
Tick Learn more about Tick

  • What is a tick? How to identify being bitten by ticks? What should I do after the bite?

    What is a tick? How to identify being bitten by ticks? What should I do after the bite?

    The most active period of ticks is from June to November every year, and the news of being bitten by ticks is not uncommon. If accidentally bitten, it can cause fever, general discomfort, headache, fatigue, muscle soreness and so on. So what is a tick? What should I do after the bite? one

    2020-11-11 Tick what is how identify be bitten
  • How to identify a tick bite

    How to identify a tick bite

    Ticks are often painless when biting and sucking blood. if you find that the bite looks like a black mole, or there is obvious redness and swelling around the bite, or the skin surface of the bite feels hard, it means you have been bitten by a tick. Find a way to get it after being bitten.

    2020-11-11 How to identify be tick bite sting suck blood
  • What exactly is a tick? How to kill the tick larvae at home, dogs and cattle? What medicine can be used to eliminate it?

    What exactly is a tick? How to kill the tick larvae at home, dogs and cattle? What medicine can be used to eliminate it?

    In recent years, the news of being bitten by ticks is not uncommon, so what on earth is a tick? How to kill the tick larvae at home, dogs and cattle? What medicine can be used to eliminate it? Ticks (p) are also called ticks, which are eaten by soft-shelled turtles, commonly known as dog turtles, grass seeds, cattle lice,

    2020-11-11 Tick on earth what is it home dog cow body
  • Control techniques of hard tick disease in sheep

    Control techniques of hard tick disease in sheep

    Dense parasitism of ticks in sheep can cause weight loss in goats, miscarriage in some pregnant ewes, and high mortality in lambs and ewes after delivery. The expert relieves the disease. ⑴ pathogen: the pathogen of this disease is 6 genera of Ixodidae, namely, hard tick, glass eye tick, blood tick, leather tick, shoulder tick and bovine tick. Its common morphological characteristics are as follows: the adult body is long oval, slightly protruding on the back and flattened on the ventral surface; there is no distinction between head, chest and abdomen, and the three are integrated into a body with a false head at the front; the false head is composed of a pair of chelate limbs, a suboral plate and a pair of feet.

  • What are the damage characteristics and living habits of jujube leaf tick

    What are the damage characteristics and living habits of jujube leaf tick

    Jujube leaf tick is commonly known as gray leaf disease, fog disease, fire dragon and so on. It uses adults and nymphs to harm jujube leaves, flowers and fruits. The injured leaves are gray and white, the mesophyll thickens and becomes brittle, when the leaf epidermis is necrotic, the photosynthetic capacity is lost, the leaves curl and fall easily, and the calyx can not bloom after being killed. The jujube leaf tick occurs for more than three generations a year, overwintering as adults or nymphs in jujube bud scales. The insect has three damage peaks in a year, that is, the end of April, the end of June and the middle of July, each lasting 10-15 days. Beginning in early August

  • Red spider rust lice damage fruit control of citrus red spider embroidered tick lice

    Red spider rust lice damage fruit control of citrus red spider embroidered tick lice

    Red spider rust lice damage fruit control of citrus red spider embroidered tick lice

  • How to prevent and treat the ectoparasites of sheep? What are the forms of expression?

    How to prevent and treat the ectoparasites of sheep? What are the forms of expression?

    How to prevent and treat the ectoparasites of sheep? What are the forms of expression?

  • Pathogenic symptoms and Prevention of jumping Disease in Sheep

    Pathogenic symptoms and Prevention of jumping Disease in Sheep

    This is a viral disease that causes inflammation of the brain, so it is also called encephalitis. The disease mainly occurs in sheep and occasionally causes disease in goats. It occurs only in tick-infested mountain areas. 1. The pathogen is flavivirus. The transmission vector is tick. Ticks infected with the virus can spread the disease by biting healthy sheep. It can occasionally infect people and sheepdogs. People show high fever and acute muscle pain, but do not cause death. two。 Symptom sheep: the incubation period is 1-3 weeks. Virus

  • Prevention and treatment of pigeon parasites: soft tick disease

    Prevention and treatment of pigeon parasites: soft tick disease

    Parasitic diseases do great harm to the production of pigeons, especially affect the normal laying of pigeons, increase the number of azoospermic eggs, consume nutrients to make pigeons thin, reduce the physique of pigeons, and cause other diseases. Therefore, pigeon parasitic diseases must be prevented and treated in production. It is a pigeon disease caused by ticks or ticks. After being attacked by a large number of ticks, young pigeons can cause serious blood loss and even death; suffering from pigeons itching restless, gradually emaciated and anemic, growth and development hindered. As ticks are often parasitized in pigeon nests and faeces where pigeons often stay, faeces should be cleaned in time.

  • How to wipe out cattle ticks?

    How to wipe out cattle ticks?

    How to wipe out cattle ticks?

  • 22 cases of courtyard garden design there is a house like this. Fresh oxygen life is close at hand.

