
sick pigeons Learn more about sick pigeons

  • How to distinguish sick pigeon from healthy pigeon

    How to distinguish sick pigeon from healthy pigeon

    How to distinguish sick pigeon from healthy pigeon

  • Treatment of pigeon cholera

    Treatment of pigeon cholera

    Li Yue, Lailong Town, Suyu District, Suqian City, telephoned that his family raised 500 egg pigeons. Recently, 50% of the pigeons showed symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, and their feces were yellow, white or green. The sick pigeons could not stand and had mucus in their mouths. The local veterinarian diagnosed pigeon cholera. He asked how to prevent and cure pigeon cholera. Pigeon cholera is an acute septic infectious disease caused by Pasteurella multocida, also known as pigeon pasteurellosis or pigeon hemorrhagic septicemia. The most acute cases of pigeon cholera died suddenly without any clinical symptoms. Acute case table

  • Differentiation of Pigeon Disease by "three looks and Nine checks"

    Differentiation of Pigeon Disease by

    In order to detect sick pigeons early and prevent the spread of the epidemic, breeders must carefully observe the flocks of pigeons in the morning, middle and evening every day. The method of "three looks and nine checks" introduced below to distinguish pigeon disease is simple and easy for reference. Three look: a look at the mental state: the healthy pigeon is lively, excited and sensitive; the sick pigeon is lethargic, lazy and slow to respond. Second, look at the diet: healthy pigeons eat and drink normally; sick pigeons eat less or waste food, do not think about drinking or binge drinking, and do not feed squab. Three look at the color and shape of feces: the feces of healthy pigeons are gray, yellowish brown or grayish black.

  • Method for distinguishing pigeon diseases in breeding pigeon production

    Method for distinguishing pigeon diseases in breeding pigeon production

    In order to detect sick pigeons early and prevent the spread of the disease, breeders must carefully observe the flock three times a day, morning, noon and evening. The following introduction of the three see nine check pigeon disease identification method, simple and easy to do, for reference. Three look at the mental state: healthy pigeons show lively, excited

    2020-11-08 breeding pigeons production identification disease method for early
  • Pigeon breeding technology

    Pigeon breeding technology

    First of all, we should select young pigeons with excellent pedigree, healthy body and lively, and raise them in ventilated and transparent sheds, clean and dry; feed mainly crop seeds, and supply different feeds according to different growth stages. In addition, feeding should be done regularly and quantitatively at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

    2020-11-11 carrier pigeon breeding technology first selection pedigree excellent
  • Diagnosis and treatment of pigeon disease

    Diagnosis and treatment of pigeon disease

    The purpose of pigeon disease diagnosis is to recognize the disease as soon as possible so as to take timely and effective prevention and treatment measures. Diagnosis is the forerunner of prevention and control work, only timely and correct diagnosis, prevention and treatment work can be targeted and achieve remarkable results. Otherwise, it will often act blindly, delay the opportunity and bring great economic losses to the pigeon industry. According to the occurrence and development of pigeon disease and the physiological characteristics of birds, the clinical diagnosis of pigeon disease includes three aspects: investigation of epidemic characteristics, observation of pigeon flock and individual symptoms and pathological anatomy. I. popular characteristics and individual

  • Licorice can treat pigeon dysentery

    Licorice can treat pigeon dysentery

    Pigeons suffer from dysentery, their feces are as sparse as water, and their stools are green and yellowish. The sick pigeon turtle shrinks in the shed, drinking a lot of water instead of eating, and the illness is getting worse. Buy licorice, mash it and feed it to the sick pigeon, and soak it in water for the sick pigeon to drink. The next day the faeces had changed from thin to dry. Continue to treat with licorice, sick pigeons can recover in less than a week. According to Li Shizhen's Compendium of Materia Medica, "licorice, sweet and flat in nature, mainly treats the cold, heat and evil qi of the five internal organs and six viscera, and relieves all kinds of toxins" and "treats red and white dysentery."

  • The simple method of pigeon pox treatment, how is it caused?

    The simple method of pigeon pox treatment, how is it caused?

