
Sweet wheat Learn more about Sweet wheat

  • Cultivation techniques of Sweet Potato in Wheat stubble

    Cultivation techniques of Sweet Potato in Wheat stubble

    Sweet potato is the fourth largest food crop in China, which has the reputation of longevity food. Sweet potato in wheat stubble refers to the sweet potato planted in mid-late June after wheat harvest and harvested in mid-October, which has good economic and social benefits. So, do you know the cultivation techniques of sweet potato in wheat stubble?

    2020-11-08 Wheat stubble sweet potato cultivation techniques yes China the top four
  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Sweet Potato in Wheat stubble

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Sweet Potato in Wheat stubble

    According to different planting methods, the growth and yield of sweet potato in wheat stubble will be different in the later stage, so what are the high-yield cultivation techniques of sweet potato in wheat stubble? First, variety selection according to the use and combined with the local market demand to select the corresponding high-yield varieties. Starch type is optional

    2020-11-08 Wheat stubble sweet potato high yield cultivation techniques wheat stubble according to
  • Where can I get beet seeds? How to raise seedlings?

    Where can I get beet seeds? How to raise seedlings?

    Many people only know rape but not sweet wheat. Sugar beet is an improved variety with round end, oil-green, glossy, good taste and slightly sweet leaves. So where can I get beet seeds? How to raise seedlings? Let's learn about it. Beet beet

    2020-11-27 Sweet wheat vegetables seeds where have sell how raise seedlings a lot of people
  • What kind of food does herring eat?

    What kind of food does herring eat?

    What kind of food does herring eat?

  • What are the whole grains?

    What are the whole grains?

    What are the whole grains?

  • What is starch made of? What categories are there?

    What is starch made of? What categories are there?

    In our daily life, we often see starch, such as fried crispy meat, fried shredded pork, thickening when you need to put a little starch, so that dishes can eat more crispy, refreshing, tender and smooth. But in fact, we usually thicken with starch

    2020-11-27 starch what is starch?
  • Feed formula for three kinds of fish

    Feed formula for three kinds of fish

    (1) Grass carp feed formula (1) 40% rice bran, 38% wheat bran, 10% bean cake, 10% fish meal, 2% yeast powder, the feed coefficient of this formula is 1.9; if green feed is added, the feed coefficient is 2.2, which is provided by Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute. (2) 80% rice straw powder, 10% bean cake and 10% rice bran, the formula is provided by the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute, and the feed coefficient is 4.9. (3) 70% corn meal, 10% fish meal, 15% soybean cake meal, 5% wheat bran, and its additive and adhesive are: sweet potato 12%.

  • How to plant sweet potatoes to remove weeds?

    How to plant sweet potatoes to remove weeds?

    How to plant sweet potatoes to remove weeds? Please give guidance to sweet potato fields in order to eliminate weeds: First, grass long kill (Lei Kela)70% wettable powder, 200~250 grams per mu of water 450~600 liters in sweet potato before planting or immediately after planting. The main control of wheat, crabgrass, barnyardgrass, Setaria, ryegrass, Chenopodium, Polygonum...

  • Fish feed formula

    Fish feed formula

    The feed formula of each kind of fish is different, such as carp feed formula: wheat bran 43%, fish meal 30%, bean cake 15%, barley 10%, additive 2%, feed coefficient 2. Grass carp feed formula: 80% rice straw powder, 10% bean cake, feed coefficient 4.90, plus green feed, the coefficient is

    2020-11-11 Fish feed formula each kind fish all
  • Feed formula for common fish

    Feed formula for common fish

    1. Carp feed formula. ① bran 43%, fish meal 30%, bean cake 15%, barley 10%, additive 2%. ② bean cake 50%, fish meal 15%, wheat bran 15%, rice bran 15%, vitamin 1%, inorganic salt 1%, antibiotics, leftovers 1%, adhesive 2%. two。 Grass carp feed formula. ① rice bran 40%, wheat bran 38%, bean cake 10%, fish meal 10%, yeast 2%. ② corn meal 70%, fish meal 10%, soybean meal 15%, wheat bran 5%. On this basis, add (

  • How much is the price of sweet buckwheat seeds per jin? What's the difference between buckwheat and Tartary buckwheat? When will you plant and harvest?

    How much is the price of sweet buckwheat seeds per jin? What's the difference between buckwheat and Tartary buckwheat? When will you plant and harvest?