    22 cases of courtyard garden design there is a house like this. Fresh oxygen life is close at hand.

    22 courtyard "garden design" cases, the courtyard seems to retreat from the noise, just want to stop, sit at the window to listen to the notes from the fairy world, tick-tock …... Tick-tock. With such a house, fresh oxygen life is close at hand. With don't.

  • Except for full use of drugs for raising chickens: the use of tick lice for repellent is approved for raising chickens, and the Food and Drug Administration first notifies Ferrana of the residual allowance.

    Except for full use of drugs for raising chickens: the use of tick lice for repellent is approved for raising chickens, and the Food and Drug Administration first notifies Ferrana of the residual allowance.

    The Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare announced the draft amendment to Article 3 of the Animal Drug residue Standard, which sets the residue standard of Fluralaner for chicken, eggs and other products. Freana can be used for deworming, and it is a drug for removing lice and full use.

  • Diagnosis and treatment of Bovine Taylor Disease

    Diagnosis and treatment of Bovine Taylor Disease

    Bovine Taylor disease is a kind of bovine hematozoonosis caused mainly by the parasitism of Tyleria annulata in cattle. The disease is mainly transmitted by intermediate host ticks and occurs more frequently in spring. 1 the body temperature of cattle with clinical symptoms increased to 40 ℃ ~ 41.8 ℃, which was missed fever and maintained at about 41 ℃ in 4 to 10 days. A small number of diseased cattle showed relaxation fever or intermittent fever. with the increase of body temperature, diseased cattle showed depression, inability to walk and lagging behind, while some diseased cattle showed coma, lying on the ground, weak and fast pulse and increased respiration. Ocular conjunctiva

  • Planting pear trees to prevent insect pests in spring

    Planting pear trees to prevent insect pests in spring

    Pear diseases and insect pests in spring are: pear heart borer, aphids, red spiders, pear wood lice, stink bugs, leaf tick and scab and so on. Control time and measures from early spring to flower bud expansion, clean the orchard and scrape the bark. Spread plastic sheeting under the tree, and then make the trunk and large

    2020-11-08 Species pear trees spring prevention pest control diseases and insect pests
  • Prevention and treatment of leptospirosis in geese

    Prevention and treatment of leptospirosis in geese

    Leptospirosis is a febrile and septic infectious disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi in geese and other poultry and wild birds. The main clinicopathological features were fever, diarrhea, hepatomegaly and splenomegaly and necrosis. The disease has a high mortality rate, and a large number of deaths are caused by the onset of the disease. Leptospirosis occurs all over the world, but it is common in free-range poultry in tropical and subtropical regions. 1. Pathogen and epidemic characteristics. Sick and dead birds and their droppings are the main sources of infection of the disease.

  • Jujube gall mite

    Jujube gall mite

    Also known as jujube mite, jujube tick, jujube ash leaf. The insect is distributed in Dongzao jujube producing areas in Shandong Province and has become one of the main pests on jujube trees. After the jujube tree was killed, the leaves were curled, the leaves were gray, the fallen flowers and fruits were heavy, and then the leaves fell, resulting in secondary sprouting leaves; there were spots on the fruit surface, resulting in a substantial reduction in yield and a decline in quality. The generation of the insect varies according to its geographical location. About 10 generations a year in Zaozhuang area of Shandong Province, adult mites and nymphs overwintered in jujube scales or jujube branch bark seams, with many generations and rapid reproduction. High mortality rate, strong resistance, rapid spread, score

  • Beauty grows old and beauty grows old: common diseases and insect pests of morning glory and their control methods

    Beauty grows old and beauty grows old: common diseases and insect pests of morning glory and their control methods

    When I was a child, morning glory often appeared in textbooks and grew up by the side of the road. Those purple, blue and red flowers can always attract our eyes and make us linger. However, beauty is easy to grow old and easy to be destroyed. What diseases and insect pests will Petunia encounter when raising cattle at ordinary times?

  • Causes and preventive measures of black peel fruit

    Causes and preventive measures of black peel fruit

    Causes and preventive measures of black peel fruit

  • What harm does grape felt disease have? What are the prevention and control techniques?

    What harm does grape felt disease have? What are the prevention and control techniques?

    Grape felt disease is actually caused by a pest, rust tick, and its symptoms are similar to diseases, so people are used to being included in the category of diseases. So specifically, what is the harm of grape felt disease? What are the prevention and control techniques? What is the harm of grape felt disease? 1. Danger

    2020-11-09 Grapes blankets diseases what hazards control technology which
  • The cause of the latest black fruit and its preventive measures

    The cause of the latest black fruit and its preventive measures

    Many farmers who have planted citrus, lemon and grapefruit have had such an experience. In summer and autumn, the peel of these fruits will turn black, commonly known as black fruits. Some orchards will even be swallowed by this black fruit, black fruit hanging all over the branches, these fruits

    2020-11-10 The latest black skin fruit causes and preventive measures a lot of