
Plant Type Learn more about Plant Type

  • "Flower gardening" tulip varieties complete

    There are many cultivated varieties of tulips. According to incomplete statistics, there are currently more than 8000, which are divided into Mendelian early flower type, double flower early flower type, Darwin hybrid type,...

  • It is only one step short of one step for different rose varieties to bloom.

    It is only one step short of one step for different rose varieties to bloom.

    There are many varieties of rose, so I won't talk about 7 or 8 categories. Today, I just want to introduce the pruning methods of different plant types of rose, so that you can receive goods and burst rose and blossom all over the yard. The rose of shrub plant type, generally.

  • Plant characteristics of zinnia

    Plant characteristics of zinnia

    Plant characteristics of zinnia

  • Peony flowers are so chic, will you like them?

    Peony flowers are so chic, will you like them?

    Peony flowers are colorful and romantic, and there are hundreds of varieties according to different colors. The flowers are large and fragrant, which is known as "national color and Tianxiang". Peony flowers have been hailed as the king of flowers since ancient times, rich in culture and paintings.

  • Xiushui 110, a New Late Japonica Rice Variety Optimized by Morphological Type Innovation

    Xiushui 110, a New Late Japonica Rice Variety Optimized by Morphological Type Innovation

    Xiushui 110 was bred by Yao Haigen Project Group of Jiaxing City Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Zhejiang Province by hybridization method. Its combination was Jia 59 Tianza/C 95-13. In 2001, it passed the variety approval of Shanghai City Variety Approval Committee, and in 2002, it passed the variety approval of Zhejiang Province Variety Approval Committee. In 2004, it was awarded the subsidies of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Agriculture for breeding new varieties of high-quality crops and breeding technology research. In 2004, he won the first prize of Science and Technology in Zhejiang Province. 1. Form type innovation, realizing source library optimization

  • What are the classifications of ornamental peony varieties?

    What are the classifications of ornamental peony varieties?

    What are the classifications of ornamental peony varieties? The peony flower is colorful and magnificent, and is known as the "king of flowers". At the same time, because the peony flower is large and fragrant, it is also known as "national color and Tianxiang". There are thousands of peony varieties in our country.

  • Detailed explanation of the method of making triangular plum bonsai

    Detailed explanation of the method of making triangular plum bonsai

    It is relatively easy to make triangular plum bonsai, according to the different conditions of potted plants, it can be made into different shapes, such as single pole type, double pole type, inclined pole type, curved pole type, horizontal pole type, water drought type, water facing type, cliff type, pagoda type, basket type and so on. The modeling method is mainly pruning and binding as a supplement.

  • The characteristics of peony flowers

    The characteristics of peony flowers

    Peony flowers are colorful and romantic, and there are hundreds of varieties according to different colors. The flowers are large and fragrant, which is known as "national color and Tianxiang". Peony flowers have been hailed as the king of flowers since ancient times, rich in culture and paintings.

  • late conservation of Pinus formosana

    late conservation of Pinus formosana

    1, temperature growth temperature is 20-30 degrees, not cold, winter temperature can not be too low, otherwise growth will stagnate. 2, the light likes the semi-shade environment, afraid of direct light, so the summer needs to be shaded, otherwise the leaves will lack water and brown. 3, moisture like humid environment, growth season to maintain sufficient moisture, but avoid waterlogging

  • What are the common cultivated varieties of water lilies?

    What are the common cultivated varieties of water lilies?

    The sleeping lotus is beautiful and fragrant with big leaves. It will be open from about 12:00 to 3-4 p.m., closed after sunset and open the next day for 3-5 consecutive days. Common cultivation of water lilies are: 1, white water lilies. The flowers are white and large, 10-15 cm in diameter and 16-24 petals arranged in 2-3 rounds.

  • Development Prospect and Technical Countermeasures of Hami Melon Type thick-skinned Melon in South China

    Development Prospect and Technical Countermeasures of Hami Melon Type thick-skinned Melon in South China

    South China Hami melon type thick-skinned melon development prospects and technical countermeasures fund projects: Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences Science and Technology Development Fund (Guangxi Agricultural Sciences 2015JZ84, Guangxi Agricultural Sciences 2017JM14) South China (mainly Guangxi Zhuang autonomy.

  • A brief introduction to the style of Red Maple Bonsai

    A brief introduction to the style of Red Maple Bonsai

    Red maple bonsai, also known as purple red chicken claw maple, red duck feet, red maple can be cultivated better, so it is often made into bonsai, the ornamental value will be higher. So what are the styles of red maple bonsai?

  • What are the advantages of rich bamboo modeling to play hydroponics like this?

    What are the advantages of rich bamboo modeling to play hydroponics like this?

    Bamboo is also known as open bamboo, its leaves are green and elegant, the plant shape is upright, giving people a sense of vitality, tenacity, ornamental value is extremely high, so it is extremely popular as a family potted plant in China.

  • The longevity flower is trimmed in this way, so that the plant type looks better and blossoms more.

    The longevity flower is trimmed in this way, so that the plant type looks better and blossoms more.

    The longevity flower is trimmed in this way, so that the plant type looks better and blossoms more.

  • Representative Tree Species and Artistic Style of Shanghai Style Bonsai

    Representative Tree Species and Artistic Style of Shanghai Style Bonsai

    Shanghai style bonsai is one of the excellent traditional arts of Han nationality, which is a bonsai art school named after Shanghai. It contains literature and aesthetics, and integrates plant cultivation, plant morphology, plant physiology, garden art and plant modeling art. The distribution range of Haipai bonsai is mainly in Shanghai and its surrounding counties and cities

  • Maize breeding techniques

    Maize breeding techniques

    Maize breeding techniques

  • Nine methods of bonsai modeling

    Nine methods of bonsai modeling

    There are many kinds of trees in nature, but there are certain rules to follow. In order to artistically reproduce the charm of all kinds of trees in nature, bonsai artists summarize a variety of different forms of bonsai modeling with reference to the forms of ancient trees in nature, and produce bonsai art works that are derived from nature and higher than nature.

  • How to make a flower of spring flower

    How to make a flower of spring flower

    Jasmine flower color end in the beautiful, temperament extraordinary, but also has no fear of cold Wei, do not choose terroir, strong adaptability. Spring jasmine blossoms earliest among all flowers. Its tender green branches sway with the wind. Its yellow flowers are in full bloom. They are like stars dotted all over the branches. They are really lovely.

  • Production techniques and daily maintenance methods of rhododendron bonsai

    Production techniques and daily maintenance methods of rhododendron bonsai

    Rhododendron, also known as Yingshanhong, is an evergreen or deciduous shrub of the rhododendron family. The plant is much branched, with thin and straight branches and brown or brown rough hairs. Simple leaves alternate, leaf blade ovate-elliptic to acicular, apex acute or slightly obtuse, surface sparsely brown hirsute. Flowers several clustered branches apical, Corolla funnelform

  • It turns out that plants also have blood types.

    It turns out that plants also have blood types.

    We all know that people have blood types, and the common human blood types are A, B, O and AB. Animals also have blood types, but they are different from humans. According to zoologists, monkeys and orangutans also have the same four blood types as humans; mice.
