
What are the whole grains?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, What are the whole grains?

In modern Chinese, the five grains usually refer to rice, wheat, soybeans, corn and potatoes. At the same time, we are accustomed to calling grains other than rice and flour as miscellaneous grains, while grain grains generally refer to food crops. So five grains is also a general term for food crops, which can be extended as food and drinks containing cereals or native crops. Let's take a look at what grains there are.

Rice grain

Rice is one of the most important food crops for human beings, and it has a long history of farming and eating. At present, half of the world's population eats rice, mainly in Asia, southern Europe and parts of tropical America and Africa. The total output of rice ranks third in the world, lower than corn and wheat, but it can maintain the livelihood of a larger population, so the United Nations designated 2004 as the "International year of Rice".


Millet, formerly known as millet, also known as sorghum, dogtail grass, yellow millet, millet, etc., is an annual herb of Gramineae, native to the Yellow River Basin, Inner Mongolia and Northeast China, mainly concentrated in Chifeng and Tongliao areas. the main food crops in ancient China, so the Xia Dynasty and Shang Dynasty belong to "millet culture". Drought-tolerant growth, a wide variety, commonly known as "millet colorful", there are white, red, yellow, black, orange, purple millet, but also sticky millet.


Wheat belongs to the genus Gramineae, which is one of the earliest cultivated crops in the world. after long-term development, wheat has become one of the food crops with the widest distribution, the largest area, the highest total yield, the largest trade volume and the highest nutritional value in the world. There are 43 countries in the world, with 3540% of the population taking wheat as the main food. Wheat grain is rich in starch, more protein, a small amount of fat, as well as a variety of mineral elements and vitamin B. it is a kind of commodity grain with rich nutrition and high economic value.


Soybean is an annual herb and the most important legume in the world. Soybean originated in China, most Chinese scholars believe that the origin is in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, and many botanists believe that it is derived from Ursuli soybean, which is native to China. The cultivated soybeans are domesticated from wild soybeans through long-term directional selection and improvement.


Corn is an annual herb of Gramineae, which has been cultivated in China for more than 470 years. It has been cultivated for more than 470 years. At present, China's sown area is about 300 million mu, second only to rice and wheat, ranking third among food crops and second only to the United States in the world. Widely cultivated in tropical and temperate regions of the world, it is an important grain.

Sweet potato

Sweet potato, also known as sweet potato, etc., originated in Mexico and tropical America from Colombia, Ecuador to Peru. At the end of the 16th century, sweet potato was introduced into China from Nanyang. China's sweet potato planting area and total output ranked first in the world. The root of sweet potato is divided into whisker root, firewood root and tuber root, in which the tuber root is the organ for storing nutrients and is the edible part, which has many shapes, such as spindle shape, cylinder shape, spherical shape and tuber shape. Root tuber also has the characteristic of root sprouting and is an important organ for seedling propagation. Some countries in Africa and Asia take sweet potatoes as their staple food.


Potato, also known as potato, potato, yam egg, etc., its tuber is edible, is an important food, vegetable crops, is a delicacy loved by all kinds of people. Potato has high yield, rich nutrition and strong adaptability to the environment. Now it has spread all over the world. The main producing countries are Russia, Poland, China and the United States. The largest potato planting base in China is Heilongjiang Province. Fresh potatoes can be boiled for grain or vegetables. Countries around the world pay great attention to the production of processed potato food, such as French frozen fried strips, fried chips, instant powder, starch and a wide variety of pastries, egg rolls, etc., as many as 100 kinds.


Buckwheat alias buckwheat, black wheat, Triticum triticum, etc., originated in China, has a long history of cultivation and rich planting experience. It has been more than 2000 years since the earliest buckwheat was unearthed in the Han Tomb No. 4 in Yangjiawan, Xianyang, Shaanxi Province. It is widely distributed in China, extending to Hainan Province in the south, Heilongjiang Province in the north, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the west and Taiwan Province in the east. The main producing areas are in the northwest, northeast, North China and southwest alpine mountains, especially in the north. The sown area varies greatly according to the annual climate.


Oats belong to small grains, there are two main kinds, one is skinned oats, the other is naked oats. Naked oats do not take shells after maturity, commonly known as oil oats, that is, naked oats, most of the domestic oats are of this kind. Skinned oats are shelled when ripe, such as imported Australian oats. Oat is one of the main alpine crops in China, and it is a high-grade miscellaneous grain. Most of them are cultivated in Northeast, North China, Northwest, Southwest, Guangdong, Guangxi and Central China.


Sorghum is an annual herb of Gramineae sorghum, which can be divided into edible sorghum, sugar sorghum, broom sorghum and so on. It is widely cultivated in China, with the most in the northeast, eating sorghum grain for food and wine, sugar sorghum stalk for syrup or raw food, broom sorghum ear for broom or cooking broom.


Peanut, formerly known as Peanut, is a kind of nut with rich production and extensive consumption in our country. it belongs to the annual herb of Rosaceae and is one of the "top ten longevity foods". It is rich in vitamins, protein, fat, riboflavin, unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus and so on. It has a good therapeutic effect on spleen and stomach disorders, cough and asthma, anemia, constipation, intestinal dryness and so on.

Mung bean

Mung bean belongs to leguminous annual erect herb, alias green adzuki bean, adzuki bean, planted bean and so on. It has been cultivated in China for more than 2000 years. It is originated in India and Myanmar, and is now widely cultivated in East Asia. There are also a small number of plants in Africa, Europe and the United States. China, Myanmar and other countries are the main exporters of mung beans.


Sesame, also known as fat sesame, flax, etc., the seed of flax, annual erect herb, is one of the four major edible oil crops in China, and is one of the main oil crops in China. China has been famous for many kinds of food and delicacies made of sesame and sesame oil since ancient times. The oil extracted from sesame seeds has a fragrant smell, also known as sesame oil, can be used as edible oil, can also be used for medical purposes.


Barley alias Moumai, rice wheat, naked wheat, etc., similar to the nutritional composition of wheat, but slightly higher cellulose content, is Gramineae barley annual herb, cultivated all over China, the most widely distributed in cultivated crops, but the main producing areas are relatively concentrated, mainly distributed in the Yangtze River Basin, the Yellow River Basin and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the development of beer industry and the demand for barley raw materials Malting barley developed rapidly in Northwest China and Heilongjiang Province.

Coix rice

Coix rice is not only a medicinal crop but also a food crop with rich nutrition. The rice seed contains 62% starch, 17% protein, 5% fat, vitamin B1 and a variety of amino acids. It is a nutritious medicinal plant with functions such as moistening the lungs, clearing heat, dispelling rheumatism, eliminating edema, diuresis and relieving diarrhea.