
The latest course of planting techniques and methods of Sakyamuni fruit

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sakyamuni is a small perennial semi-deciduous tree of Annonaceae, named for its appearance by molluscum protuberance with polygonal little fingers. It is native to tropical America and is cultivated in Hainan, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan. The fruit is mainly for fresh supply.

Sakya fruit is a perennial semi-deciduous small tree belonging to Annonaceae family. It is named after the appearance of soft wart with polygonal little finger. It originated from tropical America. Hainan, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan of China have been cultivated. The fruit is mainly for fresh food. The nutrients are very rich. The planting value is extremely high. Let's take a look at the planting technology of Sakya fruit together.

Sakyamuni planting conditions

1. Climate: Sakyamuni is a tropical and subtropical plant. It likes warm and humid climate. The annual average temperature is 21~23℃, the annual rainfall is 1200~1800 ml, and the air humidity is 70~95%. The climate conditions are most suitable for its growth. Generally speaking, the subtropical climate with no frost in winter, abundant rainfall and high air humidity is more suitable for planting Sakyamuni.

2. Soil: Sakyamuni is a shallow rooted plant. Its roots are mostly distributed in the soil layer within 35 cm. Moreover, the new roots are lignified late, aerobic and avoid ponding. It should be planted in the land facing south from the wind. Shelterbelts must be built in places where the wind blows. Otherwise, it is vulnerable to wind damage and lead to the occurrence of rhizome rot. The most suitable soil is sandy soil or sandy loam with fertile soil, good ventilation and good drainage. The most suitable soil pH value is 5.5~6.5. The acidic soil should be improved with lime. Although clay soil and neutral soil can also grow, the effect is not as good as sandy soil or sandy loam.

Seedling Raising Technique of Sakyamuni

1, seed seedlings: Sakyamuni seeds should be dried before sowing to promote germination, nursery should be sunny drainage good, fertile sandy loam, gentle slope flat is better. Nursery before sowing should be first deep tillage drying 1~2 months, and then decomposed organic fertilizer and a small amount of lime as base fertilizer, break and mix well, and then repair the furrow. Sowing and sowing can be done, with 7~8 kg seeds per mu. With river sand or fine soil cover, slightly compacted after watering grass or plastic film, seedbed pay attention to moisture, but also afraid of ponding, so also pay attention to prevent excessive moisture, so as not to cause root rot. After germination, remove the mulch or plastic film to avoid bending the seedlings.

2. Grafting seedlings: The grafting methods of Sakya fruit vary with the seasons. The phloem is not easy to cut off in spring, and the branch grafting method is generally used, while the bud grafting method is generally used in summer and autumn. When budding method is used for grafting, it is generally required to untie the binding after 20~30 days, while branch grafting method is generally carried out after bud picking. For the surviving plants grafted by bud grafting method, about 15 days after untying, the rootstock can be cut about 5 cm above the bud grafting position. After cutting the rootstock, a large number of sprouts will be extracted from the base, which should be removed in time to avoid competing with scions for nutrients and affecting the germination of buds. At the same time, the nursery land should be kept clean and free of weeds, and sufficient fertilizer and water supply should be ensured. When the grafted seedlings grow to 50 cm high and stem diameter is about 1.0 cm, they can be transplanted.

Planting Technique of Sakyamuni

1. Planting time: The planting time of Sakya fruit is February to April of each year, and the frost-free area in winter can be advanced to October to December of the previous year. Greenhouse cultivation in Beijing suburbs should be planted in the middle and late April (no matter whether the greenhouse is covered with film or not). At this time, the temperature rises, which is conducive to the slow seedling and growth of plants. The planting specifications should be determined according to the specific conditions of the greenhouse.

2. Seedling treatment: Sakyamuni should be treated before planting, first of all, disinfection should be carried out, and seedlings should be sprayed with 3~5 Baume degree of sulfur mixture solution, and seedlings should be graded and trimmed at the same time. According to seedling size, root system is good or bad for classification, selection of seedlings or good or bad sub-planting. The seedlings that lose water in the field transfer and storage must be soaked in water for 3~5 hours before planting.

3, planting density: plant spacing varies according to varieties, generally 3 X 4 meters or 4 X 5 meters is appropriate, the most dense can be increased to 2 x 3 meters. Before planting, it is necessary to dig a planting hole in advance. The size of the hole is 0.8x0.8x0.8m. The topsoil is mixed with the organic fertilizer and placed on the bottom. The soil is placed on the top, and then the seedlings are planted. Tread, irrigate the fixed root water at one time, and then cover a layer of raw soil to prevent water evaporation. If it is planted on flat ground and sufficient rainfall, it is not suitable to dig large holes for planting, but to plant high ridges to prevent ponding in the holes from causing plant death.

Sakyamuni fruit fertilizer water management

1, young tree fertilization: generally 1~2 young trees need to apply organic fertilizer 5 kg, urea 0.45 kg, calcium superphosphate 0.35 kg, potassium sulfate 0.1 kg, in addition to organic fertilizer before winter shear one-time, the rest of the fertilizer were in the first, second, third after the new shoots mature and winter shear before the beginning of the application, winter shear fertilizer dosage should be the highest, accounting for about 55% of the total amount of the year, the other three accounted for 15%, in order to promote the growth of tree vigor and crown formation.

2. Fertilization of mature trees: The fertilizer requirement of fruit trees is larger, and the dosage needs to be determined according to the age, tree vigor and fruit condition. Generally, 3~4-year-old trees need to apply 10~15 kg of organic fertilizer, 2 kg of calcium superphosphate, 0.5 kg of potassium sulfate and 1.2 kg of urea every year, among which the organic fertilizer is finished at one time before and after winter shearing.

3. Irrigation management: water is most needed during budding period, young fruit expansion period, rapid fruit expansion period, post-harvest recovery period and dormancy period of Sakya fruit. Irrigation should be timely and appropriately carried out according to specific conditions to ensure fruit setting rate, large fruit rate and excellent fruit rate, as well as recovery of root system and tree vigor. The irrigation methods are hole irrigation and furrow irrigation. Insufficient water will lead to poor plant growth, irregular germination, large number of young fruit shedding, poor fruit development and a large increase in the rate of fruit cracking. However, Sakyamuni is also most afraid of ponding, even if it is short-term ponding, it will lead to the same result as water shortage, and can cause root rot, resulting in plant death, so it is necessary to do drainage work in time.