
Culture methods and matters needing attention of prosperous Bamboo

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Culture method: Xingwang bamboo is tolerant to shade and cold, and avoid waterlogging, and the soil should choose loose and acidic soil rich in humus, apply appropriate amount of mature organic fertilizer after applying coarse-grained substrate to the bottom of the basin, then cover the soil with 2cm thickness, and then plant, the root system can not be directly connected with fertilizer.

Culture method: Xingwang bamboo is resistant to shade and cold, and avoid waterlogging, the soil should choose loose and humus-rich acid soil, apply proper amount of mature organic fertilizer after applying coarse-grained substrate, cover the soil with 2cm thickness, and then plant, the root system can not be in direct contact with fertilizer, all the branches that grow too dense, diseases and insect pests, thin and withered should be cut off in winter, and the big pot should be changed for several years of culture. Matters needing attention for breeding: should not be directed by strong light, temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, and should not be overwatered.

I. Culture methods of prosperous bamboos

1. Growth environment

The main results are as follows: (1) Xingwang bamboo is an evergreen tree, which is a kind of common foliage potted plant, which is suitable for growing in warm and humid environment. Xingwang bamboo is more shady, not cold-tolerant, avoid waterlogging, and the minimum growth temperature should not be lower than minus 5 ℃, otherwise it is easy to be frostbitten or even die.

(2) Xingwang bamboo does not have high requirements for soil, so it is suitable to be planted in humus-rich, deep, loose and moist acid sandy loam or light clay, as well as brown forest soil and hilly yellow soil. planting in sandy loam is beneficial to accelerate plant growth, but the growth rate is particularly slow in barren soil, so it is not suitable to be planted in low-lying stagnant water zone and limestone zone.

2. Upper basin

The newly purchased prosperous bamboo on the market should change the basin or grow into a big plant for several years, first of all, put the coarse-grained matrix in the bottom of the basin, about 2-3cm thickness, as a filter layer, and then apply a layer of mature organic fertilizer, about 1-2cm thickness, then cover a layer of 1-2cm thickness matrix, put the plant into the basin, pay attention to the root system should not be in direct contact with fertilizer to prevent root burning.

3. Proper pruning

When the prosperous bamboo is dormant or semi-dormant in winter, the branches such as overdense growth, diseases and insect pests, withered and thin branches should be cut off, and the branches can be arranged together with cuttings.

4. Change the basin at the right time

The main results are as follows: (1) as long as the prosperous bamboo is properly maintained, the plant will grow very rapidly, and when it reaches a certain stage, it should be transplanted to a larger flowerpot, which is more conducive to plant growth.

(2) you can prepare your own basin soil, and choose garden soil, sawdust and medium-coarse river sand according to the proportion of 4:2:1, or vegetable garden soil and slag according to the proportion of 3:1, or you can use rotten leaf soil, pond mud or paddy soil.

5. Take off the basin

First of all, gently pat around the flowerpot with your hand, which is beneficial to the separation of the root system from the wall of the pot, then take off the plant and stand on the pot upside down, gently pat the bottom of the pot with your hand again, slowly pull out the root system, and remove all the soil in the pot many times after taking off the pot.

Matters needing attention in aquaculture

1. Illumination: it is not suitable for prosperous bamboo to direct strong light directly, but to scatter light properly.

2. Temperature: the plant growth temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, which is easy to affect the normal growth of the plant.

3. Watering: prosperous bamboo likes to dry and should not be overwatered, which can easily lead to rotten roots and yellowing leaves.