
spruce Learn more about spruce

  • Leaf rust of spruce

    Leaf rust of spruce

    Spruce leaf rust is distributed in Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu, Qinghai, Taiwan and other places. The disease harms Lijiang spruce, scaly spruce, coarse spruce, oil wheat spruce, Linzhi spruce, snow spruce and Siberian spruce. Symptoms: the young buds are susceptible, the needles on the newly growing shoots turn yellow or orange, short and thick, and the diseased leaves produce orange cushion-like winter spores or blister-like spores, the diseased buds look like a yellow flower, and soon the diseased leaves turn black and die. The susceptible 2-year-old leaves turn yellow locally, producing blister-shaped spores, or orange-yellow cushions.

  • The difference between cedar and spruce

    The difference between cedar and spruce

    The difference between cedar and spruce

  • Thick plum cone rust of spruce

    Thick plum cone rust of spruce

    Spruce thick plum cone rust occurs in Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Sichuan, Yunnan, Xizang, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, * and other places in China. The disease harms thick branch spruce, yew spruce, Lijiang spruce, oil wheat spruce, fish scale spruce, Xueling spruce, * spruce and so on. Symptoms: the disease harms the positive scales of female cones. The susceptible scales are twisted, anti-curled and disordered. There are many purple-brown globules on the front, which are arranged in a layer, which are the sporidium of the pathogen, and sometimes the spores are also produced on the back of the scale. Pathogen: the pathogen is Cunninghamia lanceolata

  • Control of thick plum cone rust of spruce

    Control of thick plum cone rust of spruce

    Spruce thick plum cone rust occurs in Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Sichuan, Yunnan, Xizang, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, * and other places in China. The disease harms thick branch spruce, yew spruce, Lijiang spruce, oil wheat spruce, fish scale spruce, Xueling spruce, * spruce and so on. Symptoms: the disease harms the positive scales of female cones. The susceptible scales are twisted, anti-curled and disordered. There are many purple-brown globules on the front, which are arranged in a layer, which are the sporidium of the pathogen, and sometimes the spores are also produced on the back of the scale.

  • What is the nickname of spruce, a tree species endemic to China? At what altitude is it suitable for planting?

    What is the nickname of spruce, a tree species endemic to China? At what altitude is it suitable for planting?

    Spruce is an endemic tree species in China, its trunk is straight, there are few knots, the texture of its wood is straight, evenly distributed, the structure is very fine, so it is very convenient for processing, so in construction, aircraft, musical instruments, furniture, boxes, veneer, fiber industrial raw materials and so on.

    2020-11-08 Chinese endemic tree species spruce other name what suitable
  • Spruce snow blight

    Spruce snow blight

    [distribution and harm] Foreign countries are distributed in North America, Northern Europe and Central Asia, harming European spruce (Piceaabies), white spruce (P.glauca), black spruce (P.mariana) and so on. It is distributed in Tianshan Mountain, Altai Mountain, Western Junggar Mountain and Kunqu Mountain in China. Damage to spruce (P.schrenkiana), Siberian spruce (P.obovata), Qinghai spruce (P.crassifolia) and Sichuan spruce (P.balfouria7)

  • Seed collection, seedling cultivation and afforestation techniques of spruce

    Seed collection, seedling cultivation and afforestation techniques of spruce

    Spruce is also known as Maxwell spruce, rough spruce, rough spruce. Its material is good, slightly soft, flexible, easy to process, with the production of high-quality building materials, furniture, pillars and other uses. Spruce is suitable for temperate humid climate and is one of the main timber tree species in North, Northwest and Southwest China. 1. Seed collection in the northwest natural forest region, spruce seeds began to mature in October, cones from green to yellowish brown, chestnut brown can begin to collect seeds. It is best to choose the 30-50-year-old mother tree with strong growth and stem shape.

  • How much is a spruce sapling? How many trees can be planted per mu? What are the planting techniques?

