
220000 Learn more about 220000

  • The 2017 Taiwan International Orchid Exhibition has been visited by more than 220000 people.

    The 2017 Taiwan International Orchid Exhibition has been visited by more than 220000 people.

    As of 4: 00 p.m. on the 12th, the "2017 Taiwan International Orchid Exhibition" has exceeded 220000 visitors, making it an unprecedented event. On the afternoon of the 12th, Premier Lin Quan, Secretary General Chen Meiling, Chairman of the Council of Agriculture Lin Congxian, Minister of Communications he Chen Dan and Chiayi.

  • Jinzao 47 (Rice)

    Jinzao 47 (Rice)

    The performance of medium maturity and high yield, plant height of 82.5 cm, straight flag leaves, stout stems, fertilizer resistance and lodging resistance. 20-220000 effective panicles per mu, large panicles with many grains, dense grains, about 120 grains per panicle, seed setting rate of about 80%, 1000-grain weight of 25 grams. Flag leaves have long functional period, good ripening color, mild sheath blight and more resistance to rice blast. With a protein content of 10.9% and high amylose content, it is a high quality variety for processing dried powder, industrial grain and feed. However, it is susceptible to seedling disease, and the tillering ability is moderate and weak. Seed treatment must be done well in cultivation, and appropriate use should be increased at the same time.

  • When will Huairou chestnuts be cooked?

    When will Huairou chestnuts be cooked?

    Huairou Chestnut is a famous chestnut in Beijing, with a planting area of 220000 mu. In Bohai Town and other places, almost every household has chestnut trees. When will the Huairou chestnuts be ripe? How much is the price per jin? When will Huairou chestnuts be ripe? Huairou Chestnut in September

    2020-11-08 Huairou Chestnut when cooked Yes Beijing
  • Zhendao No.2

    Zhendao No.2

    Zhendao No. 2 was bred from the mutant plant "Osmanthus waxy" selected by Zhenjiang Agricultural Science Institute. It belongs to late ripening and middle waxy. As a single cropping rice, sowing in the middle of May, heading in the middle of August, maturing in the middle of October, the whole growth period is close to 150 days, the total leaf age is 16-17 leaves, and the number of elongated internodes is 5-6. Transplanting melons, rice and beans, heading in early September and maturing in late October, the whole growth period is about 125 days, the total leaf age is about 14 leaves and the number of elongated internodes is 4-5. The ear is big and there are many grains, and the seed setting rate is high. A yield of about 600 kg per mu

  • What pesticide does adzuki bean use?

    What pesticide does adzuki bean use?

    Adzuki beans, also known as adzuki beans, adzuki beans, Zhu beans, etc., are cultivated all over the country. Pods are harvested and dried in summer and autumn, and seeds are collected for use. So, what kind of pesticide does adzuki bean use in the planting process? What pesticide does adzuki bean use? 1. Seed dressing: available farmers

    2020-11-08 Adzuki bean with what pesticide adzuki bean also called red
  • Wu Zenghai-- never forget his neighbors when he gets rich through hard work

    Wu Zenghai-- never forget his neighbors when he gets rich through hard work

    Wu Zenghai-- never forget his neighbors when he gets rich through hard work

  • Introduction of two new combinations of early brilliant rice with high yield, medium maturity and high quality

    Introduction of two new combinations of early brilliant rice with high yield, medium maturity and high quality

    T you 898: a new early indica rice combination selected by Hunan Longping Hi-Tech Nongping seed Industry Co., Ltd. It passed the variety approval of Jiangxi Province in 2005 (approval No.: Ganshendao 2005080L characteristics: cultivated as early rice in Jiangxi, the whole growth period is about 115 days. The plant height is 95 cm, the plant and leaf type is good, the tillering ability is strong, the stem is stout, the panicle rate is high, the color is good in the later stage, and there is no grain drop. 667 square meters (1 mu) effective panicle 220000, total grains per panicle 119.6, 1000-grain weight 24.7g, grain slender and long

  • Jiangsu seed Industry will promote improved Rice varieties tomorrow

    Jiangsu seed Industry will promote improved Rice varieties tomorrow

    Nanjing 44, formerly known as "Ning 4009", is an early-maturing late japonica rice variety. It was selected by the Food crops Research Institute of Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences and bred in 2004. It is suitable for planting under the conditions of middle and high fertility along the Yangtze River and southern Jiangsu Province. Participated in the regional trial of Jiangsu Province from 2005 to 2006, the average yield per mu was 588.1 kg in two years, and the average yield per mu in the production test in 2006 was 621.9 kg, which was 7.1% higher than that of the control. The effective panicle per mu is about 190000, the number of filled grains per panicle is about 130, and the seed setting rate

  • Daanxi Dajiaxi Unicom project, the EIA team successfully broke through the customs, farmers around the group approved: to seize water for China Science and Technology Industry!

