
spindle Learn more about spindle

  • Introduction to the control methods of Canna spindle spot

    Introduction to the control methods of Canna spindle spot

    No matter the storm or the scorching sun, most of the canna blooms on four sides during the flowering period, except for some special varieties or canna with its own defects caused by diseases, as people pay more attention to the canna and gradually know that it is easy to catch spindle spot if the canna is not properly maintained during the growing period.

  • How to shape and trim the slender spindle of an apple?

    How to shape and trim the slender spindle of an apple?

    How to shape and trim the slender spindle of an apple? The slender spindle shape belongs to the small crown shape, which is one of the tree shapes with the least backbone branches and the most fruiting branches. it is suitable for dense planting, dwarfing rootstock and short branch varieties. Generally, the row spacing is 2.5 to 4.0 meters, and the plant spacing is 2.0.

  • Problems and solutions in apple tree pruning

    Problems and solutions in apple tree pruning

    Problems and solutions in apple tree shaping and pruning in Fengxiang County apple planting is mainly dwarf interstock and double dwarf cultivation. These two types of apple cultivation form, are dwarfing close planting method, the general plant spacing in (1...

  • Shaping and pruning techniques of slender spindle-shaped young trees of apple

    Shaping and pruning techniques of slender spindle-shaped young trees of apple

    The shaping and pruning technology of apple slender spindle-shaped young trees at present, the slender spindle-shaped tree has become the mainstream in the new planting area of apple. Cultivate slender spindle apple tree shape, young tree shaping and pruning is a very key link, the author combined with recent.

  • Potato spindle tuber disease

    Potato spindle tuber disease

    (virus English name) Potatospindletuberviroid (host crop) potatoes, tomatoes, etc. (disease diagnosis) the stems of diseased plants are erect and have few branches. When the leaf is lifted up, the angle between petiole and stem becomes smaller; the leaf edge is wavy or curled upward, the leaf is stiff and brittle, and the leaf color is dark green; the leaf becomes smaller and curls in a semi-closed twisted shape. In the budding stage, the plant growth was obviously slow, the leaf color became lighter, sometimes yellowed, and the seriously diseased plants were dwarfed. Tubers elongated, or one end pointed, fusiform, with

  • High spindle shaping and cultivation techniques of double dwarf apple trees

    High spindle shaping and cultivation techniques of double dwarf apple trees

    "double Dwarf" Apple Tree High Spindle shaping and cultivation Technology National Modern Apple Industry Technology system Construction Project (CARS-28). At present, the intensive cultivation mode of dwarf rootstock is mainly adopted in the advanced countries of apple production in the world.

  • Xu Mai 30

    Xu Mai 30

    Long awn, white shell, white grain, spindle spike, semi-hard grain, semi-creeping seedlings, dark green leaves, wide leaves and good cold resistance. The tillering ability is stronger and the number of panicles is more. The plant type is loose, the appearance is elegant, the plant height is about 85 cm, the stem elasticity is good. The whole growth period is about 239 days, which is 3-4 days longer than the control. The effective panicle is about 390000 per mu, about 31 grains per panicle, and the 1000-grain weight is about 45 grams. The results of inoculation identification: susceptible to scab, moderately susceptible to sheath blight, highly susceptible to spindle stripe mosaic virus, susceptible to panicle sprouting.

  • Huamai 3

    Huamai 3

    Long awn, white shell, white grain, spindle spike, grain semi-hard. The seedlings are semi-erect, the leaves are dark green, the cold resistance and spring cold resistance are general, and the tillering ability is general. The plant type is compact, the ear layer is neat, and the mature phase is better. The plant height is about 82 cm and the lodging resistance is good. The whole growth period is about 223 days, which is equal to that of the control. The effective panicle is about 360000 per mu, about 30 grains per panicle, and the 1000-grain weight is about 46 grams. Inoculation identification results: susceptible to scab, sheath blight, highly susceptible to spindle stripe mosaic, moderately resistant to panicle sprouting. Susceptible to powdery mildew, sheath blight and scab in the field

  • Zhenmai No. 5

    Zhenmai No. 5

    Zhenmai 5 (Zhen 99036) is a new spring mid-maturing wheat variety bred by Yangmai 158 and Ningmai 9 in Zhenjiang Institute of Agricultural Sciences in hilly area of Jiangsu Province. The variety has long awn, white shell, spindle ear, red skin and hard grains, erect seedlings, compact plant type, plant height of 93 cm, fertilizer resistance and lodging resistance, 300000 effective panicles per mu, 33 grains per panicle and 38 grams per thousand grains. In inoculation identification, it was resistant to scab, susceptible to sheath blight and spindle stripe mosaic virus, and the disease resistance was better than that of Yangmai 158. The average result of quality analysis in three years is coarse egg.

  • Winter pruning measures for apple trees growing apples

    Winter pruning measures for apple trees growing apples

    In the shaping and pruning of apple trees, the selection of tree shape mode should be targeted, and high spindle shape modern cultivation should be adopted for newly-built orchards. We should also make up our mind to transform the aged closed orchards. The transformation of apple canopy closed garden mainly adopts thinning, lifting and drying.

