
2cm Learn more about 2cm

  • 2cm2 automatic potato planter

    2cm2 automatic potato planter

    The 2CM-2 automatic potato planter is used in conjunction with a small tractor, which integrates ditching, fertilization, sowing and soil mulching, and can complete fertilization and sowing at one time. It has the characteristics of preserving soil moisture, saving labor, saving fertilizer and sowing consistent. Main technical parameters outline dimensions mm1170, 900,900 whole machine mass kg120 matching power kW11-18 lines number of lines 2-line spacing mm300 (adjustable) working range mm1500 depth mm100-120

  • How to raise the Luohan seedlings of 2cm

    How to raise the Luohan seedlings of 2cm

    In daily life, some people like to raise fish in their spare time, but fish farmers should know that raising seedlings is a risk and a challenge. So, how to raise the Luohan seedlings of 2cm? How to raise the Luohan seedlings of 2cm must ensure the impact of the current.

    2020-11-11 2cm Rohan Miao how raise in daily life some people
  • How to raise the Luohan seedlings of 2cm?

    How to raise the Luohan seedlings of 2cm?

    The world is so big that nothing is to be surprised at. Some people like to grow flowers, some people like to recommend, and some people like to raise fish. And there are many kinds of fish, among which Luohan fish is very popular. Let's talk about it today.

    2020-11-11 2cm Rohan Miao how raise the world is so big there are all kinds of wonders.
  • How to raise the Luohan seedlings of 2cm

    How to raise the Luohan seedlings of 2cm

    Bottom sand: the bare tank is chosen to cultivate Luohan fish, and the bottom of the tank can be covered with a small amount of sand and gravel. Water quality: generally cultured in neutral soft water, change water frequently, the suitable water temperature is about 28 ℃. Filtration: use a filtration system to remove toxic substances from residual water. Lighting: using lamp

    2020-11-08 2cm Rohan Miao how raise abstract bottom sand choice bare cylinder
  • How to raise seedlings of Sugarcane

    How to raise seedlings of Sugarcane

    Raising seedlings in greenhouse: the plot is watered and deeply ploughed and fine raked and then opened, and after applying sufficient basic fertilizer, the whole plant is lined up, the bud position is laid flat laterally, each sugarcane species is separated by about 2cm, and then covered with soil 2cm or so. Raising seedlings in plastic arch shed: build arch frame and cover film, sow

    2020-11-08 Sugarcane how seedling summary greenhouse will plot
  • How to plant shallot

    How to plant shallot

    Land selection and preparation: spring onion can choose white pulp soil or yellow sand soil with flat, loose soil, strong water and fertility conservation and convenient drainage and irrigation, which is usually carried out by soil preparation and ridging in autumn, or rotary tillage in early March in spring. Seed selection and planting: select uniform size

    2020-11-08 Xiaomao spring onion how planting summary land selection and ground preparation small hair
  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of prosperous Bamboo

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of prosperous Bamboo

    Culture method: Xingwang bamboo is tolerant to shade and cold, and avoid waterlogging, and the soil should choose loose and acidic soil rich in humus, apply appropriate amount of mature organic fertilizer after applying coarse-grained substrate to the bottom of the basin, then cover the soil with 2cm thickness, and then plant, the root system can not be directly connected with fertilizer.

    2020-11-08 Prosperity bamboo culture methods and matters needing attention summary
  • Pansy sprouts so much in a week that there are not enough flowerpots.

    Pansy sprouts so much in a week that there are not enough flowerpots.

    The propagation methods of Pansy tricolor include sowing, cuttage and plant division. Sowing: drained soil, covered with 1-2cm thin soil after sowing, shading treatment to wait for seedling; cutting: strong branches without flowering, suitable for 8-15cm, 2-3 weeks after completion.

  • Cultivation and utilization of lettuce

    Cultivation and utilization of lettuce

    Mountain lettuce also famous lettuce, bitter lettuce, duck food, Compositae herbs, born in the roadside, wilderness, hillside. Its seedlings, tender stems and leaves are suitable for eating. It is a kind of wild vegetable with development value. 1 Botanical and biological characteristics of 2-year-old herbs, white milk, 80~150cm high. Stems erect,...

  • How to plant wheatgrass

    How to plant wheatgrass

    Seed selection: select high-quality seeds to avoid old or bad seeds and reduce the risk of planting. Sprouting: soak the seeds to promote germination before planting wheatgrass to improve the germination rate. Sowing: use strip sowing or sowing, and cover the soil with 1-2cm after completion. Watering and fertilization: according to the growth situation

    2020-11-09 Wheatgrass how to plant select quality seed avoid
  • Schisandra chinensis can be interplanted with scallion or Schisandra chinensis seedlings under full light conditions.

