
whip Learn more about whip

  • High yield cultivation techniques of Phyllostachys pubescens shoot

    High yield cultivation techniques of Phyllostachys pubescens shoot

    Bamboo shoot is a new type of health food. Cellulose, the most abundant in bamboo shoots, plays an important role in modern nutrition and health care. Often eat foods rich in fiber, which can prevent and cure hyperlipidemia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, obesity, diabetes, bowel cancer and hemorrhoids

    2020-11-08 Bamboo shoots bamboo shoots high yield cultivation techniques hair
  • Medicinal use and processing of snake whip

    Medicinal use and processing of snake whip

    A snake whip is the reproductive organ of a male snake. A complete pair of snake whips consists of two gonadal testicles and two copulators, which contain testosterone, protein and other ingredients. In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a theory of "tonifying viscera with viscera and seeking the same gas phase". According to the determination of relevant scientific research departments, the kidney tonifying substance contained in snake whip is 10% higher than that of deer whip and more than 30% higher than that of seal kidney and dog kidney. Snake whip has the function of tonifying kidney and invigorating yang, warming internal organs, and can treat impotence, kidney deficiency, tinnitus, chronic orchitis, women's uterine cold infertility and so on. Snake whip

  • Medicinal use and processing of snake whip

    Medicinal use and processing of snake whip

    A snake whip is the reproductive organ of a male snake. A complete pair of snake whips consists of two gonadal testicles and two copulators, which contain testosterone, protein and other ingredients. In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a theory of "tonifying viscera with viscera and seeking the same gas phase". According to the determination of relevant scientific research departments, the kidney tonifying substance contained in snake whip is 10% higher than that of deer whip and more than 30% higher than that of seal kidney and dog kidney. Snake whip has the function of tonifying kidney and invigorating yang, warming internal organs, and can treat impotence, kidney deficiency, tinnitus, chronic orchitis, women's uterine cold infertility and so on. Snake whip

  • What is a sheep whip? How much is the price per jin?

    What is a sheep whip? How much is the price per jin?

    We all know that mutton is a good thing, not only can resist the cold, but also can replenish the body, the most suitable for winter consumption, so it is called winter tonic, very popular. In addition to mutton, sheep blood, sheep bone, sheep liver, sheep milk, sheep bile, sheep whip and so on are also good things.

    2020-11-11 Sheep whip what is the price yes more less money one jin we all
  • The pruning method of Bawang whip

    The pruning method of Bawang whip

    Bawang whip sounds like a very domineering plant, but in fact its shape is indeed very tall. So do you know the pruning method of Bawang whip? Let's have a look together! The pruning method of overlord whip can prepare a sharp knife by pruning overlord whip

    2020-11-11 Overlord whip pruning method overlord listen go up that is
  • Medicinal use and processing of snake whip and snake gall

    Medicinal use and processing of snake whip and snake gall

    First, the medicinal use and processing of snake whips, that is, the reproductive organs of male snakes. A complete pair of snake whips consists of two gonadal testicles and two copulators, which contain testosterone, protein and other ingredients. In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a theory of "replenishing dirty organs with dirty organs and seeking for the same gas phase". According to the determination of relevant scientific research departments, the kidney tonifying substance contained in snake whip is 10% higher than that of deer whip and more than 30% higher than seal kidney and dog kidney. Snake whip has the function of tonifying kidney and invigorating yang and warming internal organs. It can treat impotence, kidney deficiency, tinnitus, chronic orchitis, women's uterine cold infertility and so on. Rejoin the snake whip

  • Processing technology of deer whip wine

    Processing technology of deer whip wine

    Deer whip wine is prepared with deer whip, dog kidney, donkey kidney and pure grain liquor as the main raw materials, adding yangyanghuo, hippocampus, wolfberry and other traditional Chinese medicine. Deer whip, dog kidney and donkey kidney were extracted to transform macromolecular proteins into small molecular peptides that can be absorbed by human body. Traditional Chinese medicine adopted the methods of ultrasonic extraction and low temperature sedimentation to make the finished wine clear, transparent, glossy, brown and red, pure and soft in taste. Deer whip wine is based on "nourishing and strengthening, strengthening and strengthening the foundation". It has the biological effect of improving sexual function, and it is a kind of nutrition and health wine.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of Bawang whip

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of Bawang whip

    Bawang whip is mainly sandy loam, can not accept sunlight exposure, so it needs to be placed in a position with light scattering. Watering needs to grasp the principle that the basin soil does not accumulate water when it is wet. The fertilizer should be diluted before fertilization, and it is most appropriate to apply the maturing fertilizer solution every half a month.

