
The planting time of the latest purple potato

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Purple potato is also known as black potato, vetch potato, etc., and its meat is purple to dark purple. It is grown in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Shandong, Jiangxi, Shaanxi and other places. It has high edible value and is the main source of anthocyanins.

Purple potato is also called black potato, sweet potato, etc., potato meat is purple to deep purple, China's Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Shandong, Jiangxi, Shaanxi and other places are planted, with high edible value, as one of the main raw materials of anthocyanin, let's take a look at the planting time of purple potato!

Purple potato planting time

Purple potatoes are usually planted in mid-February. When the temperature reaches about 15 degrees in the middle of February, you can take out the cellar to raise seedlings. First make a good seedbed, arrange the seeds horizontally on the seedbed, with a row spacing of about 5 cm, cover with fine soil, spray the soil with a sprayer, cover the plastic film, cover the sky film, keep moisture and heat preservation, and cut and insert them into the field when the sprouts grow to more than 20 cm. Purple sweet potato planting requirements in mid-October, late harvest, fresh type purple sweet potato delayed to early November, must be harvested before frost. Before storage, the potato cellar should be cleaned, topsoil removed and disinfected. Purple sweet potatoes should be dried for 1~2 days before entering the cellar to heal the wound. During storage, ventilation and humidity should be paid attention to in the early stage, and heat preservation and moisture should be paid in the late stage.

Purple Potato Planting Environment

Purple sweet potato likes warm climate environment. The suitable temperature for stem and leaf growth is 18~25℃, and the growth stops when the temperature is lower than 15℃. The optimum ground temperature for root growth is 22~24℃, and the expansion stops when the ground temperature is lower than 20℃. It is a short-day crop, which needs sufficient light and high intensity. The suitable soil water content during the growth period is 60%~80% of the maximum water holding capacity in the field.

Classification of Purple Potato Varieties

1. Jizishu 1: Jizishu 1 was bred by Crop Institute of Shandong Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences and approved by Shandong Province in July 2012. The outstanding characteristics are "three highs", one is high anthocyanin content, average content 76.38 mg/100 g fresh potato, the other is high dry matter and starch content, dry matter content 36%~40%, starch content 25%-27%, the third is high yield potential, through plastic film mulching, formula fertilization, chemical control in the whole growth period, effective prevention and control of diseases and insect pests and other measures, standardized, large-scale planting, can give full play to the yield potential of this variety.

2. Jishu 18: Jishu 18 was bred by Crop Research Institute of Shandong Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences, with a yield of more than 3000 kg per mu.

3. Guangshu 135: Guangshu 135 was bred by Guangdong Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences, with a yield of 2000~2500 kg per mu.

4. Ningzi No.4: Ningzi No.4 was bred by Grain and Oil Crop Research Institute of Jiangsu Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences, with a yield of about 500kg per mu.

5. Jingshu No.6: Jingshu No.6 is a hybrid of Brazilian sweet potato and Chinese sweet potato. The stem is long, the skin and meat of sweet potato are purple, the sweetness is high, the quality is good, the yield per mu is 1500~2000 kg, and the drying rate is high. It is mainly used for deep processing and pigment extraction.

6. Purple Potato King: Purple Potato King has high yield, superior quality, purple and black skin color, purple meat color, rich selenium element, sweet and glutinous taste and delicate meat quality. It is an excellent sweet potato variety for fresh food health care, especially suitable for making potato sauce, sweet potato paste, fried potato chips, etc. It is the first choice for making series of purple potato leisure health food.

7. Japanese Lingzi: Japanese Lingzi is a new variety of black potato introduced from Japan in recent years. Its leaves are purple-green, the top three leaves are purple-red, the veins and petioles are all green, the leaves are heart-shaped, the single crack is shallow, the vine is about 1.5 meters long, and the base branches are few. The potato pieces are long and spindle shaped, the skin color is purple and bright, the flesh color is purple and black, nearly black after ripening, sweet and sandy, rich in anti-cancer substances such as selenium and iodine, and the nutritional components are several times higher than other sweet potatoes. It is the blackest variety in the current black potato series. It is a good variety for fresh food health care and deep processing such as pigment extraction. It has strong disease resistance and storage resistance, drought tolerance and adaptability. General yield per mu: spring potato 3000 kg, summer potato 2000 kg.

8. Qunzi No.1: developed by Henan Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences, with short vines, many branches and high vegetable yield. High yield. Spring sweet potato yield of more than 3000 kg, summer sweet potato about 2000 kg.

9. Yuzi 263: Cultivated by Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the yield is about 2000kg. The meat is delicate, the fiber is less, the sugar is high, and the taste is good. It is a good variety for eating.

10. Xuzishu No. 1: In 2003, it entered the production test of sweet potato varieties in Jiangsu Province. After 20 times of trial planting and identification in 5 years, Xuzishu No. 1 is a new variety with high yield and purple flesh. The fresh potato yield is stable above 2000 kg/mu, 3~5 times higher than that of Japanese purple heart varieties "Shanchuanzi" and Ayamurasiky. This variety red skin purple heart, cooked potato flesh purple bright, taste better. The optimum density per mu is about 3300 plants. It is tolerant to late planting, and waterlogging has a greater impact on yield. It is suitable for planting in most parts of northern China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

11. Nanzishu 008: Nanzishu 008 is a new variety bred by Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Nanchong City, Sichuan Province. The top leaf of this variety is purple red, mature leaves are green, medium size, long spindle shape, purple skin, purple flesh color, smooth skin, beautiful potato shape and excellent cooked food quality. Spring cultivation generally produces about 19500 kg/ha of fresh potatoes and 31500 kg/ha of vine leaves. Autumn cultivation yields 9750 kg/ha fresh potato and 12750 kg/ha vine leaves. Cultivation of this variety as autumn sweet potato can not only increase fresh potato yield, but also provide fresh green fodder for aquaculture in autumn and winter.

12. Zhezishu No. 1: Institute of Crop and Nuclear Technology Utilization, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang Province, 2007 provincial sweet potato variety comparison test, average yield per mu fresh potato 2148.7 kg, 49.7% higher than control 1 Yuzi 263, reaching extremely significant level. This variety has good germination, vigorous growth at seedling stage, long stem, heart-shaped leaves with teeth and green leaves. The average number of tubers per plant was 5.1, the average weight of tubers was 106.1 g, and the proportion of medium tubers between 50 and 250 g was 58.7%. Tubers spindle or long spindle type, potato skin purple, potato flesh purple, smooth epidermis. The dry matter rate of potato pieces was 35.3%. Fresh potato cooked taste was sweet and powdery. The resistance was identified by Xuzhou National Sweet Potato Research Center as high resistance to stem nematode, root rot and stem rot, medium resistance to black rot and good storage tolerance.

13. Guangzishu No.1: purple color edge of top leaf, light compound leaf shape, purple vein, purple green stem, semi-upright plant shape, purple skin of potato block, purple color flesh, beautiful spindle shape of potato, good storage resistance and good germination. Dry matter rate 30.62%, taste 81.3 points, starch rate 19.51%, vitamin C content 23.54 mg/100 g. Medium resistance to potato blast. From 2002 to 2003, we took part in the provincial high quality regional test. The results of two years regional test were comprehensive, and the average yield of fresh potato was 2375.0 kg/mu.