
also known as black wheat Learn more about also known as black wheat

  • "Black" variety, eat healthy and grow to make money.

    "Black" variety, eat healthy and grow to make money.

  • Effect of wheat germ oil

    Effect of wheat germ oil

    Effect of wheat germ oil

  • Symptoms and control measures of total erosion disease of wheat

    Symptoms and control measures of total erosion disease of wheat

    Symptoms and control measures of total erosion disease of wheat

  • The effect of the latest wheat germ oil

    The effect of the latest wheat germ oil

    Wheat germ oil is a kind of grain germ oil prepared from wheat germ. It concentrates the nutritional essence of wheat and is rich in vitamin E, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, glycolic acid and a variety of physiologically active components. It is a valuable functional food with high nutritional value.

    2020-11-10 Latest wheat germ oil action
  • The latest control measures of scattered smut of wheat

    The latest control measures of scattered smut of wheat

    Wheat loose smut, commonly known as black jaundice, ash bag, etc., is common in many wheat producing areas in China, with a general incidence of 15% and more than 10% serious. In recent years, wheat smut has an increasing trend year by year, especially in the areas where farmers keep their own wheat seeds. Performance

    2020-11-10 The latest wheat powder smut control measures
  • What is the latest wild oat plant?

    What is the latest wild oat plant?

    Wild oat, also known as black wheat, bell wheat, oat grass, etc., is an annual plant of the genus Gramineae oats. It is usually harmful to wheat and other crops, mostly in barren fields or fields, widely distributed in the north and south provinces of China, and also distributed in the temperate and cold regions of Europe, Asia and Africa.

    2020-11-10 Most Xinye oat what is it plant wild also known as black wheat
  • Usage and dosage of disulfonate sodium

    Usage and dosage of disulfonate sodium

    Disodium sulfonate, also known as dimethazone, dexamethasone, is a common fungicide, mainly used for seed treatment and soil treatment, but also can be sprayed. Suitable for crops, vegetables, sweet lai, wheat, pineapple, rice, tobacco, cotton and so on. Today, the editor would like to introduce to you the enemy sulfonate.

    2020-11-09 Dichlorosulfonate sodium usage follow dosage dichlorosulfonate also known as dichloromethane
  • When will the latest black beans be planted?

    When will the latest black beans be planted?

    Black bean is the black seed of legume soybean, also known as soya bean, black soybean, etc., with black outer skin, yellow or green inside, high protein and low calorie characteristics, warm sex, high temperature tolerance, suitable temperature of 1830 degrees. Sowing method to propagate with large and full particles, color

    2020-11-10 The latest black beans when planting for legumes plants
  • What are the whole grains?

    What are the whole grains?

    What are the whole grains?

  • What does the field pest armyworm look like? What is the best medicine to use? What are the prevention and control techniques?

    What does the field pest armyworm look like? What is the best medicine to use? What are the prevention and control techniques?

    Armyworm is a kind of insect, also known as millet night larvae, shaving insects. Commonly known as colorful insects, wheat silkworms, etc., the hosts are cereal crops such as wheat, rice, millet, corn and more than 104 species of plants belonging to 16 families, such as cotton, beans and vegetables. What does the armyworm look like? What kind of medicine is the best?

    2020-11-09 Field insect pests armyworm long what appearance use medicine the best
  • Triticum aestivum

    Triticum aestivum

    Scientific name Apophyliathalassina (Faldermann) Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae. Alias wheat stem leaf beetle, wheat golden flower bug. The distribution starts from Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia in the north, does not cross the Huaihe River in the south, and reaches to Qiansu and Qinghai in the west. Shanxi, Gansu and Hebei are becoming more and more serious. Host wheat, corn, Chinese wolfberry, thistle, willow and so on. The characteristic of the damage was that the larvae drilled into the wheat stem from the 1.5cm under the soil, resulting in dead seedlings, white ears and ineffective mulberry, resulting in lack of seedlings and broken ridges in a large area of wheat field.

  • Control measures of scattered smut of wheat

    Control measures of scattered smut of wheat

    Control measures of scattered smut of wheat

  • Control measures of main Diseases of Wheat at Seedling stage

    Control measures of main Diseases of Wheat at Seedling stage

    Control measures of main Diseases of Wheat at Seedling stage

  • What kind of plant is wild oat?

    What kind of plant is wild oat?

    Wild oat, also known as black wheat, bell wheat, oat grass, etc., is an annual plant of the genus Gramineae oats, usually harmful to wheat and other crops, mostly in barren fields or fields, widely distributed in the north and south provinces of our country, and also distributed in Europe, Asia and Africa.

  • The latest Control measures of main Diseases in Wheat Seedling stage

    The latest Control measures of main Diseases in Wheat Seedling stage

    The weather is getting cooler and it is the time to plant winter wheat, when sowing and breeding of winter wheat have begun all over the country, and the seedling stage of wheat is becoming more and more serious because of climate change and the influence of drinking water in cultivation management. So what are the diseases of wheat seedlings? Follow the editor

    2020-11-10 The latest wheat seedling stage major disease control measures weather
  • The latest control measures of wheat scab

    The latest control measures of wheat scab

    Wheat scab is also known as wheat ear blight, rotten wheat head, red wheat head. It mainly causes seedling blight, ear rot, stem base rot and culm rot, which can be damaged from seedling to heading. Among them, the most serious effect is ear rot. Symptom classification 1. Seedling rot is infected by seeds or disease residues in the soil.

    2020-11-10 The latest wheat scab disease control measures red mildew
  • The main diseases of wheat are

    The main diseases of wheat are

    The main diseases of wheat are wheat scab, powdery mildew, leaf blight, etc. Wheat scab is commonly known as rotten wheat head, which is a fungal disease. Wheat powdery mildew can damage all organs of wheat plants above ground, but mainly leaves and leaf sheaths. When the disease is serious, glumes and awn

    2020-11-09 wheat major disease yes
  • Essentials of cultivation of buckwheat with minor grains

    Essentials of cultivation of buckwheat with minor grains

    Buckwheat, also known as black wheat, flower wheat or triangular wheat, has strong adaptability, the growth period is very short, generally only 70-80 days; it has high nutritional value and contains a variety of amino acids and vitamins. It plays a special role in prevention and health care of hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases. Key points of cultivation: soil preparation. Buckwheat.

  • How to raise Mai Xianweng

    How to raise Mai Xianweng

    Light Mai Xianweng is not a flower that needs careful maintenance, it likes sunlight very much, so during the growth period of the plant, it is necessary to let the plant receive enough light so that it can grow healthily, but remember to shade the plant in summer so as not to burn the leaves, but do not overshade, otherwise the plant will grow too much.

  • What are the prevention and control methods of wheat scab?

    What are the prevention and control methods of wheat scab?

    What harm does wheat scab have? What are the prevention and control methods of wheat scab? Is there a netizen who knows well to help introduce it? The planting network has sorted out the harm and control methods of wheat scab, which are listed in detail below for reference by the majority of netizens. The harm of wheat scab: wheat scab is commonly known as "rotten head.