    How much is a spruce sapling? How many trees can be planted per mu? What are the planting techniques?

    Spruce seedlings are spruce seedlings with strong drought resistance and are the preferred tree species for landscaping. So how much is it? How many trees can be planted per mu? What are the planting techniques? It is learned from the seedling base in Hebei that the prices of saplings of different specifications are different, such as

    2020-11-09 Spruce saplings more less money one per mu can be planted how many
  • How to choose spruce seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    How to choose spruce seeds? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    People living in rural areas often see all kinds of trees, such as spruce is more common, it has the role of purifying the air, soil and water conservation, and can also be used to make works of art, or garden ornamental crops. So how to choose spruce seeds?

    2020-11-27 Spruce seed how selection seedling method have which in
  • Beautiful scenery tip rust of spruce

    Beautiful scenery tip rust of spruce

    Beautiful scenery tip rust is a newly discovered disease on Qinghai spruce, which is mainly distributed in the spruce forest at an altitude of 2600-2800m in the eastern section of the northern slope of the Qilian Mountains in western Gansu. It is second only to Qinghai spruce leaf rust, and the onset period is about one month earlier than Qinghai spruce leaf rust. The diseased buds of symptomatic spruce germinated 10-15 days earlier than those of healthy buds. At the beginning of June, the diseased buds expanded into a conical shape, showing peach red, and the surface was densely punctuated, which was called the diseased spore apparatus. The new leaves on the tender shoots are deformed

  • Cone-shaped things on young spruce trees-- control of larch ball aphids

    Cone-shaped things on young spruce trees-- control of larch ball aphids

    On the young trees of spruce, a round shape similar to a small cone often appears in June, which is actually a gall caused by larch aphid. In order to complete a life cycle, larch aphids need to undergo several different insect type changes in spruce and larch trees. Its life process can be seen in 156. What is the white hair on the leaves of larch? Artificial removal of galls from spruce before galls crack. Strengthen preventive measures to prevent the transportation and afforestation of seedlings with insects. Spruce and larch cannot be mixed or planted closely, isolated from each other.

  • spruce seedling transplanting method

    spruce seedling transplanting method

    According to the geographical location and climatic characteristics of the afforestation site, select the microclimate conditions suitable for spruce growth, especially the wet conditions. Under suitable microclimate conditions, we should focus on selecting soil with deep soil layer, loose texture and rich organic matter. In places with poor site conditions and less vegetation, we should strengthen cultivation measures to improve soil fertility. In order to ensure the shade tolerance and moisture tolerance needed for spruce growth, the traditional seedling planting method was changed in our farm in Wulasitai Township in 2002. The seedlings with height above 50 cm were selected and the holes were dug 40×40×

  • Comprehensive prevention and control of spruce sowing seedlings in greenhouse

    Comprehensive prevention and control of spruce sowing seedlings in greenhouse

    In order to shorten the cultivation years of spruce seedlings in high and cold mountain areas, greenhouse is usually used to raise seedlings. The special environment of the greenhouse creates conditions for the breeding and spread of all kinds of diseases that cause the quenching of spruce seedlings. Improper prevention and control will lead to seedling failure. In order to prevent the collapse of newly sown spruce seedlings in greenhouse, we should adhere to the principle of "prevention first and comprehensive control". 1 quenching symptoms, which can be divided into four types: (1) Seeds before sowing and ununearthed buds rot and die in the soil.

  • Spruce root bark beetle

    Spruce root bark beetle

    Spruce root bark beetle (HylastescuniculariusErichson) belongs to the family Coleoptera, which is distributed in China and Sichuan. It is mainly harmful to spruce, especially to artificial regeneration seedlings. The damage features feed on the roots of spruce seedlings and damage the newly felled stumps of trees. The morphological characteristics of the adult are about 4.5mm, dark brown, slightly glossy and sparse bristles. The forehead is narrow and long, covered with shallow, dense and dim sum engraving points, the lower half of the forehead is low and flat, and the upper part is protruding.

