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  • Management and protection techniques of cherry after grafting

    Management and protection techniques of cherry after grafting

    1. Untie in time. Cherry grafted in case of rain or watering, easy to cause glue flow, affecting survival. Therefore, do not water within half a month after grafting. After the budding seedlings survive, they should be untied in time to prevent Rain Water from seeping into the cortex along the binding. two。 Cut anvil at the right time. It is necessary to cut the rootstock for the seedlings that have survived.

  • The latest course on cultivation techniques and methods of Annona seedlings

    The latest course on cultivation techniques and methods of Annona seedlings

    Annona, also known as Sakya fruit, Lai cone fruit, Buddha head fruit, etc., is a small perennial semi-deciduous tree of Annonaceae. It is native to tropical America. The propagation methods include seed propagation and grafting propagation. Seed propagation seedlings have the characteristics of early fruiting and high yield.

    2020-11-10 Latest Annona litchi saplings cultivation techniques methods tutorials
  • High yield methods of pear trees after grafting

    High yield methods of pear trees after grafting

    Pear is widely cultivated in the north and south of China and has strong adaptability. Resistant to rough management, easy to early fruit and high yield, long economic life. The fruit is resistant to storage and transportation, good merchandise and long supply period, so it is deeply welcomed by domestic and foreign markets. The purpose of grafting is to optimize tree quality, enhance resistance and promote high yield. Have a good grasp of the ratio of output to joint. Practice has proved

  • How to plant honeysuckle

    How to plant honeysuckle

    Honeysuckle is a perennial tree-shaped plant, medicinal buds, cold and drought tolerance, barren hills, hills and beaches can grow. After receiving the honeysuckle seedling, untie the package immediately, dip it in the root with muddy water, improve the survival, and plant it in time. Planting method: row spacing 1.3-1.5 m, plant spacing 0.9-1 m, seedling root depth of 10 cm left.

  • How to graft azaleas

    How to graft azaleas

    For cuckoos, there are many ways to reproduce, one of which is grafting. There are many methods for its grafting, but we generally use the top split grafting of twigs, which can make its survival rate very high, so let's talk about the specific methods.

  • Carbon dioxide storage method of Lentinus edodes

    Carbon dioxide storage method of Lentinus edodes

    The use of carbon dioxide (CO2) hypoxia insecticidal method can make the storage of Lentinus edodes not affected by the natural climate, no insects, no mildew, no deterioration, and ensure the supply of the market all the year round. First, the use of polyethylene film to make a sealed cover, the size of self-set, generally can hold 5 Mui 10 tons is appropriate. The cover is square and there is a check hole at the top. When stacking, untie the mouth of the bag of Lentinus edodes and grow square or square. The pile is divided into three layers, the bottom layer is moisture-proof agent, the middle layer stores Lentinus edodes, the upper layer puts moisture-absorbing agent, and then the cover is sealed. II. Platoon

  • Saw Antler Technology of Sika Deer

    Saw Antler Technology of Sika Deer

    Saw Antler Technology of Sika Deer

  • How to raise potted osmanthus trees in winter

    How to raise potted osmanthus trees in winter

    How to raise potted sweet-scented osmanthus trees in winter? Please give guidance that the absolute temperature in winter is low and lasts for a long time, family potted sweet-scented osmanthus often suffer from frost injury. Based on many years' experience, the author puts forward some views on the maintenance of potted sweet-scented osmanthus in winter in northern China. "Autumn does not enter" that is, it is advisable to enter the room late rather than early. Under normal circumstances, autumn.

  • Techniques of bag cultivation of straw mushroom

    Techniques of bag cultivation of straw mushroom

    Straw mushroom bag cultivation is a relatively new cultivation method and a high-yield cultivation method of straw mushroom, which is about twice as high as that of traditional grass-stacking cultivation. The biological efficiency can reach 30ml / 40%. 1. Soak the straw and cut the straw into 2mur3 sections, which can be cut into about 5cm if possible, and soak in 5% lime water for 8 hours. The water soaked in straw can be reused twice, and lime must be added each time. 2. Pick up the straw and put it on the cement floor with a small slope, spread it out and drain the excess water, or use

  • Cherry grafting method

    Cherry grafting method

    The tree species of cherry can be grafted with plum tree or peach tree, the thickness of the rootstock needs more than 0.7cm, and the scion can use annual branches. When grafting, cut the long oval face of 2.5cm and 2mm with a knife at the base of the rootstock 10 cm from the ground, and then

    2020-11-08 Cherry grafting method abstract cherry tree species but
  • What is the knowledge of cultivation and maintenance of Magnolia officinalis

    What is the knowledge of cultivation and maintenance of Magnolia officinalis

    What is the knowledge of cultivation and maintenance of Magnolia officinalis

  • Green Luo rooted in the rope, the leaves grow bigger than the face, 10 days run 1 meter!

