
Awnless Learn more about Awnless

  • Awnless brome

    Awnless brome

    Awnless brome, also known as smooth brome and awnless grass, is the most widely cultivated brome forage grass in China. It is a perennial herb with erect stems and well-developed roots. It is characterized by a short rhizome and a closed leaf sheath. This is the main feature that distinguishes it from many other grasses. Awnless brome is especially suitable for cold and dry climate, but not for high temperature and high humidity areas, and the optimum growth temperature is 14-25 ℃. Extremely cold-resistant, can still grow normally in areas with a low temperature of-30 ℃ in winter, and can withstand-4 in the northeast with snow cover.

  • How to select awnless brome seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    How to select awnless brome seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    Awnless brome is an excellent forage widely planted in Europe, North America and some countries in Asia, with high nutritional value and high yield. it is the main grass species for the establishment of artificial grassland and environmental protection and sand fixation, and it is an important grass species in Xinjiang and northern China. So awnless brome species

    2020-11-27 Awnless brome seed how seed selection seedling method have which
  • How to select awnless brome seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    How to select awnless brome seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    Awnless brome is a kind of excellent forage grass, which is often seen in hillsides, valleys and riverside in the wild. Because of its high nutritional value, good palatability, early cold tolerance and grazing resistance, it is the main grass species for artificial grassland and environmental protection sand fixation. If you want to plant awnless brome, how do the seeds

    2020-11-27 Awnless brome seed how selection seedling method have which
  • California brome

    California brome

    California brome is a perennial, tufted forage with wide and long gray-green leaves and high leaf / stem ratio. The biggest morphological difference between California brome and awnless brome is that it has no underground rhizome. The soil requirement of California brome is similar to that of awnless brome, and its cold resistance is slightly worse than that of awnless brome, but its heat resistance is significantly shorter than that of awnless brome, and most varieties can be used for 6-8 years. California brome has a high leaf / stem ratio, its feeding quality is better than that of awnless brome, and its yield is similar to that of awnless brome. California brome is suitable for the east of China.

  • Yunnan No. 4 (Rice)

    Yunnan No. 4 (Rice)

    Yunnan Line 4 is a new japonica rice line with high yield and high quality bred by the Japonica Rice breeding Center of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The combination is Yueguang / Hexi 24 / / Hexi 34. Characteristics: the plant height is about 90 cm, the tillering ability is medium, the effective ear per mu can reach about 280000 ears, the plant shape is good, the stalk is hard, the leaves are erect; the ear length is 20.3cm, the number of grains per panicle is about 120grains, the hull is golden, ripe color is good, awnless; the 1000-grain weight is 25.1 grams, not shedding grains; cold resistance, fertilizer resistance, lodging resistance; high resistance to rice blast; the whole growth period is about 174days. Rice quality

  • A New glutinous Rice Variety Dannuo 2

    A New glutinous Rice Variety Dannuo 2

    Characteristics: plant height 105 cm, leaf short impulse, compact plant type, stout stem, upright lodging resistance. Ear length 16 cm, tight panicle type. 90 grains per panicle, 1000-grain weight 26.5 grams, awnless. Relatively resistant to rice blast, medium resistance to sheath blight, bacterial blight and rice false smut. The general yield of Dannuo 2 is between 50000kg and 550kg. Under the same cultivation mode, the yield is the same or slightly increased as that of other non-sticky rice varieties, and has a good yield stability. Dannuo 2 is a sticky rice variety with a purity of sticky rice.

  • Longfumai No. 8 (formerly Longfu 90-83199)

    Longfumai No. 8 (formerly Longfu 90-83199)

    Breeding unit: Institute of crop breeding, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Approval: it was approved by Heilongjiang crop Variety approval Committee in 1998 and by the National crop Variety approval Committee in 2000. Variety approval number: national examination and approval wheat 20000011. Variety source: the young spike of wheat pure line K202 was used as explant, irradiated with cobalt 60 ray, induced in vitro and cultured in tissue. Characteristics: spring, plant height of about 100 cm, awnless, yellow shell

  • Jiazao 935 (rice)

    Jiazao 935 (rice)

    Education unit: Agricultural Science Research Institute of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province. Approval status: Approved by Zhejiang Province Crop Variety Approval Committee in 1999, approved by National Crop Variety Approval Committee in 2000. Variety approval number: Guoshen Rice 2000006. Source: Z9l-105///You905/Jiayu 293//Z91-43. Characteristics: Conventional early indica rice varieties, plant height 80 - 85 cm. The seedling color is light green, the seedling stage is cold-resistant, and the seedling age elasticity is large. Grain medium long, awnless, glume

  • Longfumai 14 (formerly known as Longfu 93-127)

    Longfumai 14 (formerly known as Longfu 93-127)

    Breeding unit: crop breeding Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences Variety Source: F0 (Ke 86F6-545 / Hei 85-1584) γ 1.0Rad characteristics: spring, late maturity, the whole growth period is 92 days. The seedlings are erect and the leaves are light green. The plant height is 87 cm. Ear spindle type (La Budalin point is rectangular), awnless (Keshan wheat point is the top awn), white shell, red grain, hard. The average number of ears per mu is 372000 ears, 26 grains per ear, 1000 grains per ear.

  • Jingxiang 636 (Rice)

    Jingxiang 636 (Rice)

    The variety comes from the crop Institute of Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences in 1999. The parent is 91897-2A/T5850-1//h9418. It was approved by Beijing in 2001. Second, the characteristics belong to Luzhou-flavor rice varieties. Cultivated as old seedlings of middle rice or wheat stubble in Beijing plain, the whole growth period is 150-155 days, plant height is 1.0-1.1 meters, leaf color is green, tillering ability is medium, panicle type is large and awnless. The number of effective panicles per mu is 206000, the total grains per panicle is 141.0, and the number of filled grains.

