
accustomed Learn more about accustomed

  • How does Capital adapt to the slow Logic of Agriculture

    How does Capital adapt to the slow Logic of Agriculture

    Whether the giants who are accustomed to the rapid expansion can adapt to the slow logical thinking of agricultural production, whether they can be content with the normal state of lower agricultural income and return to a quiet and indifferent state of mind, it remains to be seen whether the capital tentacles of the well-known real estate enterprise Evergrande Group will be extended to the agricultural sector recently.

    2016-03-20 Capital how adapt agriculture slow logical accustomed fast
  • How to raise ant silkworms

    How to raise ant silkworms

    Ant silkworm is accustomed to be called ant silkworm because the larva just coming out of its shell is small, dark brown and shaped like an ant. The ant silkworm grows rapidly with eating mulberry leaves, the middle of the body gradually turns green, and the bristles become thinner. This period is called the hair thinning period. After that, the body changes further.

    2020-11-11 Ant silkworm how raise ant silkworm because just come out shell larva
  • It's comfortable to clean up like this at home.

    It's comfortable to clean up like this at home.

    Accustomed to the daily hard work, bound to the life of nine to five, in fact, we can also change a way of life, there is a small yard, the area is not too large, warm, decoration is not luxurious, simple is good, do not earn too much.

  • How to fertilize green onions?

    How to fertilize green onions?

    How to fertilize green onions? Please introduce thank you very much for a long time, many vegetable farmers are accustomed to trenching for green onions one-time topdressing, which is unscientific. Because, in this way, it is not only easy to cut off the roots of green onions, but also burn out the tender fibrous roots of green onions due to excessive concentration of fertilization, resulting in the occurrence of dry tips and withered leaves.

  • Prairie dog

    Prairie dog

    Size: about 30cm tail length about 8cm Origin: North American eating habits: plant-based omnivorous body colors from yellow to brown. Short and chubby, with a short tail. Live in groups in interconnected caves dug in the prairie. Because they are accustomed to the life of a group, they will not fight even if they raise more than one. It often appears in ecological films and is a very popular lovely animal. In particular, the movements of standing and sitting are particularly lovely and easy to be tamed.

  • A few tricks to remove pesticides from vegetables! Simple and practical

    A few tricks to remove pesticides from vegetables! Simple and practical

    Today, the food on our table is no longer the clean food it used to be. Modern agriculture has become accustomed to relying on medicines such as fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, etc.

  • This flower can bloom from now until the end of the year, which is both beautiful and easy to raise.

    This flower can bloom from now until the end of the year, which is both beautiful and easy to raise.

    Accustomed to seeing the flowers in the flower market, many flower friends want to raise some rare flowers by themselves. because some flowers are rare in the market, there are not many flowers, and the flowers themselves are beautiful, so they feel very rare. ...

  • What does the river eel eat? How to "domesticate"

    What does the river eel eat? How to

    River eel is a carnivorous fish. Generally speaking, river eels feed on clams, shellfish, clams, fish, shrimp and animal carcasses. In artificial feeding, artificial formula feed can be put in, but the protein content must be more than 45%. River eel is a nocturnal animal, mainly foraging for small natural animals. In artificial feeding, the stocking density is high, which can not be satisfied only by natural bait, so it must be supplemented by artificial feed. At the beginning of feeding artificial feed, the river crab is not used to it and does not come to eat, so it must go through the stage of "domestication" to make it accustomed to eating artificial feed and develop the habit of eating regularly and in a fixed position.

  • Feed new wheat bran to livestock to guard against stomatitis

    Feed new wheat bran to livestock to guard against stomatitis

    Many farmers are accustomed to feeding new wheat bran directly to livestock. Untreated new wheat bran often punctures the oral mucosa of livestock and causes stomatitis. After suffering from stomatitis, livestock want to eat but refuse to eat; pick the feed into the mouth and do not dare to chew, or chew a few mouthfuls and then spit it out; white turbid mucus continues to flow out of the mouth; wheat awn can be seen in the mouth, such as the root of the tooth and the bottom of the tongue. Once this disease occurs, the wheat awn in the mouth of the livestock should be cleared first, and then rinse the mouth with clean water to prevent infection. And then

  • What should be paid attention to in raising cattle in winter

    What should be paid attention to in raising cattle in winter

    In general, when raising cattle in winter, farmers are accustomed to feeding a single straw or straw, rarely adding concentrate. In fact, feeding a single forage has poor nutrition and poor palatability, which can easily lead to anorexia, fat loss and death of cattle. Therefore, cattle are used in winter.

