
"Black" variety, eat healthy and grow to make money.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, "Black" variety, eat healthy and grow to make money.

Editor's note: "black" varieties grow "black" crops, "black" crops produce "black" food. Similarly, the hot sale of black food requires more black crop raw materials, calling for more black crop varieties. The smoothness of the chain shows that growing black crop varieties is really a good choice. In order to let more farmers understand black crop varieties, dare to introduce and plant them, and be good at taking care of them, today's new variety stands will introduce you to several of them. I hope you will have a goal when you choose, have confidence when planting, and make money when you harvest.

Black potato, black rose No. 1, anthocyanin content comparable to blueberry

In December 2015, the medium-ripe purple potato variety Black Rose 1 (Hisen 9) was approved by the crop Variety approval Committee of Shanxi Province. the variety was selected by Leling Xisen Potato Industry Group Co., Ltd. and the National Potato Engineering and Technology Research Center by using a hybrid technology system, and the period from emergence to harvest is about 95 days.

Potato is a healthy food with rich nutritional value. it is rich in high-quality protein, minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber and other nutrients needed by the human body, and is known as "king of nutrition" because of its low calorie and fat. It can also effectively prevent many diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cerebrovascular disease, depression and tumor.

Ji Qingyun, deputy director of Shanxi Potato detoxification Center and promotion researcher, said that Black Rose No. 1 has a strong growth potential. The potato shape is long oval, purple skin and purple meat, the potato skin is smooth, the bud eye is shallow, the tuber is concentrated, the number of tubers per plant is about 7, the commercial potato rate is 65%. The tuber has a moderate dormancy period and is resistant to storage. After identification and analysis, the plant was not resistant to late blight and moderately resistant to virus. Anthocyanin content 35.86mg / 100g fresh potato, total phenol content 114.538 mg / 100g fresh potato, starch content 12% 14%, steamed taste excellent.

This means that in addition to carbohydrates, starch, protein and other nutrients of common potatoes, Black Rose 1 is also rich in pure natural anthocyanins and phenolic antioxidant phytonutrients. its antioxidant substances are 5 to 10 times higher than those of ordinary varieties, and the content of anthocyanins is at or close to the level of blueberries.

Anthocyanin can enhance the elasticity of blood vessel wall, improve the function of circulatory system, enhance skin smoothness, inhibit inflammation and allergic reaction, and has obvious inhibitory effect on human tumor cells and antioxidation. Most phenols in potatoes are chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid. A study estimated that potatoes are the third important source of phenols after apples and oranges.

Researcher Ji Qingyun said that from 2013 to 2014, this variety participated in the regional trial of the characteristic group of potatoes in Shanxi Province. The average yield per mu in the dryland experimental area was 1554.8 kg in two years, which was 23.7% higher than that of the control Heimeiren. In 2015, the variety participated in the production test of the characteristic group of potatoes in Shanxi Province. The average yield per mu was 1120.2 kg, which was 10.0% higher than that of the control Heimeiren.

This variety can obtain high yield under good water and fertilizer conditions. for example, the yield per plant in irrigated land in Yanggao County, Shanxi Province is more than 1.5 kg, the weight of sweet potato is about 750 g, and the average yield per mu in Inner Mongolia is 2500-3500 kg. Under the background of vigorously implementing the industrial development of potato as a staple grain product, the new variety of purple potato has realized the perfect combination of high yield and high nutrition. At present, purple potato varieties are popularized and planted in Shanxi, Shandong and Inner Mongolia, with an average yield of 2750 kg per mu.

Colored potato has multi-functional uses such as grain, economic and medicinal crops, and has a good development prospect. Because the market price of colored potato is higher than that of ordinary potato, and the planting conditions and cultivation techniques are no different from ordinary potato, the development of color potato industry in poor areas can increase agricultural production and farmers' income without increasing production cost.

At the same time, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards and the strengthening of the concept of health, purple potatoes containing anthocyanins can better meet people's demand for health food, and can be preserved for a long time after being processed into whole powder. As a filler for many kinds of food, purple potato is more and more concerned and welcomed by consumers.

At present, Shanxi has developed colorful potato flour, steamed bread, noodles, bread, pastries, snack food, functional drinks, raw juice and a variety of delicious dishes and other foods. Because purple potato varieties are characteristic varieties and there are few in the market, the selling prices of these varieties rich in polyphenolic antioxidants such as pure natural anthocyanin and chlorogenic acid are nearly double that of other varieties (average 10 yuan per kilogram). The net income can be increased by 5000 yuan per mu.

The two "black" varieties have the same effect.

You can sell black wheat at 4 yuan per jin.

"my newly launched stone mill pure natural flour production line is specially prepared for Lvfeng No. 2 black wheat. With it, I not only have the strength to expand the planting area of black wheat, but also can increase the added value of agricultural products." Not long ago, when the author met Zhang Xingmin, a rye wheat grower in Qianzhi Village, Zhaozhaizi Town, Gaotang County, Shandong Province, he was processing rye wheat flour.

Zhang Xingmin, 52, is an out-and-out farmer who has been dealing with land for decades, especially for wheat planting. The planting area has expanded year by year, and he has become a well-known local grain king. In the spring of 2012, he saw black wheat for the first time at the Jinan famous Agricultural products Exhibition. According to Zhang Xingmin, black wheat is a new special high-quality wheat variety, which has the advantages of tolerance to late stubble, cold and freezing, quick turning green, high tillering rate, neat heading, lodging resistance, disease and insect pest resistance, dry and hot wind resistance, drought resistance and so on.