    2020-11-08 Species apples it apple trees winter pruning measures in shaping
  • Effects of different treatment conditions on cuttage rooting of precious rose "Blue Moon"

    Effects of different treatment conditions on cuttage rooting of precious rose

    Rose is one of the four largest cut flowers in the world, known as "queen of flowers", its flowers and colors are gorgeous, rich and changeable. The precious rose "Blue Moon" is a hybrid tea-scented rose cultivated in Germany in 1963.

  • Summer pruning techniques of Modern Dwarf densely planted Apple Orchard

    Summer pruning techniques of Modern Dwarf densely planted Apple Orchard

    Summer pruning techniques of Modern Dwarf densely planted Apple Orchard

  • Excellent varieties of early, middle and late ripening pears

    Excellent varieties of early, middle and late ripening pears

    Pear is favored by consumers because its flesh is crisp and refreshing or soft and juicy, soluble in the mouth and attractive aroma. Pear trees are loved by growers because of their strong adaptability, drought and waterlogging resistance, saline-alkali tolerance, early fruit, good yield, easy cultivation and management and high economic benefits. The selection of suitable varieties according to local soil, water and climatic conditions is the key to successful cultivation. Through the introduction and observation in recent years, several excellent varieties of very early-maturing, medium-maturing and late-maturing pear are introduced as follows: first, the very early-maturing variety Pearl Pear. This variety

  • Huamai 2

    Huamai 2

    Long awn, white hull, red grain, spindle panicle, semi-hard-soft grain. Seedling erect, leaves broad and long, pale green leaves. Tillering ability is stronger, panicle and grain number per panicle are more, 1000-grain weight is slightly lower. The plant type is loose, the plant height is about 84 cm, and the fertilizer resistance is strong. The growth period is about 211 days, one day longer than the control. The effective panicle per mu is about 320,000, with about 38 grains per panicle and about 39 grams of 1000-grain weight. Inoculation identification results: moderate resistance to scab, susceptible to sheath blight, highly susceptible to shuttle stripe mosaic disease, highly resistant to preharvest germination. The field performance is medium susceptible to sheath blight and powdery mildew. Quality analysis of two

  • What are the yields of four high-yielding and characteristic sweet potato varieties?

    What are the yields of four high-yielding and characteristic sweet potato varieties?

    Sweet potato is a cash crop that many farmers will grow. It can not only be eaten raw, but also can be roasted and cooked to eat dried sweet potatoes with high edible value. There are many varieties of sweet potato. Today, the editor mainly introduces four sweet potato varieties with high yield and characteristics.

    2020-11-27 Four high yield characteristic sweet potato variety each of them.
  • What kinds of purple potatoes do you have? Ten purple potato varieties with good quality and high yield

    What kinds of purple potatoes do you have? Ten purple potato varieties with good quality and high yield

    Purple potato has become a new favorite in the past two years. Compared with ordinary sweet potatoes, purple potatoes are not only beautiful in color, but also very nutritious to eat, but also rich in selenium and anthocyanins, which can prevent hypertension and reduce liver dysfunction. Many people want to eat such a good purple potato.

    2020-11-27 Purple potato have which variety high quality high yield big purple potato
  • The planting time of the latest purple potato

    The planting time of the latest purple potato

    Purple potato is also known as black potato, vetch potato, etc., and its meat is purple to dark purple. It is grown in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Shandong, Jiangxi, Shaanxi and other places. It has high edible value and is the main source of anthocyanins.

    2020-11-10 The latest purple potato planting time also known as black potato
  • How much is the price per gram of Ophiopogon?

    How much is the price per gram of Ophiopogon?

    How much is the price per gram of Ophiopogon?

  • What are the excellent new varieties of sweet potato? What are the key points of cultivation?

    What are the excellent new varieties of sweet potato? What are the key points of cultivation?

    Sweet potato, also known as sweet potato, belongs to light-loving short-day crops, sexual temperature-loving, not cold-tolerant, well-developed roots, more drought-tolerant. Sweet potato is a common field cash crop in our daily life. China is also the largest producer of sweet potato in the world.

    2020-11-27 Sweet potato have which excellent new varieties all have cultivation key points
  • Characteristic sweet potato varieties-Xinong 431 and Touxinhong

    Characteristic sweet potato varieties-Xinong 431 and Touxinhong

    Xinong 431 is a new variety of fresh and roasted sweet potato cultivated by Northwest Agricultural University. it has medium and short vines, generally 1.5 meters in length, many branches in the basal part and heart-shaped leaves. Leaf color, leaf veins are uniform, light green. The tuber is early and concentrated, the tuber is spindle-shaped, the skin is smooth, the skin is orange, the flesh is orange, the dried potato is bright red, the food is sweet and sandy, the taste is good, and the flesh is easy to separate after ripening, which is very suitable for the processing of roasted potato and preserved potato. High resistance to stem nematode, black spot, waterlogging, storage and transportation. The average yield of spring potato is 5000 kg per mu and that of summer potato is 3500 thousand.