    Buckwheat, also known as buckwheat, black wheat, Triticum, buckwheat, buckwheat, buck How much is the price of sweet buckwheat seeds per jin? What's the difference between buckwheat and Tartary buckwheat? When will you plant and harvest? According to

    2020-11-09 Sweet buckwheat seeds price usually more less money one jin and
  • How to plant chili peppers for high yield in summer?

    How to plant chili peppers for high yield in summer?

    How to plant chili peppers for high yield in summer? Please introduce the planting methods for planting chili peppers in summer can refer to the following methods: 1 variety selection over-summer cultivation of chili peppers is mainly supplied in summer and autumn, which is easy to cause diseases due to high temperature and humidity, resulting in reduced yield or even no harvest. Therefore, it is necessary to choose heat resistance, disease resistance and large.

  • What are the feed formulations for Rex rabbits?

    What are the feed formulations for Rex rabbits?

    Rex rabbit feed formula should be designed according to nutritional needs and local feed resources, and the design of practical feed formula is an important work that must be done in every large-scale rabbit farm. There are many methods to design feed formula, such as square method, trial and error method and so on. The following Rex rabbit species are introduced below.

    2020-11-08 Rex rabbit feed formula have which need
  • What did Mandarin Fish eat to grow up? Earthworms or feed?

    What did Mandarin Fish eat to grow up? Earthworms or feed?

    Mandarin Fish, also known as Aohua fish, is a common fish in China. It is very popular because it is rich in protein, vitamins and trace elements. What did Mandarin Fish eat to grow up? Earthworms or feed? The species of bait fish of sweet-scented osmanthus are silver carp and bighead carp.

    2020-11-11 Mandarin Fish eat what long big earthworm or feed
  • Family farmer Su Xiaowei: complementary advantages of melon and fruit interplanting

    Family farmer Su Xiaowei: complementary advantages of melon and fruit interplanting

    Family farmer Su Xiaowei: complementary advantages of melon and fruit interplanting

  • How many jin of wheat is stored per mu?

    How many jin of wheat is stored per mu?

    Green storage is a common storage technology, which can store wheat straw as feed for up to one year. So how many jin of wheat is stored per mu? How many jin of wheat is stored per mu? The green storage of wheat per mu is about 2 tons, in winter.

    2020-11-09 One mu wheat green reserve how much jin yes a common
  • What kind of feed does Mandarin Fish eat?

    What kind of feed does Mandarin Fish eat?

    Mandarin Fish's feed is bait fish, its species are: silver carp, bighead carp, soil dace, wheat dace, Thai dace, crucian carp, carp and so on, the feed coefficient is generally 4-5. According to the growth specifications and food intake of sweet-scented osmanthus fish, it is necessary to cultivate and produce sufficient sweet-scented osmanthus fish ponds which are 3-4 times the area of sweet-scented osmanthus fish ponds.

    2020-11-11 Mandarin Fish eat what feed bait fish
  • Sorghum, which used to be one of the grains, is now rarely planted. Does it taste bad?

    Sorghum, which used to be one of the grains, is now rarely planted. Does it taste bad?

    Sorghum belongs to the chestnut in the grain "millet, bean, hemp, wheat and rice". It has been the main food crop in China for a long time, but with the continuous development of science and technology, the breeding of high-yield varieties of wheat, corn and rice, and chemical fertilizer industry.

  • Wheat front yellow (apricot)

    Wheat front yellow (apricot)

    The short-branch type pre-wheat yellow apricot was selected from the rich apricot variety resources in Weinan area of Shaanxi Province in 1992, and its comprehensive character was better than that of the precocious apricot variety cultivated in production at present. The existing demonstration park of 6.3 mu, through nearly 4 years of cultivation observation, professional comments, the market reflects that its outstanding characteristics are: 1. The market is very early, the market price is high, the flowering period of field cultivation is March 23-25, the flowering period is March 30, and the fruit development period is about 60 million 65.

  • Control of pollution-free Weeds in Sweet Potato

    Control of pollution-free Weeds in Sweet Potato

    The common herbicides for sweet potato are as follows: (1) 70% wettable powder, 3000mu 3750g / ha mixed with 450,600 liters of water, applied immediately before or after planting. The main control is Triticum aestivum, Magnolia mandshurica, barnyardgrass, dogtail grass, ryegrass, quinoa and Polygonum.

    2020-11-08 Species sweet potato pollution-free weeds control commonly used