succulent feed. The nutritional value of fresh stems and leaves as silage is higher than that of sunflower. So, how do you grow devil ginger? First, choose a place to plant ginger and like to be loose,

    2020-11-08 Devil Jiang how Jiang how seed devil Jiang also known as Jiang also known as Jiang
  • How to control ginger blight, ginger pest control methods/strengthen management is the most important

    How to control ginger blight, ginger pest control methods/strengthen management is the most important

    If people get sick from viruses, will plants get sick if they are attacked by germs and pests? The answer is yes, for example, when planting ginger flowers, if they are not properly maintained, they are easy to be infected with mosaic disease, anthrax, blight, etc.

  • Control of Qinling mosquito with ginger special-shaped eyes

    Control of Qinling mosquito with ginger special-shaped eyes

    It is the main pest of ginger during storage, and the larva is commonly known as ginger maggot. It can also harm ginger planted in the field and affect the yield and quality of ginger. The insect has the characteristics of hygrotaxis and concealment, and the newly hatched larvae eat ginger under the skin. Those who feed on the "round head" of ginger adhere to insect dung with a screen, which is covered with debris and the larvae are hidden inside. The larvae are lively, with their bodies wriggling and their heads swinging to pull the wire. Only epidermis, crude fiber and granular insect dung are left in the injured part of ginger, which may also cause ginger to rot. Prevention and cure method

  • How to control ginger blast and ginger borer?

    How to control ginger blast and ginger borer?

    How to control ginger blast and ginger borer? Please introduce the control methods of ginger blast and ginger borer can refer to the following methods for control: first, ginger blast. The disease, also known as ginger rot, is the most common destructive disease in ginger production, and it is also the main factor restricting the production and quality of ginger. In recent years.

  • Identification and control of ginger plague

    Identification and control of ginger plague

    Ginger plague, also known as ginger rot or ginger bacterial wilt, is the most serious disease in ginger production, with a wide range of hosts from ginger seedlings to ginger cubes during harvest and storage. Ginger blast was originally caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum. The first infection comes from ginger seed disease or soil bacteria, and the pathogens of other host diseases such as peanut bacterial wilt and tomato bacterial wilt can also be transmitted to ginger. The pathogen of ginger blast invaded from the wound of ginger root and tuber (mainly worm-eaten wound). The injured root was water-immersed light brown at first, and the pathogen entered ginger tuber along the vascular bundle.

  • Where is the main producing area of dried ginger? What's the difference between ginger and dried ginger?

    Where is the main producing area of dried ginger? What's the difference between ginger and dried ginger?

    Dried ginger is a traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effect of reducing swelling and antiperspiration. So, where is the main producing area of dried ginger? What's the difference between ginger and dried ginger? Where is the main producing area of dried ginger? Mainly produced in Sichuan, Changshun, Xingren, Hubei Laifeng, Guangdong Xinhui and

    2020-11-09 Dried ginger of main origin where and have what the difference
  • The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of ginger flower

    The latest culture methods and matters needing attention of ginger flower

    Ginger flower, also known as wild ginger flower, is a kind of herb native to the tropics. Don't look at its name and think that it is a flower from ginger. In fact, this flower is not directly related to ginger. In fact, ginger is a relatively beautiful flower.

    2020-11-10 The latest ginger flower ginger flower culture methods and matters needing attention
  • Lianshan big meat ginger

    Lianshan big meat ginger

    Ginger is called "spicy potato" in Lianshan, and it has been cultivated in Lianshan for more than 200 years. There are two main varieties of ginger widely cultivated in the county, one is big meat ginger, the other is turmeric (also known as "local ginger"), but the area of large meat ginger is the largest, accounting for more than 70% of the total area. The quality of Lianshan big meat ginger is unique, especially the big meat ginger produced in Meidong Village is of the best quality. Its ginger piece is fat, the skin is thin and the meat is thick, the color is golden, the fiber is small, the meat is crisp and tender, the spicy taste is moderate, and it contains a variety of vitamins and amino acids. It is essential on the dinner table.

