
How much is the price of ginger now? Explain the technical points of field management in detail!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Ginger, also known as ginger root, is a common ingredient in China. It is very popular because of its flavor-enhancing, cold-repelling and stomach-warming effects, especially when making soup or cooking. How much is the price of ginger now? Key points of field management technology

Ginger, also known as ginger root, is a common ingredient in China. It is very popular because of its flavor-enhancing, cold-repelling and stomach-warming effects, especially when making soup or cooking. How much is the price of ginger now? What are the technical points of field management?

Ginger introduction:

1. What kinds of ginger are there?

Ginger has white ginger, turmeric, old ginger, tender ginger, sand ginger, southern ginger and so on, among which white ginger tastes spicy and does not choke, which is a multi-functional food product. Turmeric is heavier than old ginger and is the top grade of ginger.

Will ginger blossom?

Ginger will blossom, but if it is the kind of spicy ginger sold on the market, it usually does not blossom. Only ginger that looks like canna will blossom, and the flowers are called ginger flowers, purple or green, but it is difficult to grow flowers.

How much is the price of ginger now?

The market price of ginger is not expensive, about 2.5-4 yuan per jin, but due to different varieties and markets, there will be some differences in price. For example, the price is about 3.5 yuan per jin in Beijing Rishang Comprehensive Commodity Wholesale Market, 3 yuan in Jinzhong vegetable Market in Dongli District, Tianjin, 5 yuan in Jingxi Fruit and vegetable Wholesale Market in Huailai County, Hebei Province, and 2.7 yuan in Hexi Agricultural and sideline products Market in Taiyuan City. The price is about 3.5 yuan per jin in Dongwayao Wholesale Market in Hohhot, 3 yuan per jin in Ningyuan Agricultural products Wholesale Market in Anshan, Liaoning Province, and 2.5 yuan in Chaoyang Market in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province. so the specific price still needs to go to the local market to check.

Third, what are the technical points of ginger field management?

1. Temperature requirements: how many degrees grow best?

During the growth of ginger, the temperature should be controlled at about 18-25 degrees Celsius. Generally, the plastic film should be covered before the seedlings are unearthed, and the temperature should be controlled at 18-25 degrees.

2. Lighting requirements: can you expose yourself to the sun?

Ginger does not have high requirements for light. Generally, it should be shaded by about 65% after sowing, and then give light until July to August, but do not expose yourself to strong light so as not to be killed by the sun.

3. Fertilizer requirements: what kind of fertilizer should be applied?

Ginger has high requirements for fertilizer, generally fertilizing once in seedling stage, growing period, rhizome swelling stage and later stage, and mainly nitrogen fertilizer in the early stage, and appropriate increase of phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer, cake fertilizer and so on in the later stage. the specific amount of fertilizer application is determined according to plant growth and soil fertility, so that the bulb will grow and increase yield.

4. Moisture requirements: how to water?

Ginger requires high moisture, but is afraid of stagnant water, so do not water too much when watering, as long as you keep the soil moist, generally watering at seedling stage, after seedling completion, growing period and tuber expansion period, if you encounter rainy season, you should take good drainage measures to avoid waterlogging affecting tuber growth.

5. Density requirements: what is the best distance between each plant?

After ginger planting, the row spacing of each plant is about 35cm, and the plant spacing is about 25cm. If it is too dense or too sparse, seedlings can be transferred to ensure the uniform growth of each seedling.

6. Requirements for weeding in mid-ploughing: when is a good time to weed?

After ginger planting, after emergence and during the growing period, the soil can be loosened and the weeds in the garden can be pulled out in time.

The above is a detailed introduction of the ginger market price and field management technical points. I hope it will be helpful to you.