
What are the excellent new varieties of sweet potato? What are the key points of cultivation?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Sweet potato, also known as sweet potato, belongs to light-loving short-day crops, sexual temperature-loving, not cold-tolerant, well-developed roots, more drought-tolerant. Sweet potato is a common field cash crop in our daily life. China is also the largest producer of sweet potato in the world.

Sweet potato, also known as sweet potato, belongs to light-loving short-day crops, sexual temperature-loving, not cold-tolerant, well-developed roots, more drought-tolerant. Sweet potato is a common field cash crop in our daily life. China is also the largest producer of sweet potato in the world. It has a very wide planting area and has high nutritional value, edible value and economic value. Now there are many farmers growing sweet potato, so what are the excellent new varieties of sweet potato?

1. Yam 25

The variety has good sprouting ability, medium-long vines, 5-6 branches, medium-thick stem vines, potato-shaped spindle-shaped, light red orange flesh, concentrated tubers, neat tubers, about 5 tubers per plant, high rate of large and medium potatoes, good taste, carotene content of fresh potatoes 3.67 mg / 100 g, high dry base reducing sugar and soluble sugar content, good storability and disease resistance. Identified by the national regional test: resistance to root rot and black spot.

Main points of cultivation: soaking seedlings before planting, suitable density is 3600-4000 plants per mu. Appropriate early planting, combined with plastic film mulching can be listed in advance. Other management measures are the same as general Daejeon.

2. Jishu 26

A new variety of edible sweet potato, red skin and yellow flesh, potato-shaped long spindle-shaped, concentrated tuber, 4-5 tubers per plant, and the commodity rate is as high as 95%. Resistant to stem nematode, root rot, vine cutting and black spot, and good storability. This variety is especially suitable for baking and cooking. The average yield per unit area of spring potato is more than 3500 kg, and the per unit yield of fresh potato is the first in the national northern region in 2012.

Cultivation points: northern spring potato planting is suitable for transplanting at the beginning of May, and the planting density is about 3600 plants.

3. Guangshu 87

The plant type is semi-erect, medium-short vine, medium number of branches, good sprouting, vigorous growth at seedling stage. Tubers are concentrated, the number of tubers per plant is more, generally 5-9, the ratio of large and medium potatoes is 76%, the potato shape is inflated, the potato skin is red, the potato meat is orange, the potato body is smooth, beautiful, the potato pieces are uniform, and the storability is good. Steamed cooked food tastes powdery, strong and tastes good. Medium resistance to potato blast, wide adaptability. In 2004, he participated in the regional trial of sweet potato varieties in Guangdong Province. The average yield per mu of fresh and dry potatoes was 2330 kg and 657.1 kg respectively, an increase of 29.91% and 24.12% over the high-quality control variety Guangshu 111, and the increase reached a significant level.

Key points of cultivation: spring potatoes are generally planted in the first ten days of May, with 3000 to 4000 plants per mu. The growth period is generally 120-140 days.

4. Yellow rose

The new edible sweet potato varieties were bred by group crossing, including female parent Goldstar, male parent Yizi 138,Xushu 18 and American Rose. Seed potato sprouts well. Medium-long vine, the number of branches 6-9, medium stem diameter, potato spindle-shaped, potato skin red, potato meat orange. There are 4-6 tubers per plant, the tubers are concentrated and the tubers are neat, which is beneficial to mechanical harvest. Potato noodles are smooth, commercial, steamed and roasted with good taste. It was more resistant to stem nematode, black spot and root rot in the field. In the three-year quality comparison test, the average yield per mu is about 2900 kg.

Cultivation points: suitable for planting in Beijing, Hebei and Tianjin, spring potato planting density is about 3800 plants per mu, summer potato planting density is about 4200 plants per mu.

5. Yellow banana

The variety is edible, good sprouting, medium and short vines, 4-6 branches, stout stems, long spindles in shape, yellow potato skin and meat, concentrated tubers, neat tubers, 4-6 tubers per plant, high commercial potato rate, smooth and smooth tubers, good taste, reducing sugar 6.67%, fresh potato carotene 8.16 mg / 100g; good storability; resistance to vine cutting. The average yield per mu in the experiment was about 2700 kg, which was 33.6% higher than that of the control Yizi 138.

Cultivation points: suitable for planting in Beijing area, spring potato planting density is about 3800 plants per mu, summer potato planting density is about 4200 plants per mu.

The above are the introduction of new varieties of sweet potato and the main points of cultivation. At present, the industry using sweet potato as raw material has spread to more than ten industrial categories, such as food, chemical industry, medical treatment, papermaking and so on, with high planting efficiency.

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