
What is a tick? How to identify being bitten by ticks? What should I do after the bite?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The most active period of ticks is from June to November every year, and the news of being bitten by ticks is not uncommon. If accidentally bitten, it can cause fever, general discomfort, headache, fatigue, muscle soreness and so on. So what is a tick? What should I do after the bite? one

The most active period of ticks is from June to November every year, and the news of being bitten by ticks is not uncommon. If accidentally bitten, it can cause fever, general discomfort, headache, fatigue, muscle soreness and so on. So what is a tick? What should I do after the bite? Where do you usually appear?

What is a tick? Where do you usually appear?

Ticks (p í), also known as ticks, soft-shelled turtles eat, commonly known as dog soft-shelled turtles, grass seeds, cattle lice, grass ticks, dog beans, cattle turtle. In Sichuan dialect, it is called coercion (pronunciation shà) and so on. Dormant on the grass and plants in the shallow mountains and hills, or lodging among the skins of animals such as livestock. When not sucking blood, the small ones are the size of shrunken mung beans, and some are as thin as rice grains; after sucking enough blood, there are full soybeans, and the big ones can reach the size of the fingernails. Anaplasmosis caused by tick bites is an infectious disease, and people are generally susceptible to the disease. medical staff or their chaperones who have close contact with critically ill patients and come into direct contact with body fluids such as the blood of patients may also be infected if they do not pay attention to protection.

The parasite is extremely fond of furry animals, especially yellow cattle, which can often be found under the neck and the inside of the four legs, often gather in groups, and are very difficult to remove. It is very common in rural areas such as Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou.

Second, how to tell if you were bitten by a tick?

What are the characteristics of tick bites? How to quickly tell if you have been bitten by a tick? In this regard, the editor inquires about the data and draws the following conclusions: being bitten by a tick has the following obvious characteristics:

1. Nevus: being bitten is like a black mole suddenly growing. The tick's forelimbs and mouthparts bite the patient's skin and do not let go, and even bite into the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, showing only a black tail outside the skin. It looks like a black mole, but not after being bitten by mosquitoes.

2. Obvious redness and swelling: ticks will bite the skin and blood, skin surface cells and dandruff, so there will be redness and swelling around the tick bites, which means that the patient's bites will be more inflamed, and the patient will feel pain, itching or no sensation.

3. Hard texture: because the tick belongs to the beetle, the surface of the skin where the tick bites feels hard.

What if I get bitten by a tick?

In the initial stage of being bitten by a tick, we should first make a differential judgment, and once it is confirmed as a tick bite, we should remove the tick from the body as soon as possible. So how do you get the tick out? Recommendations:

Ticks are often attached to the scalp, waist, armpit, groin and below the ankles of the human body. once ticks have been bitten and drilled into the skin, alcohol can be applied to the ticks to relax or die, and then take out the ticks with pointed tweezers, or gently burn the exposed parts of the ticks with cigarette butts and incense butts, so that the head can slowly withdraw. Pay attention to safety when scalding ticks, do not pull hard, so as not to hurt the skin, or leave the head of the ticks in the skin. After taking out, do local disinfection with iodine or alcohol, and observe the physical condition at any time, such as fever, bite site inflammation, ulceration and erythema and other symptoms, to see a doctor in time to diagnose whether suffering from tick-borne diseases, to avoid missing the best treatment opportunity. Even if tick bites are not found, people who travel back from the epidemic area should always observe their physical conditions, such as fever and other symptoms, and be vigilant against tick-borne diseases in the epidemic area.

"after being bitten by a tick, you can't clamp it off with tweezers or pull it out with your hands. We can use some ointments, such as white Vaseline, hand cream, and so on. In general, the compound triamcinolone acetonide cream is commonly used in hospitals, which contains a small amount of hormones and antibiotics. After putting on the medicine, there will be some pungent smell, and the bug will loosen its mouth. In addition, it is OK to apply some Baibang ointment, Davibon ointment, alcohol, iodine, hand cream, etc., if you have anesthetic at home, lidocaine gel is also effective, it can make the tick release its forelimbs and mouthparts, and then it will fall off. "

When finding ticks, whether on the surface of human or animal bodies, or on the wall or ground, do not directly touch or even squeeze them out with your hands. Use tweezers or other tools to pick them up and burn them to death. If you accidentally come into contact with ticks, especially the effluents after ticks are crushed, disinfect them.

How to prevent from being bitten by ticks?

1. The most active period of ticks is from June to November every year. As ticks mainly live in grasslands and woods, it is best to spray mosquito repellent on exposed skin and wear tight, light-colored and smooth long-sleeved clothes to prevent ticks from attaching or biting.

2. In recent years, more and more people keep pets, and ticks can often be seen in these animals, especially in the ears, between the toes and the outer edge of the ears. Therefore, to avoid being bitten by ticks, pay attention to timely cleaning of pets, or try to keep a distance from pets.

