
Suitable for northern Guangdong Learn more about Suitable for northern Guangdong

  • What are the varieties of Chinese chestnut suitable for cultivation in northern Guangdong?

    What are the varieties of Chinese chestnut suitable for cultivation in northern Guangdong?

    In order to develop chestnut production in Guangdong, it is necessary to select excellent varieties from this province and neighboring provinces and regions. Long-distance introduction, especially from the north of the Yangtze River, should be successfully tested for many years before it can be used for productive cultivation. 1. Chinese chestnut No. 1 chestnut is the agriculture of South China

    2020-11-27 Suitable for northern Guangdong region cultivation Chinese chestnut varieties which ones
  • Typhoon Jasmine became even more fierce after the cold wave in Guangdong.

    Typhoon Jasmine became even more fierce after the cold wave in Guangdong.

    Typhoon Jasmine became even more fierce after the cold wave in Guangdong.

  • Huayou 123 (Rice)

    Huayou 123 (Rice)

    Huayou 128 is a late maturing combination of three-line hybrid early rice bred by male sterile line Y Huanong An and restorer line R128. It is suitable for early and late planting outside northern Guangdong. The rice area of northern Guangdong can also be used as middle and late rice according to local conditions. In December 2001 and March 2002, it was approved by Guangxi and Guangdong respectively. 1. Yield performance: participated in the provincial regional test in the late season of 2000 and 2001, the yield per mu was 449kg and 4451 kg respectively, which was 44% higher than that of the control combination Peiza Shuangqi.

  • Green and yellow (rice)

    Green and yellow (rice)

    Variety introduction: Lvhuangzhan, selected by the breeding Room of Rice Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, has been tested in the province for many years, which shows that it is a new early and middle maturing rice variety with good yield, wide adaptability, excellent rice quality and good comprehensive allocation performance. This variety is especially suitable for planting in the mountainous area of northern Guangdong, and the field with medium fertility is the most suitable for growth. it is the best variety with the shortest whole growth period among the current popularized varieties in Guangdong Province. This variety has been listed as the first batch of high-quality rice jointly launched by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture to implement the leapfrogging plan for the first time.

  • Efficient cultivation techniques of Yuejiao No. 1 in early spring in northern Guangdong

    Efficient cultivation techniques of Yuejiao No. 1 in early spring in northern Guangdong

    Yuejiao No. 1 pepper is a first-generation hybrid bred by the vegetable Institute of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Early ripening, plant height 65cm, plant width 60cm, thick horned fruit, long fruit 16~17cm, fruit diameter 4cm, single fruit weight 50-100g; smooth pericarp, dark green, thick meat, spicy, crisp and tender, good quality; resistance to blight, bacterial wilt, virus disease, 667 square meters yield of more than 4000kg. Yuejiao No. 1 pepper has been successfully planted in early spring in Shixing, Lianzhou, Lechang and other places in northern Guangdong for 3 years, and has been popularized on a large scale. 1 sowing

  • How to reproduce Australian fir

    How to reproduce Australian fir

    Australian fir originated in the southeast coastal areas of Oceania, such as northern Australia, Guangdong and other provinces have been introduced and cultivated. Some cities in northern China began to introduce Australian fir bonsai in 2002 and are growing well. Cryptomeria fortunei is a very ornamental tree species, which is rated as one of the three ornamental trees in the world.

  • Can Walnuts be Grown in Guangdong

    Can Walnuts be Grown in Guangdong

    Walnut, also known as walnut, is one of the four dried fruits, walnut kernel nutrition high, beneficial to the human body, market demand. Walnut belongs to northern deciduous fruit tree, can Guangdong plant? Guangdong is not suitable for planting walnuts. walnut

    2020-11-08 walnut guangdong can be planted also called walnut yes
  • Breeding and rearing of goldfish

    Breeding and rearing of goldfish

    Morphological characteristics of goldfish also known as Baiyunshan fish, Tang fish, red tail fish, color goldfish, Cyprinidae is native to Guangdong, China. The goldfish was first found in Baiyun Mountain in the northern suburb of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China, so it is called Baiyun Mountain Fish. The goldfish is about 3-4 cm long and has a spindle-shaped body, slender body, slightly flattened side, small head, large eyes and blunt round kiss. The back of the fish is tea-brown, slightly bluish, the abdomen is silvery white, the dorsal and caudal fins are bright red, the ventral fin tip is yellow, and the middle of the tail is also red.

  • Reproduction and breeding of goldfish

    Reproduction and breeding of goldfish

    Morphological characteristics of goldfish also known as Baiyunshan fish, Tang fish, red tail fish, color goldfish, Cyprinidae is native to Guangdong, China. The goldfish was first found in Baiyun Mountain in the northern suburb of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China, so it is called Baiyun Mountain Fish. The goldfish is about 3-4 cm long and has a spindle-shaped body, slender body, slightly flattened side, small head, large eyes and blunt round kiss. The back of the fish is tea-brown, slightly bluish, the abdomen is silvery white, the dorsal and caudal fins are bright red, the ventral fin tip is yellow, and the middle of the tail is also red. From the kissing end

  • How many corn seeds do you need per mu of land? What are the high-yielding varieties? How much fertilizer do you need?