  • Jingguang 651 (Jing651) rice

    Jingguang 651 (Jing651) rice

    The varieties are derived from the crop Institute of Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences in 1996. The parent is C9162-3 / Jinghua 106. It was approved by Beijing in 2000. 2. The whole growth period of wheat stubble rice in Beijing Plain is 130-135 days, which is 3 days longer than that of Zhongzuo 37. 160-170 days of cropping rice in Yanqing. The plant height is 89.4 cm, the culm is hard and resistant to lodging. The leaves are straight and dark. The tillering ability is moderate. The ear neck is very short, the ear is large, awnless, light leaf, light shell, and the grain is oval.

  • Chutuan 17 (Rice)

    Chutuan 17 (Rice)

    Chubian17 is a new mid-japonica medium-maturing conventional rice variety bred by Chujing 8 / 25-3-1 in Chuxiong Prefecture, Yunnan Province. The whole growth period of this variety is 170 ~ 175 days, plant height is 95 ~ 100cm, plant type is compact, flag leaf is straight, stem is stout, tillering ability is medium, effective panicle per mu is 280000 ~ 300000, panicle rate is high, panicle type is larger, the number of grains per ear is 120,150, seed setting rate is 80% ~ 85%, 1000-grain weight is 26,28g, hull yellow, glume tip colorless, awnless, white rice, suitable for shedding.

  • What do you need to pay attention to when planting sheep grass? Planting techniques of forage grass

    What do you need to pay attention to when planting sheep grass? Planting techniques of forage grass

    Many sheep farmers will grow their own forage, can be more convenient and effective management of sheep, so what do you need to pay attention to? What are the forage planting techniques? Let's take a look. 1. The normal growth and adaptability of forage grass selected according to the land.

    2020-11-08 Planting raising sheep forage grass need attention what attached technology very
  • How to grow pasture for raising sheep? A complete collection of forage planting techniques

    How to grow pasture for raising sheep? A complete collection of forage planting techniques

    For sheep farmers, growing their own forage grass is a good way to save costs. Growing forage grass is the same as planting other crops. If you want to have a high yield, there are certain skills. How to grow pasture for raising sheep? Let's take a look at the complete collection of forage planting techniques. 1. Because of the place

    2020-11-08 Raising sheep yes pasture how planting technology Daquan for raising sheep
  • Ningdao 216 (Rice)

    Ningdao 216 (Rice)

    Ningdao (formerly 89XW-216) is a mid-late maturing variety bred by using 77-1313 (Ningjing 6) as female parent and Zhou 8023 (high quality strain introduced from Hunan) as male parent in Ningxia Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. < characteristics > = the whole growth period of Ningdao 216 is about 145 days. The height of the plant is about 90 cm and the leaf is smaller. Loose panicle type, in grain density. The grain is ovoid, spikelets awnless. Extremely strong tillers, high panicle rate, low air tax rate, quick filling, good ripening and yellowing.

  • Do you know how to feed silage to cattle and sheep? What problems need to be paid attention to!

    Do you know how to feed silage to cattle and sheep? What problems need to be paid attention to!

    Silage is a good feed source for livestock with sour smell, soft and juicy, good palatability, rich nutrition and conducive to long-term preservation. The commonly used silage raw materials are corn, ryegrass and awnless brome; legumes include alfalfa, clover, alfalfa, and other roots.

    2020-11-11 You you know silage feed how cattle and sheep need pay attention
  • Lianmai 2

    Lianmai 2

    Variety source: Jinzhou District seed Company was introduced from Japan. Characteristics: the variety has wide adaptability, strong tillering ability, short plant, average plant height 80cm, long and wide leaves, high panicle rate, square conical ear, awnless white shell, 40-50 grains per panicle, 1000-grain weight 33g, cold tolerance, barren tolerance, high resistance to leaf rust and powdery mildew. Key points of cultivation: do not tolerate high density and high fertilizer and water when planting. In field management, fertilizer and water should be given properly, mainly "promoting the front and controlling after", and the effective panicle grain per mu is about 480000.

  • Jindao 1187 (Rice)

    Jindao 1187 (Rice)

    Breeding unit: crop Research Institute of Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Approval: approved by Tianjin crop Variety approval Committee in 1987, Hebei crop Variety approval Committee in 1992, and approved by the National crop Variety approval Committee in 1993. Variety registration number: GS01003-1992. Variety source: 73-113 / Tainan 3. Characteristics: middle and late maturing japonica rice varieties. The plant height is about 110 cm, the plant type is compact, the leaf is raised, and the tiller is raised.

  • Liaoyan 283 (Rice)

    Liaoyan 283 (Rice)

    Breeding unit: North Agricultural Technology Corporation. Approval: it was approved by Liaoning Provincial crop Variety approval Committee in 1993 and by the National crop Variety approval Committee in 1998. Variety approval number: national examination and approval rice 980004. Variety source: Zhongdan No.2 / Changbai No.6. Characteristics: japonica rice varieties. The plant height is 90 cm, the main stem leaves are 15, the leaves are erect, the stem is tough, the plant type is compact, and the flag leaves are erect. Up to 300000 to 350000 ears per mu

  • What is silage?

    What is silage?

    Silage is a kind of roughage obtained by chopping the green fodder with a moisture content of 65%, 75%, and under the condition of airtight anoxia, through the fermentation of anaerobic lactic acid bacteria to inhibit the reproduction of various miscellaneous bacteria. It has a sour smell, soft and juicy, and good palatability.

    2020-11-09 What is silage silage