
High-yield cultivation techniques of Sweet Potato in Wheat stubble

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, According to different planting methods, the growth and yield of sweet potato in wheat stubble will be different in the later stage, so what are the high-yield cultivation techniques of sweet potato in wheat stubble? First, variety selection according to the use and combined with the local market demand to select the corresponding high-yield varieties. Starch type is optional

According to different planting methods, the growth and yield of sweet potato in wheat stubble will be different in the later stage, so what are the high-yield cultivation techniques of sweet potato in wheat stubble?

I. Variety selection

Select the corresponding high-yield varieties according to the use and combined with the needs of the local market. Starch type can choose Shangshu 19, Xushu 18 and so on. Barbecue type can choose Zheng 20, Jishu 34 and so on.

II. Land preparation

The surface is rotated twice with a rotary tiller, so that fertilizers, pesticides and soil are stirred evenly, and then a ridge with a width of 80 cm, a height of 28 cm and a ridge distance of 20 cm can be formed.

3. Planting methods

Insert 2-3 leaves of the lower part of the seedling obliquely into the half slope of the ridge side, leaving 1-2 leaves in the upper part, with a depth of 3-5 cm. Be careful not to remove or break the lower leaves when planting, and water them immediately after planting. Sweet potatoes for wheat stubble are generally planted at the beginning of June and should not exceed June 20.

IV. Fertilizer and water management

15-20 days after planting, 5-10 kg of urea can be applied to promote growth. After entering the expansion period, 10-15 kg of potassium sulfate can be recovered. After 2 weeks, 0.5% potassium dihydrogen sulfate was applied, and in the later stage, it was applied every other week or so, and the foliar surface was sprayed 2-3 times. Watering times are determined according to weather conditions and growth rate.

Fifth, timely harvest

The normal harvest of wheat stubble sweet potato is usually completed in the middle and late October, according to the local climate and the variety of wheat stubble sweet potato.

The above is the introduction of high-yield cultivation techniques of sweet potato in wheat stubble. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.