    2020-11-08 In winter raising cattle need pay attention to what change to feed single feed for
  • Domestication method of Red-bellied Caragana

    Domestication method of Red-bellied Caragana

    Domestication method of Red-bellied Caragana

  • Fattening intensity and difficulty of Black Goat intensive fattening Technology of Big Black Goat

    Fattening intensity and difficulty of Black Goat intensive fattening Technology of Big Black Goat

    Fattening intensity and difficulty of Black Goat intensive fattening Technology of Big Black Goat

  • A good cure for urban diseases: Fuding white tea

    A good cure for urban diseases: Fuding white tea

    We have become accustomed to everything around us, and the door-to-door neighbors of the residents of the community may not know their last name. I have never seen people in this building visit each other and chat with their rice bowls. (ps: [Shihejun] I ate when I was a child.

  • Pruning method of succulent plants modeling method of bonsai of succulent plants

    Pruning method of succulent plants modeling method of bonsai of succulent plants

    Accustomed to seeing the colorful platter of succulent plants, you might as well take a look at the succulent plant-shaped bonsai with a single succulent plant as the protagonist. Although it is only a very simple commodity, the owner's intention plus the experience of time, with appropriate accessories, people can't help but see.

  • Come up with an idea to turn snow dates into gold.

    Come up with an idea to turn snow dates into gold.

    Panchi Township is a mountainous area, covered with sour dates. In recent years, farmers believe in scientific farming, invited professors from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, successfully grafted and cultivated plough jujube and snow jujube, crisp and sweet. Farmers are accustomed to selling every 10 kilograms of jujube in a carton, but they also make some money. Wang Chunhua, director of the Panchi Institute of Industry and Commerce, soon discovered that when consumers bought those dates, they reflected that each box was too big and heavy, that they could not eat so much at home, and that it was inconvenient to keep them. So he proposed to the growers to change a large box of 10 kilograms into 2.

  • Cutting propagation method of succulent plant modeling method of bonsai of succulent plant

    Cutting propagation method of succulent plant modeling method of bonsai of succulent plant

    Accustomed to seeing the colorful platter of succulent plants, you might as well take a look at the succulent plant-shaped bonsai with a single succulent plant as the protagonist. Although it is only a very simple commodity, the owner's intention plus the experience of time, with appropriate accessories, people can't help but see.

  • How often do brocade carps change water, daily "Buddha", koi that can wear upper body?

    How often do brocade carps change water, daily

    Maybe you also bravely say that you don't like the Spring Festival, but secretly count down the days of going home; maybe you have no choice but to choose the early morning flight in order to buy tickets for the Spring Festival. No matter what you've been through this year, in a few days, you'll be able to take off your heavy armor.

  • Make a good job of planting cotton this winter and next year

    Make a good job of planting cotton this winter and next year

    Many cotton farmers do not pay attention to the winter management of cotton fields and are accustomed to spring ploughing and spring irrigation before spring sowing. In fact, "planting cotton well in winter, planting cotton well in the coming year, watering good land in winter, planting cotton effortlessly, ploughing in winter and irrigation in winter, resulting in a high yield of insects and less cotton" has become an important experience in cotton production. For this reason, cotton farmers should do the following work well in winter: deep ploughing of cotton fields in winter can not only dig out part of the raw soil and bury surface weeds and crop residues in the ground, but also improve the ability of storing rain and snow after loose soil. through winter

  • The latest price and planting method of Polygonatum polygonatum

    The latest price and planting method of Polygonatum polygonatum

    Rhizoma Rehmanniae is a traditional tonifying medicine, also known as tiger ginger, chicken head ginseng, yellow chicken cabbage, etc., is the dry rhizome of Liliaceae plants Dian Huang Jing, Huang Jing or multi-flower Huang Jing, which is accustomed to rhubarb essence, chicken head yellow essence and ginger-shaped yellow essence according to different shapes.

    2020-11-10 The latest Polygonatum price and planting method yes tradition
  • Why does China become the highland of urea price?

    Why does China become the highland of urea price?

    In recent years, the price of urea in China is basically the lowest in the world, especially last year. In general, the FOB ton price of urea in China is US $20,30 lower than the international price, and sometimes even US $50 lower. And many people have become accustomed to the low price of urea in China.

    2016-03-20 China why become urea price highland in recent years