  • Maintenance and Management of large Seedling Transplantation of Spruce

    Maintenance and Management of large Seedling Transplantation of Spruce

    The transplantation and regeneration ability of spruce seedlings over 40 years old is weak, so it is especially important to maintain and manage the transplanted spruce seedlings in order to ensure their survival. With the continuous improvement of the grade of urban construction, the scale and grade of urban greening and beautification are also improved, which needs to reflect the effect of greening and beautification in a short time, so it is necessary to transplant a considerable number of tall trees. Hebei Saihanba Mechanical Forest Farm, as the largest larch timber forest base in North China, shoulders the mission of wind prevention, sand fixation and water conservation, and has provided for Beijing and Tianjin for many years.

  • Spruce bud rust

    Spruce bud rust

    Spruce bud rust is a newly discovered disease in the northern forest region of China, which has been reported in the natural forest region of Xing'an Mountains. It is mainly distributed in the United States, Canada, Sweden and other countries abroad, harming white spruce, black spruce and European spruce, harming the terminal and lateral buds of seedlings, young trees and big trees, and seriously affecting the quality of seedlings and the normal growth of plantations. Symptoms appear when new leaves begin to grow in late May. During the same period, diseased buds grew faster and longer than healthy buds, but soon stopped growing. Diseased leaves growing from diseased buds

  • Spruce Monochamus alternatus

    Spruce Monochamus alternatus

    Spruce longicorn beetle (MonochamusurussoviFisher), alias spruce longicorn beetle, belongs to Coleoptera longicorn beetles, which is distributed in Northeast China, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Shaanxi and other places. It is mainly harmful to red spruce, fish-scale spruce, stinky fir and so on. The larvae cut down fallen trees, weak standing trees, wind fallen trees and logs in the timber yard, forming coarse insect paths, and adults gnawed on the young bark of live trees. Morphological characteristics adult body length 21-33

  • snow mold of spruce

    snow mold of spruce

    Spruce snow mold is mainly distributed in some countries north of 40 degrees north latitude, harming cedar, fir and spruce trees. The disease was found only on spruce trees in China. Symptoms: The whole plant and needles on the ground are infected under snow, covered with gray brown mycelium layer, or mycelium invades the host interior, causing mildew and suffocation of trees. The hyphae layer of mild disease was cotton-wool, felt-like in severe cases, brown in early stage, white and grayish brown when it was about to melt. When the disease is mild, the disease is distributed in clumps. In severe cases, trees fall into rows

  • Seedling raising technique of Tianshan spruce

    Seedling raising technique of Tianshan spruce

    The main results are as follows: 1. Loam and sandy loam with better drainage and irrigation conditions should be selected for cultivating spruce seedlings. Spruce seeds are small, only by intensive cultivation can we improve the sprouting rate of seedlings and cultivate high-quality strong seedlings. The soil was ploughed deeply in autumn, with a depth of 250.30 cm, and 3 tons of base fertilizer was applied every 667m2. Combined with soil preparation for soil disinfection, 0.1% carbendazim or methyl thiophanate solution was sprayed with 1 kg solution for every 667 square meters. Make the bed with fine rake in spring, strive to break the soil finely, and irrigate the bottom water 3 days before sowing. II. Species

  • Control of snow blight of spruce

    Control of snow blight of spruce

    Snow blight harms spruce needles, which are reddish brown. Snow blight occurs under snow. Ascospores invade spruce needles covered with snow. After maturing from September to October every year, it spreads with the help of wind and Rain Water. It was observed that in the young forest after artificial reforestation, because of the high planting density in the past, the situation of "hand in hand" was formed. once the disease spread particularly seriously, 1/2 of the needles of the plant were infected and lost green and turned reddish brown, resulting in the death of the whole plant. The unclosed regeneration land of Tex Forest Farm is nearly 2666 hectares, in order to ensure that