    Schisandra chinensis can be interplanted with scallion or Schisandra chinensis seedlings under full light conditions.

    In order to make full use of the land between the rows of cultivated Schisandra chinensis, interplanting spring onions or seedlings of Schisandra chinensis before 4-year-old fruit can receive certain economic benefits to supplement the cost of cultivating Schisandra chinensis. 1. Plan 1. Cultivated Schisandra chinensis has a row spacing of 1.5m and a plant spacing of 0.5m. The available land area per mu (667m2) of Schisandra chinensis orchard is as follows: per mu (667m2), according to the estimate of 33m long side and 20m short side (660m2), the row spacing is 1.5m, 22 rows can be planned, each length is 20m;

  • What are the effects and effects of seed planting methods of Dichondra repens?

    What are the effects and effects of seed planting methods of Dichondra repens?

    Small creeping perennial herbs, stems slender, gray pubescent, rooting at nodes. Leaves reniform to orbicular, 4-25 mm in diameter, apex broadly rounded or emarginate, base broadly cordate, leaf surface puberulent, abaxially Adnate pubescent, entire; petiole long, petiole (1.5) 3-5 (6) cm long

  • How much is the price of Pinus elliottii seedlings? How to make bonsai?

    How much is the price of Pinus elliottii seedlings? How to make bonsai?

    Pinus elliottii is a pine plant with a height of up to 30 meters and a breast diameter of 3 meters. It has beautiful posture and peculiar bark. It can be planted alone, opposite or clustered, and can be used as a street tree or planted in the courtyard. So, what's the price of Pinus elliottii seedlings?

    2020-11-09 White bark pine seedling price yes more less money one how about
  • Key points of soil covering techniques for cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum and Tilia amurensis

    Key points of soil covering techniques for cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum and Tilia amurensis

    Lingzhi Tilia cultivation, and then covered with soil, can keep moisture, improve yield and increase efficiency. In addition to the same operation and ordinary cultivation, we must master the following technical points: First, site selection and treatment Select a place close to water, convenient transportation, sandy soil, flat, leeward and pollution-free. According to the cultivation amount to determine the corresponding width, preferably rectangular. Remove the weeds around it, remove the weeds of branches and leaves, till it fine, level it, and then adjust the box according to the width of 1 meter to 3.4 meters. The length of the compartment depends on the site, and the depth of the compartment depends on the length of the basswood. II. Overlap

  • February is the vegetable seedling season early spring pumpkin seedling pay attention to three points

    February is the vegetable seedling season early spring pumpkin seedling pay attention to three points

    February is the vegetable seedling season early spring pumpkin seedling pay attention to three points

  • Is the red leaf plum evergreen or deciduous?

    Is the red leaf plum evergreen or deciduous?

    Red leaf plum, the scientific name is purple leaf plum. It is mainly native to southwest Asia, and is widely cultivated in North China and its southern areas. So do you know whether the red leaf plum is evergreen or deciduous? Let's have a look! Is the red leaf plum evergreen or deciduous red leaf plum is deciduous small

    2020-11-08 Red leaves plums yes evergreen or fallen leaves red leaves Xue called
  • Cultivation techniques of Polyporus umbellatus

    Cultivation techniques of Polyporus umbellatus

    Cultivation techniques of Polyporus umbellatus

  • The whole wall is full of vines and peonies

    The whole wall is full of vines and peonies

    Rattan peony, the scientific name of entangled peony, also known as Liana peony, is a plant of the genus Castanopsis of the family Convolvulaceae. Stem left-handed winding, main vine thickness up to 0.3cm~0.4cm, simple leaves alternate, lotus-shaped peony-shaped flowers, pollen color, double (40-50 flowers.

  • Planting and cultivation methods of Polyporus umbellatus

    Planting and cultivation methods of Polyporus umbellatus

    Polyporus umbellatus is a rare traditional Chinese medicine in China. Modern medical research has proved that Polyporus umbellatus mainly contains ergosterol, crude protein, soluble sugar, polysaccharide and so on. The following is a brief introduction to the cultivation techniques of Polyporus umbellatus for reference. The cultivation techniques are selected in the original broad leaves.

    2020-11-08 Polyporus umbellatus of planting cultivation method yes China traditional
  • Large-scale Seedling raising of sexual Propagation of Dioscorea zingiberensis in greenhouse

    Large-scale Seedling raising of sexual Propagation of Dioscorea zingiberensis in greenhouse

    Large-scale Seedling raising of sexual Propagation of Dioscorea zingiberensis in greenhouse