    Green Luo rooted in the rope, the leaves grow bigger than the face, 10 days run 1 meter!

    There are too many flower artifacts in life, such as wire, plastic bottles, plastic bags and straws. All are very useful, but few people notice the rope! Today, Huahua will show you how to use a rope to make the flowers look beautiful!

  • Grafting method of potted Camellia

    Grafting method of potted Camellia

    Put a few pots of camellias in the bedroom, can decorate the environment more elegant, in order to increase the interest of life. Potted camellias will have higher ornamental value if they are modeled and planted in a suitable bonsai. Camellia belongs to the tree species that are difficult to survive by grafting, so it is necessary to improve the survival rate of grafting.

  • Stable yield Renewal Technology of Old Apple Orchard

    Stable yield Renewal Technology of Old Apple Orchard

    The stable yield renewal technology of the old apple orchard 1 the benefit of the transformation of the old apple orchard by adopting new technology 1.1 shortens the period of re-establishment of the old apple orchard. Generally, it takes at least 4-5 years to build the old apple orchard with seedlings to hang the fruit, while the new technology generally takes 3 years to complete.

  • Grafting technique of potted tea plum

    Grafting technique of potted tea plum

    Many potted flower plants can be grafted to reproduce young plants, as can tea plum. Although tea plum can also be bred by grafting, it is more difficult to graft and the survival rate is relatively low. Therefore, in order to improve the grafting success rate of potted tea plum, we must master the operation essentials

  • Introduction of common propagation methods of Yu plum

    Introduction of common propagation methods of Yu plum

    Yu Li likes a sunny, warm and humid environment. The flowering period is from March to April. The flowers and leaves bloom together, and they are very beautiful when they bloom. Yu plum has strong adaptability and can also adapt to slightly acidic soil. Artificial propagation of Yu plum can be done by means of plant division, sowing, cutting, striping, grafting and so on.

  • The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Sakyamuni fruit

    The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Sakyamuni fruit

    Sakyamuni is a small perennial semi-deciduous tree of Annonaceae, named for its appearance by molluscum protuberance with polygonal little fingers. It is native to tropical America and is cultivated in Hainan, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan. The fruit is mainly for fresh supply.

    2020-11-10 The latest Sakya fruit planting techniques methods tutorials Sakyamuni
  • Propagation of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica grafted Pinus koraiensis seedlings

    Propagation of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica grafted Pinus koraiensis seedlings

    Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica has strong adaptability, cold resistance, drought resistance and barren resistance. Grafting Korean pine with Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica as rootstock has the advantages of early flowering and fruiting, quick garden formation and good effect. 1 the preparation of scion 1.1 the selection of mother tree selects excellent mother tree as scion. The tree height, DBH, crown width, fruiting layer thickness, young fruit number, cone number, male and female flowers of each clone were measured in the selected area. at the same time, seed collection per plant, cone number, cone weight, seed yield, seed emergence rate, kernel emergence rate, empty shell rate, insect damage rate, 1000-grain weight and cone length and width were tested.

  • Key points of seedling raising technology of cherry

    Key points of seedling raising technology of cherry

    1. The nursery land for cherry seedling cultivation should be flat and gentle slope less than 5 (gentle slope easy to drain, no waterlogging), and the slope can be south, southeast and southwest. Sandy loam soil should be selected for seedling raising on flat ground, groundwater level should be below 1.5m, and soil layer should be deep and soil should be sparse.

    2020-11-08 seed cherry seedling technique essentials selection nursery cultivation
  • How to prune desert roses, pruning methods of desert roses / four common methods

    How to prune desert roses, pruning methods of desert roses / four common methods

    In order to maximize the efficacy and ornamental value of desert roses, in addition to mastering the correct breeding methods, pruning is also essential. Its advantage is that it can not only prevent steep growth but also facilitate flowering, so how to prune desert roses? Let's take a look at the pruning method map of desert roses.