  • It only blooms two flowers at a time, commonly known as white head to old tender stem like bamboo shoots, is a good medicine for heat-clearing and detoxification.

    It only blooms two flowers at a time, commonly known as white head to old tender stem like bamboo shoots, is a good medicine for heat-clearing and detoxification.

    There are many distinctive plants in the south of our country, some of which can not be seen in the north. In Guangxi, Yunnan, Hainan and other places, there is a kind of plant, each time only two flowers, at the same time withered, giving people a very romantic feeling.

  • Cultivation techniques of alpinia officinalis

    Cultivation techniques of alpinia officinalis

    Alpinia officinarum, also known as wild ginger, is a common wild plant in hillside woodland and shady wetlands. It has high medicinal value and can effectively treat diseases such as constipation and diabetes. It is known as Asian ginseng and is currently planted artificially in some areas. The cultivation of alpinia officinalis

    2020-11-08 Fire ginger cultivation techniques fire also known as ginger.
  • How much is the price of ginger per jin? It's crispy and delicious in this way!

    How much is the price of ginger per jin? It's crispy and delicious in this way!

    Foreign ginger, also known as devil ginger and chrysanthemum ginger, is a perennial herb similar to ginger. It is widely eaten because it has the effect of clearing heat and cooling blood, diuresis and dehumidification. Many people like to marinate it. How much is the price of ginger? How to pickle and

    2020-11-09 Ginger price probably more less money one jin so pickled and crisp
  • When will the ginger ripen?

    When will the ginger ripen?

    Foreign ginger, also known as Jerusalem artichoke, its tubers can be directly eaten or pickled, the taste is very good, many people like to eat, when will the ginger mature? When will the ginger be ripe? The ginger usually matures from the end of October to the beginning of December, that is, the leaves and stems of the ginger.

    2020-11-09 Alpinia officinalis when ripe artichoke tuber
  • Distribution of producing area of ginger

    Distribution of producing area of ginger

    Distribution of producing area of ginger

  • Is ginger the national flower of Cuba? What are the planting methods and precautions?

    Is ginger the national flower of Cuba? What are the planting methods and precautions?

    Ginger flower is a kind of ornamental flowers, also known as butterfly ginger, ear flower kaempferia, butterfly flower, fragrant snowflake, night cold Su, ginger orchid, turmeric, white elegant when blooming, like a butterfly standing leaves, very beautiful. Ginger flowers have a faint fragrance that can be placed

    2020-11-08 ginger flower is cuba of national flower planting method and
  • Can perennial herb ginger flower? What does it look like? How long do they bloom? What are the signs of flowering?

    Can perennial herb ginger flower? What does it look like? How long do they bloom? What are the signs of flowering?

    Ginger, also known as white ginger and Sichuan ginger, is a common perennial herb in our country. It is widely used as seasoning because of its spicy fragrance. At the same time, it is also regarded as health care products in many areas to treat cold, dampness and warm stomach. Can ginger bloom? blooms of

    2020-11-09 Perennial Herbs Ginger Can Flower What Long
  • When do ginger flowers usually blossom? Is it poisonous? Can you breed it indoors?

    When do ginger flowers usually blossom? Is it poisonous? Can you breed it indoors?

    Ginger flower, also known as wild ginger flower, is a freshwater herb of the genus Zingiberaceae, with white flowers and potted plants for viewing, so when do ginger flowers usually bloom? Is it poisonous? Can you breed it indoors? When do ginger flowers usually blossom? If it is planted in February or March of that year, it will blossom in July or August.

  • How much is the price of ginger now? Explain the technical points of field management in detail!

    How much is the price of ginger now? Explain the technical points of field management in detail!

    Ginger, also known as ginger root, is a common ingredient in China. It is very popular because of its flavor-enhancing, cold-repelling and stomach-warming effects, especially when making soup or cooking. How much is the price of ginger now? Key points of field management technology

    2020-11-09 Now ginger price probably more less money one jin detailed explanation