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  • How to raise young silkworms

    How to raise young silkworms

    Silkworms are abnormal insects and can spin silk when they grow to a certain extent. Is a kind of animal with high economic value, how to raise the young silkworms? How to raise young silkworms? 1. Temperature and humidity 1-2 instar suitable temperature 26-27 ℃, relative humidity 90%; therefore, 1-2 instar silkworm should be reared with total control.

    2020-11-11 Young silkworms how to raise silkworms yes metamorphosis class insects growth to
  • New technology of sericulture in greenhouse

    New technology of sericulture in greenhouse

    Silkworms reproduce with eggs. When the larvae grow up, they will shed their skin and then become mature silkworms. From the mature silkworms, they begin to spin cocoons and pupate. When the pupa completes its development, it will shed its pupa skin and become an adult. After the adult worm will break the cocoon and become a moth, then mate and lay eggs.

    2020-11-08 Greenhouse sericulture new technology silkworm so egg reproduction larva
  • How do silkworms become silkworm moths? How many days does it take for the eggs to hatch? How many times do you have to shed your skin in your life? Four growth processes of silkworm babies

    How do silkworms become silkworm moths? How many days does it take for the eggs to hatch? How many times do you have to shed your skin in your life? Four growth processes of silkworm babies

    Bombyx mori, also known as silkworm, silkworm, is a common economic insect in southwest China, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Anhui and other places, because it can spin silk and can be made into a variety of silk fabrics, how does the silkworm become a silkworm moth? How many days does it take for the eggs to hatch? You have to shed your skin several times in your life.

    2020-11-11 Silkworms how to become silkworm moths eggs hatching need how many days silkworms
  • A detailed picture of the growth process of silkworm babies

    A detailed picture of the growth process of silkworm babies

    A detailed picture of the growth process of silkworm babies

  • Control methods of Ligustrum lucidum

    Control methods of Ligustrum lucidum

    Distribution: northeast China, Henan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang; Korea, Japan, Soviet Union. Harm: damage to Cunninghamia lanceolata, privet, cloves, wax, small wax. The larvae spin silk to form a net and feed in the net. The insect population often forms a large silk net, covering the whole tree, eating up the leaves, affecting the growth of the trees and causing the trees to die. Morphological features: (adult) the body length is 12ml 15mm, the wingspan is 31mi 40mm, and the body wing is white with silk luster. The outer margin of the wing has 2 pairs of black spots, which are listed between the veins and inside the veins, and the forewings have at the upper end of the middle chamber.

  • A course on the latest cultivation techniques of Flos Lonicerae

    A course on the latest cultivation techniques of Flos Lonicerae

    Flos Lonicerae is a perennial herb of Compositae, which is mainly distributed in the middle of northeast China. However, it is also a relatively long-standing traditional Chinese medicine in China, which is mainly used in the treatment of cough, asthma, phlegm and chest.

    2020-11-10 Latest spin cover flower cultivation techniques methods tutorials
  • Common diseases and insect pests of Robinia pseudoacacia and their control techniques

    Common diseases and insect pests of Robinia pseudoacacia and their control techniques

    Common diseases and insect pests and control techniques of Robinia pseudoacacia, also known as Sophora japonica and Sophora pseudoacacia, is a leguminous tree native to China, with fast growth rate, strong adaptability to various types of soil, long flowering period and long flowering period.

  • A common disease of Canna plantain

    A common disease of Canna plantain

    Canna bract disease is a serious disease mainly distributed in southern China. If it is not controlled, it will be a great loss of wealth for farmers. Therefore, understanding the characteristics and incidence of this disease will be more convenient for farmers to cultivate and control.

  • Thoughts on the Reform of State-owned assets of Cofco Water Integration of 11 listed companies

    Thoughts on the Reform of State-owned assets of Cofco Water Integration of 11 listed companies

    Although the pilot scheme of the state-owned capital investment company of Cofco Group Co., Ltd. (COFCO) has not been made public, the relevant reform strategies, objectives and directions have basically surfaced. A few days ago, according to a management person of Cofco, as early as this day,

    2016-01-10 Cofco state-owned assets reform thinking water integration 11
  • Growth process of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

    Growth process of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

    Growth process of Silkworm, Bombyx mori

  • How to plant seeds of Dichondra repens

    How to plant seeds of Dichondra repens

    Dichondra is a metal plant of Convolvulaceae and horseshoe. Note that Dichondra should not be confused with authentic money grass (passing yellow). It grows on roadsides, hillsides, grasslands or ditches, and has been introduced and cultivated artificially. So do you know how to grow Dichondra seeds? Dichondra species

    2020-11-08 Horseshoe golden seed how seed horseshoe golden yes spin
  • What are the hazards of lime nitrogen greenhouse?

