
trauma Learn more about trauma

  • Prevention and treatment of snake trauma

    Prevention and treatment of snake trauma

    Due to the limitations of culture conditions, small injuries are inevitable when people catch or transport snakes. Most snakes can heal themselves, but some snakes have abscesses due to decreased immunity. If the wound is infected by bacteria and can not be treated in time, it will not be able to shed its skin, and the abscess will be expanded to a certain extent with the phenomenon of dead snakes. Such as raising pythons, mites are often parasitic in the cracks in the scales, sometimes cause trauma after removing mites, and once the wound is infected by bacteria, it will cause ulceration, which will directly affect the normal growth and development of pythons.

  • Treatment of fish trauma

    Treatment of fish trauma

    There is a layer of mucous membrane on the surface of the fish, which protects the surface from bacteria. When fish suffer from trauma, it is easy to be infected with bacteria or mold, causing secondary diseases. Therefore, when the fish is injured, it should be treated in time to avoid infection. During treatment, red potion can be applied directly to the injured area (which should not be applied to the eyes), or diseased fish can be soaked in 1/1000000 to 2 dilute solutions of antibiotics (such as tetracycline, furacillin, etc.). Anti-inflammatory ointment (such as erythromycin ointment, tetracycline ointment) can also be applied to the injured area.

  • Prevention and treatment of trauma in ornamental turtles

    Prevention and treatment of trauma in ornamental turtles

    [etiology] in the process of capture and feeding, the carapace, skin, limbs, mouth and other parts of the tortoise were bruised, injured and crushed. [symptoms] Local redness and swelling, tissue necrosis, pus. [prevention and treatment] for fresh wounds, stop bleeding first, oppress with gauze, apply Yunnan Baiyao in severe cases, then clean the wound, then scrub with disinfectant (93% hydrogen peroxide, 0.5% potassium permanganate) to prevent infection, and large wounds should be sutured and bandaged. For the old and suppurative trauma, enlarge the wound and remove the pus and necrotic material from the wound.

  • Treatment of traumatic injury of cultured masked palm civet

    Treatment of traumatic injury of cultured masked palm civet

    Fruit beavers are in the middle, and fights and bites often occur, resulting in trauma. If trauma is not detected and treated in time, it will cause infection and suppuration. Clinical symptoms include ① fresh wound flesh dehiscence, bleeding, pain and dysfunction of tissues and organs.

    2020-11-08 Breeding fruit beaver trauma treatment beaver herd center
  • How to deal with pig trauma? So that you can become a veterinarian without having to study.

    How to deal with pig trauma? So that you can become a veterinarian without having to study.

    How to deal with pig trauma? So that you can become a veterinarian without having to study.

  • From the small things in the countryside, let's see the creation story of the micro-trauma of the slash in the countryside.

    From the small things in the countryside, let's see the creation story of the micro-trauma of the slash in the countryside.

    From the small things in the countryside, let's see the creation story of the micro-trauma of the slash in the countryside.

  • The efficacy of mountain leek

    The efficacy of mountain leek

    Promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis: mountain leek has the function of promoting blood circulation and dispelling blood stasis. Analgesic effect: it can relieve pain caused by various causes. Dispelling wind and relieving itching: it can be used in drugs to dispel wind and relieve itching. Treat trauma: it can help trauma recover as soon as possible. Treatment of rash and ringworm: it has a therapeutic effect on urticaria and psoriasis.

  • Canine keratitis

    Canine keratitis

    Keratitis in dogs is usually caused by trauma or foreign bodies, but can also occur in certain infectious diseases and parasitic diseases. [Diagnostic points] The main symptoms of acute keratitis are shyness, tears, pain, eyelid closure, conjunctival flushing. Trauma is caused by rough corneal surface, corneal opacity, some mild; only a translucent thin nebula, some thicker, opaque white film, so the dog blindness. Longer course of disease cases, causing corneal peripheral congestion and neoplasia

  • The cause, diagnosis and prevention of keratitis, an ophthalmological disease in dogs

    The cause, diagnosis and prevention of keratitis, an ophthalmological disease in dogs

    Keratitis in dogs is usually caused by trauma or foreign bodies. It can also occur during certain infectious and parasitic diseases. The main symptoms of acute keratitis are shyness, tears, pain, eyelid closure, conjunctival flushing. Trauma is caused by rough corneal surface, corneal opacity, some mild; only a translucent thin nebula, some thicker, opaque white film, so the dog blindness. Longer course of disease cases, causing corneal peripheral congestion and neovascularization. serious

  • What is the function of aloe? what is the effect of aloe?

    What is the function of aloe? what is the effect of aloe?

    What is the function of aloe? what is the effect of aloe?

  • The efficacy and function of Aloe Vera the benefits of aloe to people

    The efficacy and function of Aloe Vera the benefits of aloe to people

    The efficacy and function of Aloe Vera the benefits of aloe to people

  • Control of bacterial Diseases in Silkworm, Bombyx mori

    Control of bacterial Diseases in Silkworm, Bombyx mori

    Bombyx mori bacterial disease usually occurs in summer and autumn. It is caused by a large number of bacterial parasitic silkworms, which is caused by the infection of blood circulation to the whole body, mainly by the way of trauma and food to the whole body. Prevention and control measures are as follows: first, 1% chlorine-containing bleaching powder should be used before, during and after sericulture to strictly disinfect silkworm furniture, ancillary facilities and surrounding places. Second, strengthen feeding and management, when feeding mulberry and silkworm, the action should be light and carefully operated. Expand the silkworm seat frequently.

  • Introduction to the Medicinal value of Aloe Vera with a wide range of uses in Life

    Introduction to the Medicinal value of Aloe Vera with a wide range of uses in Life

    Introduction to the Medicinal value of Aloe Vera with a wide range of uses in Life

  • The leaves of Cymbidium are yellow.

    The leaves of Cymbidium are yellow.

    The leaves of Cymbidium are yellow.

  • Treatment of porcine keratitis

    Treatment of porcine keratitis

    Etiology: keratitis is a general term for inflammation of corneal tissue. The disease is often caused by trauma, whiplash or sharp foreign body stabbing the cornea. Symptoms: porcine keratitis is characterized by fear of light, tears, pain, conjunctival redness, swelling, eyelid closure or semi-closure, congestion of blood vessels around the cornea, diffuse turbidity, gradually spreading from around the cornea to the middle, light gray or milky white, orange, corneal epithelial swelling, rough surface, corneal surface damage, then the surface epithelium shedding scars, transparency

  • Causes of death of soft-shelled turtle in winter

    Causes of death of soft-shelled turtle in winter

    Causes of death of soft-shelled turtle in winter

  • Aloe Vera's efficacy and function

    Aloe Vera's efficacy and function

    Aloe Vera's efficacy and function

  • Prevention and treatment of blindfold disease of map fish

    Prevention and treatment of blindfold disease of map fish

    Prevention and treatment of blindfold disease of map fish

  • How to make bonsai trees thicker

    How to make bonsai trees thicker

    For bonsai creators, in order to pursue the highest ornamental value and artistic effect, they often try their best to make bonsai trees grow better and shape more beautiful. Among them, it is more common to thicken the branches of bonsai trees. Obviously, for many bonsai trees

  • What disease is swollen pig joint, how to prevent and cure effectively?

    What disease is swollen pig joint, how to prevent and cure effectively?

    What disease is swollen pig joint, how to prevent and cure effectively?