    2020-11-11 Overlord whip breeding method and points for attention overlord
  • Culture method of potted Bawang whip

    Culture method of potted Bawang whip

    Culture method of potted Bawang whip

  • The latest culture method of potted king whip

    The latest culture method of potted king whip

    The plant is an evergreen, multi-fleshy plant belonging to Euphorbiaceae. Its branches are light green, spiral, gray, black spines, leaves are obovate, light green tapering, stems and leaves contain white poisonous milk. It is a non-desert plant in Malaysia and is often cultivated in the tropics.

    2020-11-10 latest potted plant overlord whip of culture method for
  • Key points of cultivation techniques of bamboo shoots

    Key points of cultivation techniques of bamboo shoots

    Bamboo shoots have been regarded as treasures of dishes in China since ancient times. Bamboo shoots are a traditional Chinese delicacy with a crispy taste and a long history of eating and cultivation. In the Book of songs, there are poems such as adding beans, bamboo shoots, fish fish, its sounds, bamboo shoots and cattails, indicating that people eat bamboo.

    2020-11-08 Bamboo shoots cultivation techniques key points bamboo shoots in China since ancient times by
  • How to soak wine best with cistanche and deer penis? How long does it usually take? What are the effects and functions?

    How to soak wine best with cistanche and deer penis? How long does it usually take? What are the effects and functions?

    Many people in life like to soak wine with cistanche and deer penis together. They think such health wine has good health care function after drinking. So, can cistanche and deer penis soak wine together? What's the best way? How long does it usually take? For what?

    2020-11-11 how to soak wine with cistanche and deer penis is the best average more.
  • Fertilizer and Water Management and cultivation methods of Bamboo shoot

    Fertilizer and Water Management and cultivation methods of Bamboo shoot

    Bamboo shoots have been regarded as treasures of dishes in China since ancient times. Bamboo shoots are a traditional Chinese delicacy with a crispy taste and a long history of eating and cultivation. Bamboo shoots are the tender seedlings of Phyllostachys pubescens, Phyllostachys pubescens and Phyllostachys pubescens, also known as bamboo sprouts and buds. According to analysis, bamboo shoots

    2020-11-08 Bamboo shoots fertilizer water management and cultivation methods bamboo shoots in
  • How to plant Phyllostachys pubescens and its breeding environment

    How to plant Phyllostachys pubescens and its breeding environment

    How to plant Phyllostachys pubescens and its breeding environment

  • Introduction to the propagation mode and maintenance points of Ruo bamboo

    Introduction to the propagation mode and maintenance points of Ruo bamboo

    Introduction to the propagation mode and maintenance points of Ruo bamboo

  • The method of making bamboo bonsai

    The method of making bamboo bonsai

    Son chic and elegant, elegant, elegant Athens, used to make small bamboo bonsai, decorate the room, very elegant. There are many kinds of bamboo, and it is appropriate to make bamboo bonsai with thin stems and narrow leaves, such as Phyllostachys pubescens, Yinyang bamboo and so on. When transplanting bamboo, one or two years of age should be selected in spring.

  • You certainly don't know the secret of "lasting for men over 30".

    You certainly don't know the secret of

    There is a famous saying in the world-famous novel Paradise lost: "nothing is more honest and selfless than the body." so in a happy marriage, love is as important as sex. Niu Chengze directed the film Love LOV....

  • How to fertilize bamboo shoots

    How to fertilize bamboo shoots

    How to fertilize bamboo shoots

  • Is there a market for growing Ruo bamboo now? How much is the seedling price? What's the moral? How to plant and maintain bonsai?

    Is there a market for growing Ruo bamboo now? How much is the seedling price? What's the moral? How to plant and maintain bonsai?

    Ruo bamboo, also known as Liaoye, Liaozhu, Dendrocalamus, Phyllostachys pubescens, Phyllostachys pubescens, Zongba Leaf, Ruo Bamboo, Gramineae, Ruo Bamboo, with a height of up to 2 meters, can shoot from April to May and bloom from June to July. So is there a market for growing Ruo bamboo now? How much is the seedling price? What's the moral? How to plant and maintain bonsai

  • A powerful supporting role-- Serpentine Chrysanthemum

    A powerful supporting role-- Serpentine Chrysanthemum

    Snake chrysanthemum: perennial herb. The base of the stem is swollen and oblate. Flowers are red and purple. Flowering in summer and autumn. As most small heads gather into dense spikes, the florets bloom from top to bottom, like the rustling of a rattlesnake.
