
How to soak wine best with cistanche and deer penis? How long does it usually take? What are the effects and functions?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many people in life like to soak wine with cistanche and deer penis together. They think such health wine has good health care function after drinking. So, can cistanche and deer penis soak wine together? What's the best way? How long does it usually take? For what?

In life, many people like to make wine with Cistanche deserticola and deer whip together, feeling that this kind of health wine has a good health care function after drinking. So, can Cistanche deserticola and deer whip make wine together? What's the best way to soak? How long does it usually take? What is the effect and effect?

We know that the deer whip is actually a part of the deer's reproductive organs, but it contains a lot of nutrients, which belongs to a warm food without any toxins, and has a better effect of tonifying the kidney and tonifying qi and blood. especially suitable for women who have just given birth, there is a lot of energy loss in the body, and it is easy to have kidney deficiency, so if you eat deer whip at this time. It will effectively improve the condition of poor physique, and even have a lot of benefits to the resistance of the body in the later stage, and men can eat it at ordinary times.

Cistanche deserticola is known as "desert ginseng" and has high medicinal value. it is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine with sweet taste and warm nature. it has the functions of tonifying kidney and yang, filling essence and marrow, nourishing blood and moistening dryness, pleasing color and prolonging years, etc. long-term consumption can not only increase physical strength, enhance endurance and resist fatigue, but also enhance the sexual ability and fertility of human beings and animals.

So, how best to make wine with Cistanche deserticola and deer whip? Deer whip has a strong medicinal effect, deer whip bubble wine can better play the efficacy of deer whip, this is because liquor can precipitate the active ingredients in medicinal materials, through a small amount of daily drinking, can gradually restore kidney yang.

However, the method of brewing wine with deer whip needs to consider its specific efficacy. If deer whip bubble wine is used for aphrodisiac, it can be mixed with Cistanche deserticola or Cistanche deserticola, or with ginseng; Yang deficiency can be added with Herba Epimedii, Fructus psoraleae, Herba Euphorbiae and other products that nourish kidney yang; if the fire is prosperous, you can add some cooked land, Polygonum multiflorum, Ligustrum lucidum, Ligustrum lucidum and other kidney yin products; if the constitution is consistent, you can also add Chinese medicine such as Chinese wolfberry fruit to mix and match, and the specific formula of various materials can be consulted according to the physique of professional Chinese medicine physicians.

Now there are large containers specially used for soaking medicinal wine on the market, be sure to choose pottery altar or glass bottle for wine, remember not to use PET plastic buckets, because wine has a corrosive effect, especially high liquor, long-time contact with plastic buckets, liquor corrosion plastic is easy to blend into some plastic buckets. After you buy it, you can fill the container with wine and put in deer whip and Cistanche deserticola, etc. At present, there is no standard for soaking wine preparation. It is usually better to mix one liter of wine every 50g, preferably 55 to 65 degrees, soaking for more than one month, and soaking for about 45 days in winter.

In order to ensure a better effect, the liquor chosen must be a real high-quality pure grain wine, preferably sorghum wine. In addition, deer whip bubble wine should also pay attention to eating, take at most one or two at a time, Yin deficiency fire prosperous people use with caution, patients with bronchial disease in order to avoid getting angry, should also avoid overdose.

Formula reference: Tianyantang soaking wine formula

[formula] A deer whip, a seal whip, a donkey whip, cooked ground, Atractylodes macrocephala, Chinese wolfberry, Suoyang, yam, Poria cocos, ginseng, Cistanche deserticola, Herba Epimedii, dodder, alisma alisma, Radix angelicae Sinensis, Fructus psoraleae, Polygonum multiflorum and other 27 herbs.

[preparation method] put the prepared medicinal materials into containers, add 15-20 jin of liquor above 50 degrees, and seal for 30 days.

[efficacy] strengthen the body, tonify kidney yang, tonify essence and blood. It is suitable for kidney yang deficiency, essence blood deficiency, waist and knee pain, limb weakness, fear of cold and cold, male impotence-spasm, female-palace cold and other diseases.

[taking method] 15-30ml twice a day.

For Cistanche deserticola and deer whip how to make wine is the best, the above has been introduced in detail, in fact, as long as according to the correct method to bubble and drink, the effect and effect is still very obvious. However, I would like to remind you that it is best to go to the traditional Chinese medicine department and then ask the doctor to prescribe a prescription, and then carry out health care under the guidance of the doctor.