
tissue Learn more about tissue

  • Analysis on the present situation of tissue Culture Seedling Market of Guolan

    Analysis on the present situation of tissue Culture Seedling Market of Guolan

    Carrying forward the national orchid culture and spreading the knowledge of orchids the initial success of tissue culture of Chinese orchids was first reported in the 1980s. Since then, some non-batch tissue culture seedlings have come out one after another, and a stable batch of tissue culture seedlings have been supplied.

  • Why the tissue Culture plantlets of Orchid are not good

    Why the tissue Culture plantlets of Orchid are not good

    In addition to being difficult to raise, orchid tissue culture seedlings have a low survival rate, which is related to the special breeding mode of tissue culture seedlings. The use of hormones and chemical nutrients makes orchid seedlings have poor physique, weak wind, poor adaptability to the growth environment after coming out of the bottle, and like stiff seedlings. If it is a serious orchid tissue culture seedling, it will bloom.

  • Talking about the maintenance of tissue culture seedlings talking about the maintenance experience of succulent rookies

    Talking about the maintenance of tissue culture seedlings talking about the maintenance experience of succulent rookies

    I also talk about tissue culture plantlets. Tissue culture seedlings are becoming more and more common and can be seen everywhere. There are generally 12 volumes (most of them are Yulu and Vientiane), so why are there more 12 volumes than others? Everyone knows the reason. ...

  • Medicinal Resources, tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Bletilla striata

    Medicinal Resources, tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Bletilla striata

    Bletilla striata medicinal resources, tissue culture and rapid propagation technology Bai and through tuber propagation, easy to be infected by diseases and insect pests, viruses and other infections, resulting in weak growth, serious diseases and insect pests, reduced yield and other degradation phenomena. Baiji has a large number of seeds and does not propagate.

  • Orchids culture Orchids tissue culture video

    Orchids culture Orchids tissue culture video

    Huisu has good shape and regular flower shape

  • Learn about the entry tips for succulent beginners by tissue culture in 12 volumes.

    Learn about the entry tips for succulent beginners by tissue culture in 12 volumes.

    I have been in the Twelve Pit for two years, and I have raised a lot of varieties, some of which are not tissue culture. I will come to the forum every day and see some words about the analysis of tissue culture from time to time! Always thinking about this problem, saying that the deal is to make it big.

  • Viral disease: infectious hematopoietic tissue necrosis of fish

    Viral disease: infectious hematopoietic tissue necrosis of fish

    [pathogen] the pathogen of infectious hematopoietic tissue necrosis in fish is infectious hematopoietic tissue necrosis virus (IHNV). [symptoms and pathological changes] the diseased fish begin to swim slowly, float downstream, then shake and swim, then float and turn, and often die shortly after intense swimming. The diseased fish have black body color, exophthalmos, dilated abdomen, hyperemia at the base of the fin, and a long, thick white mucus stool is often dragged on the anus. Autopsy showed that there was a large amount of stagnant water in the abdominal cavity, lighter color of liver, spleen and kidney, intestinal bleeding, oral wall and skeletal muscle.

  • Summary of tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Orchid

    Summary of tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Orchid

    Summary of tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Orchid

  • Growth and development law of fattening pigs

    Growth and development law of fattening pigs

    On the basis of understanding the physiological characteristics of fattening pigs, it is very important to master the growth and deposition changes of body tissues during the growth and development of fattening pigs. On the one hand, it can be determined according to the changes of muscle, fat, skin and bone of pigs in different periods.

    2020-11-27 fattening fat pig growth and development regularity in understanding
  • What is the tissue culture of succulent plants?

    What is the tissue culture of succulent plants?

    Succulent tissue culture refers to the process of using a part of succulent plants to obtain new seedlings (cloned seedlings) through asexual vegetative reproduction, also known as plant cloning.

  • The law of growth and development of stored fattening pigs

    The law of growth and development of stored fattening pigs

    On the basis of understanding the physiological characteristics of finishing pigs, it is very important to grasp the changes of tissue growth and deposition in the process of growth and development of finishing pigs. On the one hand, it can be determined according to the changes of muscle, fat, skin and bone of fat pigs in different periods.

    2020-11-27 Growth and development law in understanding breeding fattening pig
  • Fund project: technical specification for micro-grafting of tissue culture seedlings of Chinese rose

    Fund project: technical specification for micro-grafting of tissue culture seedlings of Chinese rose

    Fund project: this study is supported by the National Nature Foundation project (No.: 31272208, 31772352), and the National Science and Technology basic Resources Survey Project (No.: 2017FY100100).

  • Seed production Technology of Edible Fungi

    Seed production Technology of Edible Fungi

    3. There are three methods for mother species separation: spore bullet firing, tissue isolation and matrix mycelium isolation. This paper mainly introduces the method of tissue separation. The method of tissue separation: small pieces of tissue from each mushroom were grafted on the bevel medium and cultured into the mother seed. The fruiting body of edible fungi is actually the knot of binuclear hyphae, which has a strong ability of regeneration. Therefore, as long as a small piece of tissue is cut, inoculated on a suitable medium and cultured at the right temperature, the pure mycelium can be obtained. Tissue separation is to bring the selected mushrooms into the sterile room, on the ultra-clean workbench, with 75.

  • How to propagate Oncidium, the propagation method / ramet or tissue culture of Oncidium can be used.

    How to propagate Oncidium, the propagation method / ramet or tissue culture of Oncidium can be used.

    Oncidium is known as one of the five beauties in flower arrangement because its flowers are small and lovely and brightly colored, so how do we reproduce Oncidium after we have kept it for a period of time? This needs to follow its morphological characteristics to choose a reasonable way.

  • Problems needing attention in the process of walnut tissue culture

    Problems needing attention in the process of walnut tissue culture

    The main results are as follows: (1) the aseptic environment which pollutes the tissue culture process is often infected by fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms in the culture container, which affects the normal growth and development of culture materials. Attention must be paid to the full elimination in all aspects of training.

    2020-11-27 Walnut tissue culture process need attention problems
  • How to manage the price of tissue culture plantlets of green pineapple

    How to manage the price of tissue culture plantlets of green pineapple

    How to manage the price of tissue culture plantlets of green pineapple

  • Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Anthurium andraeanum

    Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Anthurium andraeanum

    There are many ways to breed potted seedlings of Anthurium andraeanum, not only through conventional sowing, cutting, ramet and other ways to breed seedlings, but also tissue culture. The process of tissue culture and propagation of Anthurium andraeanum can be carried out by means of glass bottle without rooting, and the propagation efficiency is very high and the propagation speed is fast.

  • The planting method of banana

    The planting method of banana

    The role of bananas tissue culture seedlings replenish energy athletes like to eat bananas before playing, which contributes to on-the-spot performance. From a nutritional point of view, the sugar content of bananas can be.

  • Tissue culture orchids can bloom in several years.

    Tissue culture orchids can bloom in several years.

    Tissue culture orchids can bloom in several years.

  • Tissue Culture technique of Rhododendron

    Tissue Culture technique of Rhododendron

    Rhododendron is an evergreen or deciduous shrub of rhododendron family, which has the characteristics of many varieties, early flowering, rich flower color, long flowering period and so on. In recent years, due to the development of cutting propagation technology, the yield of rhododendron in China has been increased. However, due to the small number of female parents and low reproduction coefficient, valuable varieties still can not meet the needs of society. Tissue culture is an effective measure to realize the industrial breeding of rhododendron. The following will be briefly introduced as follows: first, the basic technical link of tissue culture of rhododendron: tissue culture of rhododendron. The explants commonly used are stem tip and stem.