3. When you go home from a place where ticks may be infested, change all your clothes, take a bath immediately, and pay special attention to your scalp, ear, neck, armpit, popliteal, wrist, groin and other areas with skin folds, such as ticks.

The killing of ticks is terrible, but as long as we take reasonable prevention and control to avoid tick bites or effectively prevent transmitted diseases, then the threat posed to us by ticks can be resolved.

5. How to kill ticks?

There are two main ways to kill ticks on animals, one is to catch them directly, and the other is to kill them with chemical drugs. When you find a tick, you should pull it out and concentrate on killing it. When pulling out, the tick should be perpendicular to the skin, and then pulled up to prevent the tick false head from breaking in the skin, causing inflammation. However, this method can only be done on the premise of a small number of livestock and sufficient manpower.

Chemical drugs are commonly used to kill ticks, such as pyrethroid insecticides, organophosphorus insecticides, amidine insecticides and so on. According to the season and application object, spray, medicine bath and other methods can be selected. It is important to note, however, that these agents can cause ticks to develop drug resistance after long-term use, and should be mixed or used in turn.

In recent years, genetic control and biological control have been used to kill ticks. The former uses radiation or chemical sterile agents to make male ticks lose their reproductive ability and attenuates the population capacity of ticks, while the latter uses the natural enemies of ticks to kill ticks. It has been found that some parasitoids of the family Hymenoptera can lay eggs in some ticks and then escape from the ticks after adults, and the ticks die soon after parasitism. There are also insects of the family Pentatomidae, which can also cause tick death.

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Jiangsu: three people in a family were bitten by ticks and two died

Recently, Mr. Song (surname Hua), who lives near Tieshan Temple in Xuyi, Jiangsu Province, was bitten and killed by a tick. First, at the end of May and early June, my brother-in-law and his mother-in-law were bitten and killed by ticks. After being bitten by ticks, they were seriously ill because they could not be diagnosed in the local hospital, and the whole family was immersed in great grief. But in the process of handling the funeral for his mother-in-law, Mr. Song's exposed right forearm was accidentally bitten by a tick, which made him walk away at the dead door. Under the treatment of Nanjing Gulou Hospital, Mr. Song was out of danger.

Why do ticks get sick after being bitten?

What on earth is a little tick? How can a bite be fatal? It turns out that ticks have a terrible virus called febrile thrombocytopenia syndrome virus (also known as the new Bunia virus), which can be transmitted to humans through tick bites, causing fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome. It is worth mentioning that the disease was first found in China.

At present, the prevalence of fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome in China is mainly distributed in Jiangsu, Anhui, Henan, Shandong, Hubei, Hebei, Liaoning and other provinces. Of course, it is mainly concentrated in the mountains, hills and forest areas of the above provinces, and the people who suffer from the disease are mainly people who often work outdoors or are keen on outdoor sports. In addition to China, there are also many cases reported in neighboring countries and regions such as Japan, South Korea, North Korea and so on. At present, about 160 patients with fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome received by Nanjing Gulou Hospital come from rural areas at the junction of Jiangsu and Anhui, such as Xuyi, Chuzhou, Mingguang and so on.

Febrile thrombocytopenia syndrome is characterized by seasonal onset. The vast majority of the onset season is from May to November, the main peak is from May to July, and the second peak is in September, which may be slightly different in different regions. The reason is that ticks grow, reproduce and move in the wild in large numbers during this season, which is also related to the extensive productive labor and outdoor activities of the population in this season. Since April this year, the infection Department of Nanjing Gulou Hospital has treated 17 patients with fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome, of which two patients died after emergency treatment because they arrived too late and were too seriously ill.

After being bitten by a tick, it can occur from 2 days to 1 month later.

Wu Weihua, an attending physician in the infection department of Nanjing Gulou Hospital, said that after being bitten by a tick, people will develop the disease as soon as 2-3 days later, and some will develop the disease in about 1 month, usually 1-2 weeks. Once the onset of febrile thrombocytopenia syndrome, the most typical course of disease can be divided into three main processes: fever, multiple organ failure and recovery. Most people will show acute fever, body temperature is generally above 38.0 ℃, accompanied by chills, loss of appetite, fatigue, muscle soreness, early nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms, some patients have bleeding tendency, such as skin ecchymosis, gingival bleeding, bulbar conjunctival hemorrhage, a few patients are in critical condition, such as disturbance of consciousness, pulmonary hemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhage, gastrointestinal bleeding and so on. It can die because of shock, respiratory failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation and other multiple organ failure. Most of the severe patients were complicated with neurological and mental symptoms, and the prognosis was poor.

The case fatality rate of the disease is 12.7% Mui 32.6%, and there is no effective treatment, only symptomatic support treatment. Elderly patients, patients with underlying diseases and patients who are undertreated tend to be more ill and have a poor prognosis. However, most patients have a good prognosis after early, timely and active treatment. A small number of patients can leave neurological sequelae. Wu Weihua reminded that if you have a fever after being bitten by a tick, please see a doctor in time.