When he learned that black wheat was a nutritious, functional and beneficial variety, Zhang Xingmin decided to develop the cultivation of black wheat. However, after asking around, he found that there were few black wheat planting bases in the province. Finally, he got a small amount of rye wheat seeds, Lufeng 2, through his friends, which were sown in his farmland after the autumn harvest that year. "due to the lack of seeds, only 7 percent of the land was planted in the first year, but it is not difficult to plant black wheat, sowing and harvesting at the same time as ordinary wheat." Zhang Xingmin said. In the first year, the planting was quite successful, with a yield of more than 800 jin per mu, and Zhang Xingmin expanded the area of black wheat to 3 mu in the autumn of the following year.

Black wheat is a rare variety, even if it is 4 yuan per jin, it is difficult to buy in the market. After repeated consideration, Zhang Xingmin made a bold decision to set up the flour production line and process the black wheat into flour to locate the high-end consumer group. Before the wheat harvest this year, Zhang Xingmin invested more than 100,000 yuan to buy a stone mill pure natural flour production line to further enhance the added value of black wheat.

Zhang Xingmin plans to expand the planting area of rye wheat to 30 mu when planting this autumn, while leading cooperative members to develop the industry, so that more people can eat healthy flour.

Black peanuts are supplied and harvested.

There is also a black crop planted in Qingping Town, another town in Gaotang County, that is, black King Kong peanuts introduced and planted by farmers in the new village. when the author came to the black peanut planting base, I saw that the peanut leaves were dark green. Peanut seedlings thrive under the care of towering trees on both sides, and farmers say they will be able to harvest in another 10 days and a half months.

Xiao Jinying, a grower in Nanjie village who is working on peanuts in the fields, said that in order to ensure the output and quality of peanuts, he goes to the fields to cut grass once a week and cannot use pesticides. Judging from the current growth, the hard work has not been in vain, and the income of 3000 yuan per mu should be held in hand.

According to Xiao Congzhong, director of Qingping Town Agricultural Technology Station, black peanut, also known as selenium-rich black peanut, is a kind of colored peanut, rich in selenium, iron, zinc and other trace elements and 19 kinds of amino acids needed by the human body. Compared with common red peanuts, black peanuts have nearly twice the selenium content and high oil content. It is very popular among the modern people who pursue health and health, and the market prospect is bright.

"Black peanuts are nutritious and easy to manage, but they also have their own set of planting techniques. When sowing seeds can not be mixed with seed coating agents, management to put an end to spraying pesticides, weeding all with manual, so as to achieve pure natural, pollution-free, zero agricultural residue. There is no problem in the management of black peanuts, except for the ridging planting mode when sowing, other aspects are the same as the traditional peanut management. The most important thing is that the harvest time of black peanuts is half a month earlier than ordinary peanuts, because this variety is precocious, looking at the outside of the skin well, breaking the shell or sprouting inside. " Xiao Congzhong said.

It is understood that the sowing and recycling of black peanuts are all the responsibility of Xiaohei Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd. Farmers only need to buy peanut seeds at a price of 3 yuan per catty, and the company sends machinery and vehicles to the ground to pick up and load them directly during harvest. Xiao Jinying said, "when peanuts were harvested last year, the peanuts were still a little muddy, so the company loaded the car and pulled them away. The purchase price is 2.6yuan per jin, the yield per mu has reached 1300 jin, and the benefit per mu is about 3300 yuan, which is 1300 yuan more than in the past. This year, my income of 30000 yuan will not be a problem with this 10 mu of black peanuts. "

What is black food?

Black food refers to animal and plant food containing natural melanin, because it contains natural melanin, its color is black or dark purple, dark brown. Some varieties have a blackish skin; others are black to the end. In foreign countries, black food refers to two aspects: one is the food with black color; the other is the food with high crude fiber content.

Common black food

Black rice is a processed product of black rice, which is non-waxy rice. Brown rice is black or dark brown, rich in nutrition, high food and medicinal value, in addition to cooking porridge can also make a variety of nutritious food and wine, known as "black pearl" and "king of rice in the world" reputation. The most representative black rice in Yang County, Shaanxi Province, has been known as "medicinal rice", "Gongmi" and "Shoumi" since ancient times.

Black beans, also known as black beans, black soybeans and so on. Black beans have the characteristics of high protein and low calorie, with black skin and yellow or green inside. It is better to have large and full particles with jet black and bright color. According to a study by Chinese scientists, black bean skin extract can increase the body's absorption of iron, and eating black beans with skin can improve the symptoms of anemia.

Blueberry fruit is rich in nutrients, which can prevent brain nerve aging, protect vision, strengthen heart, fight cancer, soften blood vessels, enhance human immunity and other functions. Among them, blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, which can activate the retina, strengthen eyesight and prevent eyeball fatigue. It is also one of the five healthy fruits recommended by the World Food and Agriculture Organization.

Water chestnut is a perennial perennial herb, whose surface is smooth and glossy, purplish red or dark brown. It grows in the pond and is also known as horseshoe because of its shape. Its appearance is like chestnut, not only in shape, but also similar to chestnut in nature, taste, composition and function, and it is also known as "ground chestnut" because it is borne in the mud. Water chestnut has purple-black skin, white meat, sweet and juicy taste, crisp and delicious, and has the reputation of "underground snow pear". Northerners call it "Jiangnan ginseng". It can be eaten raw as fruit and vegetables as well. It is a popular product in season.