    What are the hazards of lime nitrogen greenhouse?

    Lime nitrogen, also known as calcium cyanamide, is a strong soil disinfection fungicide for both medicine and fertilizer. It is generally used in greenhouses, but it is toxic to some extent, so we should pay attention to the harm of lime nitrogen in greenhouse. First, what are the hazards of lime nitrogen greenhouse?

    2020-11-08 Lime nitrogen shed harm which lime also known as
  • What is banana butterfly how to control?

    What is banana butterfly how to control?

    What is banana butterfly how to control? Please introduce the method of banana butterflies, also known as banana leaf curlers, banana bracts, belonging to the family Lepidoptera. Distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Fujian, Yunnan and Taiwan and other provinces (regions), is a major banana pest. When the occurrence is serious, the leaves of the whole plant are not intact and the leaf buds are numerous and serious.

  • Control methods of privet inchworm in garden ornamental trees

    Control methods of privet inchworm in garden ornamental trees

    Distribution and damage of privet inchworm NaxaseriariaMotschulsky, also known as lilac inchworm. It belongs to Lepidoptera, Geometridae. Distributed in Northeast, North China, Northwest, Southwest and East China. The larvae are martyr, Beijing clove, weeping clove, lilac, Liaodong clove, white clove, privet, big leaf privet, sweet-scented osmanthus, camellia, tea, water wax, Fraxinus mandshurica and Fraxinus mandshurica. The larvae gather to feed on the leaves, often nibbling away at the leaves. The larvae have the habit of spinning and netting, and when it is serious, the net covers the tree crown.

  • Is camphor evergreen or deciduous?

    Is camphor evergreen or deciduous?

    Camphor tree is a common species in our daily life, and many roads are planted to purify the air and increase the beauty of the city. So is camphor evergreen or deciduous? Let's have a look together! Is camphor evergreen or deciduous camphor is evergreen and broad

    2020-11-08 Camphor yes evergreen or deciduous camphor tree we
  • How to raise silkworms

    How to raise silkworms

    Silkworms are white and tender, slow and lovely. In addition to mass breeding in the aquaculture industry, many people are willing to raise silkworms in their own homes to relieve boredom. Today, let's learn how to raise silkworms. 1. How to raise silkworms. 1. Silkworms reproduce with eggs, like silkworm eggs

    2020-11-11 Silkworm how raise silkworm whole body white tender tender
  • Ganoderma lucidum

    Ganoderma lucidum

    Ganoderma lucidum grain moth scientific name Hapsiterabarbata Christoph, is a lepidoptera, grain moth family. Also known as borers, larvae eat porous fungi. In recent years, it has been found in Jiangsu area that it is harmful to the culture medium and mushroom body of Ganoderma lucidum, Armillaria mellea rod, Ganoderma lucidum and Pleurotus ostreatus. The damage characteristics are on the covered Ganoderma lucidum. The grain moth burrows into the Ganoderma lucidum body, feeds on the contents of the Ganoderma lucidum, and discharges the feces from the surface of the Ganoderma lucidum body. When it occurs seriously, it can eat the Ganoderma lucidum body. Shape characteristics Adult body length 5-

  • Control methods of common diseases of Loach

    Control methods of common diseases of Loach

    Control methods of common diseases of Loach

  • Planting time and cultivation methods of Brussels sprouts

    Planting time and cultivation methods of Brussels sprouts

    The planting time of Brussels sprouts varies according to different production regions. The suitable sowing time for open-field cultivation in the Yangtze River Delta plain is from late June to mid-July.

  • When will the broccoli be ready? How to grow high yield?

    When will the broccoli be ready? How to grow high yield?

    Broccoli, also known as green cauliflower, is a common vegetable in China. It is very popular because it is rich in vitamins. The current price is about 5 yuan / jin, so it is very expensive. When will the broccoli be planted? How to grow high yield? Broccoli is usually planted in autumn and grows in winter.