    Daanxi Dajiaxi Unicom project, the EIA team successfully broke through the customs, farmers around the group approved: to seize water for China Science and Technology Industry!

    Daanxi Dajiaxi Unicom project, the EIA team successfully broke through the customs, farmers around the group approved: to seize water for China Science and Technology Industry!

  • Characteristics and High-yielding cultivation techniques of High-quality Japonica Rice ⅲ you 98

    Characteristics and High-yielding cultivation techniques of High-quality Japonica Rice ⅲ you 98

    Ⅲ you 98 is a new high quality hybrid japonica rice combination made by Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China seed Group and Mitsui Co., Ltd., which is a combination of A23 male sterile line and Rmuri 18 restorer line. It was approved by Anhui crop Variety Committee in August 2002. In 2004, under the unified arrangement of Lianyungang Experimental Station and Lianyungang seed Station of China seed Group, we introduced this combination and compared it with other varieties such as 3 you 18, Xudao 3, Yandao 8 and Lianjiajing 1. Pass through

  • Agricultural news: 1.53 million tons of new early rice purchased by the main producing areas

    Agricultural news: 1.53 million tons of new early rice purchased by the main producing areas

    According to the statistics of the State Grain Administration, as of August 5, various grain enterprises in nine major producing areas, including Henan and Jiangsu, had purchased 51.38 million tons of new wheat, a decrease of 12.93 million tons over the same period last year. All kinds of grain enterprises in 9 major producing areas, including Sichuan and Hubei, have purchased 1.1 million tons of newly produced rapeseed.

    2016-01-10 Agriculture important news main producing areas acquisition new early rice according to
  • Jiayou 99 (Rice)

    Jiayou 99 (Rice)

    Variety characteristics: this combination, bred by Jiaxing Academy of Agricultural Sciences, is an indica hybrid combination. It has been planted in our city for two years. The whole growth period of this combination is 154 days in 2001 and 148 days in 2002. The plant height is 121cm, the panicle type is large, the total grain per panicle is 228, the seed setting rate is about 75%, the 1000-grain weight is 27.9g, the resistance is good; the flag leaf is very sensitive, the green stem is yellow, and the late ripening phase is good; the high yield is good, the rice quality is excellent, and the yield is 2002.

  • Industrialization Technology of Potato in Vitro

    Industrialization Technology of Potato in Vitro

    This achievement includes potato test-tube potato virus-free, rapid propagation. A series of industrial techniques for inducing microtubers to be planted in field. According to the basic theory and operation technology of biological engineering, combining with the physiological mechanism of tuber formation, the axillary buds of potato tube seedlings and tube seedling segments were induced to form tube tubers suitable for plant cultivation under suitable medium and culture conditions, thus achieving commercial production. Through proper induction technique and improvement of culture container, the productivity of test tube alarm per unit culture area was increased by 3~5 times, and the highest productivity per square meter per year was 2

  • As of November 10, the number of EU soft wheat export licenses was 415000 tons.

    As of November 10, the number of EU soft wheat export licenses was 415000 tons.

    As of November 10, the number of EU soft wheat export licenses was 415000 tons.

  • Another bumper harvest of late rice in Xiangzhou County, Guangxi

    Another bumper harvest of late rice in Xiangzhou County, Guangxi

    Another bumper harvest of late rice in Xiangzhou County, Guangxi

  • Huaiji Lengkeng Guo Lingdi pioneered the way to become rich

    Huaiji Lengkeng Guo Lingdi pioneered the way to become rich

    Huaiji Lengkeng Guo Lingdi pioneered the way to become rich

  • What is the cause of Tillering death in Rice and Wheat

    What is the cause of Tillering death in Rice and Wheat

    Q: I am from Sihong County. Here, many of the tillers of wheat do not grow and eventually shrink and die, and so does rice. In addition, there are several grains missing at the base of the wheat ear, or the branchlets at the base of the rice ear do not bear particles as if they had been rolled. What is the reason for this? Answer: a large number of tillers died in the middle and later period of wheat and rice growth.

  • Xu Xiqing: raising pigs to become rich as a model

    Xu Xiqing: raising pigs to become rich as a model

    Xu Xiqing: raising pigs to become rich as a model

  • Distribution of producing area of Cornus officinalis

    Distribution of producing area of Cornus officinalis

    Distribution of producing area of Cornus officinalis

  • The price of fish in the capital of tilapia in China rises, but farmers reduce their income.

    The price of fish in the capital of tilapia in China rises, but farmers reduce their income.

    The price of fish in the capital of tilapia in China rises, but farmers reduce their income.