    How many corn seeds do you need per mu of land? What are the high-yielding varieties? How much fertilizer do you need?

    Maize seed is a propagule with the ability to grow into an adult plant, which is formed by pollination and fertilization of ovules. Do you know how many corn seeds are needed for one acre of land? Are there any high-yielding varieties? How much fertilizer do you need? From Uncle Li, a corn grower in Xinyang, Henan Province

    2020-11-09 how much corn and seeds are needed for one mu of land?
  • Pomegranate planting conditions

    Pomegranate planting conditions

    Soil: the sandy soil with loose soil and good air permeability should be selected for planting pomegranate. Lighting: all parts of the country can meet the light conditions of pomegranate planting. Temperature: the temperature suitable for the growth and development of seeds and fruits is about 26-28 ℃, the gas in the south.

    2020-11-08 Pomegranate planting conditions abstract soil pomegranate need
  • Where is the origin of black beans?

    Where is the origin of black beans?

    Where is the origin of black beans?

  • What trees do bamboo rats eat?

    What trees do bamboo rats eat?

    Bamboo rat is a popular breeding animal in recent years. The food it eats mainly includes bamboo, miscanthus, plant stems, etc. So what tree does bamboo rat eat? Bamboo rat is a kind of plant feeding animal of bamboo rat family and bamboo rat genus. It has large body and much meat.

    2020-11-11 bamboo rat eat what tree is in recent years compare flow
  • Who can give a feed formula for raising rabbits in Guangdong?

    Who can give a feed formula for raising rabbits in Guangdong?

    Who can give a feed formula for raising rabbits in Guangdong?

  • Where is the latest origin of black beans?

    Where is the latest origin of black beans?

    Black beans are the black seeds of legume soybeans, also known as soybeans, black beans, horse beans, etc., with black skin and yellow or green inside. Common varieties are green kernel black beans, yellow kernel black beans, Hengchun black beans, etc., which are warm and resistant to high temperature. sow seeds at the appropriate temperature of 18-30 degrees.

    2020-11-10 The latest black beans origin where for legumes plants
  • To grow tangerine, it is necessary to prevent the yak scale from harming the young fruit.

    To grow tangerine, it is necessary to prevent the yak scale from harming the young fruit.

    At present, citrus sagittal scale is one of the main pests in citrus orchards in eastern and northern Guangdong. More than 50% of citrus orchards in these areas occur in varying degrees, affecting production. In this paper, the occurrence of citrus sagittal scale was systematically observed at a fixed point and on a regular basis.

    2020-11-08 Grow tangerine need prevent sagittal tip scale harm young fruit citrus
  • Why don't you keep Michelia at home? What kinds of Michelia flowers are there?

    Why don't you keep Michelia at home? What kinds of Michelia flowers are there?

    Michelia mollissima is a traditional famous flower in China, which has a long history of cultivation in China, just like its name, Michelia is like a beauty with a shy smile and a beautiful smile, which can be called the best product in the south. It is precisely because of the excellent viewing, Michelia has always been loved by flower friends.

    2020-11-27 Why at home do not raise smile flowers have what kind
  • A new high quality conventional rice variety, Yexianzhan 8, was bred by Huizhou Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Huizhou, Guangdong Province.

    A new high quality conventional rice variety, Yexianzhan 8, was bred by Huizhou Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Huizhou, Guangdong Province.

    Ye Xian Zhan 8 was bred by Guiyezhan 2 / Texianzhan 13//ir24 hybrid by Huizhou Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Guangdong Province. In 2002 and 2003, he took part in the regional test of Guangdong quality group, with an average yield of 405.91 kg per mu and 454.47 kg per mu, which increased by 10.64% and 9.25% respectively over the control variety Japonica Indica 89, and the increase was extremely significant. In 2003, the average yield per mu in the provincial production trial was 446.7 kg, which was 7.48% higher than that of the control species. Rice quality through food of the Ministry of Agriculture

  • The latest culture methods of southern fir

    The latest culture methods of southern fir

    Cunninghamia lanceolata, Cedar pine, Japanese golden pine, North American redwood and golden pine are known as the five major park tree species in the world, native to the southeast coastal area of Oceania, and now Guangdong, China.

    2020-11-10 The latest Cunninghamia lanceolata aquaculture method Cedar aka Australia
  • Guangjiao No. 1

    Guangjiao No. 1

    Guangjiao No. 1 is a new pepper variety bred in 2000 by Fine Seed Seedling Breeding Center of Guangdong Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Plant height 65 cm, fruit weight 45 - 60 grams, about 20 - 28 cm long, 33 cm in diameter; fruit was long horn type, smooth peel, green, shiny, thick meat, storage and transportation, good flavor, adapt to the north and market sales. Guangjiao No. 1 has high resistance to bacterial wilt and virus disease, early maturity, sowing to early harvest, 90 days in spring, 65 days in autumn and 100 days in winter, with a yield of 4000 - 50 per mu