    Treatment of pigeon pox: if the symptoms are mild, the pigeon pox can recover on its own. if the symptoms are serious, the scab can be carefully removed with sterilized scissors, and then the wound can be coated with iodine tincture and gentian purple, and the mucous wound can be coated with iodine glycerin. sick pigeons can also

    2020-11-08 Pigeon pox simple method treatment yes how cause summary
  • Diagnosis and treatment of ⅰ paramyxovirus infection in American King Pigeon

    Diagnosis and treatment of ⅰ paramyxovirus infection in American King Pigeon

    In recent years, with the change of rural economic structure, American white-feathered king pigeon farming has gradually developed in our city. From January to May 2002, some royal pigeon farms in Youxian District, Fucheng District, Anxian County, Santai County and Shantong County in Mianyang City broke out successively with diseases characterized by green water samples, sparse feces, no food, short course of disease and high mortality, which caused serious economic losses to farmers. Pigeon Ⅰ paramyxovirus infection was diagnosed by on-site comprehensive diagnosis (epidemiology, symptoms, autopsy) and laboratory examination. Use

  • Experience in the treatment of thrush in cultured meat pigeons

    Experience in the treatment of thrush in cultured meat pigeons

    The sick pigeon is dull, its feathers are loose, its head closes its eyes, it walks slowly, it eats little or no food, its thirst increases, its crop is obviously enlarged and drooped, its content is full or fluctuating, it breathes with open mouth, it has a white loose cheese-like substance in its mouth, it smells sour and smells, excretes sparse feces, and the sick pigeon is emaciated.

    2020-11-08 Breeding meat pigeons thrush treatment experience sick pigeons dull feathers
  • How to treat pigeon diarrhea? What medicine does homing pigeon water take?

    How to treat pigeon diarrhea? What medicine does homing pigeon water take?

    There are many cases of pigeon diarrhea, treatment methods need to choose appropriate prevention and treatment methods and drugs. Pigeon droppings are normally small and hard, with a little white on it. If there are phenomena such as watery stool, loose stool, etc., it will be unhealthy. Carrier pigeon disease

    2020-11-11 Pigeon diarrhea how treatment homing pigeon water stool eat what medicine
  • Pigeon worker type paramitoid virus

    Pigeon worker type paramitoid virus

    Raising pigeons is the same as raising other poultry, raising a wide range of areas, the number of more, the epidemic is bound to increase. This disease is a highly contagious and septic infectious disease caused by pigeon type I parasite virus discovered in recent years. Commonly known as pigeon Newcastle disease, some are also called pigeon plague, sometimes ferocious in pigeons, sometimes sporadic. Suckling pigeons are likely to die in large numbers when they are infected with this disease, and young pigeons and their parents will also die. The incubation period of the disease is 1-10 days, usually 1-5 days. The appearance is completely normal before the onset of the disease.

  • Prevention and treatment of diseased pigeons in spring

    Prevention and treatment of diseased pigeons in spring

    Abnormal temperature changes in spring, pigeons due to colds and cold stimulation, easy to suffer from rhinitis. Sick pigeons are characterized by sneezing, moist nose tumors, dull feathers, mental malaise, tears, loss of appetite and, in serious cases, death. Therefore, we should carefully observe the flock of pigeons in spring and find that sick pigeons should be treated in time to restore their health as soon as possible. The prevention and control measures are as follows: first, strengthen feeding and management. Keep the cage ventilated and fresh, do a good job of preventing cold and keeping warm, and strictly prevent the attack of the wind and "thief wind". Second, drug prevention and treatment. Oral streptomycin for sick pigeons, each time

  • Prevention and treatment of paratyphoid fever in farmed meat pigeons

    Prevention and treatment of paratyphoid fever in farmed meat pigeons

    The pathogen of paratyphoid is Salmonella typhimurium. Sick and cured pigeons are the main sources of infection of the disease, and contaminated feed and drinking water are the main routes of transmission. It is often transmitted through infected eggs produced in the digestive tract of recovered pigeons. But also through breathing and eye knots.

    2020-11-08 Breeding meat pigeons paratyphoid diseased prevention and control
  • Refusal to eat drinking water to increase the prevention and treatment of stomatitis in dyspnea pigeons

    Refusal to eat drinking water to increase the prevention and treatment of stomatitis in dyspnea pigeons

    Refusal to eat drinking water to increase the prevention and treatment of stomatitis in dyspnea pigeons

  • Prevention and treatment of hard crop disease of pigeon with enlarged crop and hard appetite

    Prevention and treatment of hard crop disease of pigeon with enlarged crop and hard appetite

    Prevention and treatment of hard crop disease of pigeon with enlarged crop and hard appetite

  • How to treat Newcastle Disease in Pigeon

    How to treat Newcastle Disease in Pigeon

    How to treat Newcastle Disease in Pigeon

  • Control of trichomoniasis in farmed pigeons

    Control of trichomoniasis in farmed pigeons

    Trichomoniasis is very common in pigeons, which is a kind of multiple protozoa, which does great harm to pigeons and is one of the main diseases of pigeons. The pathogen causing the disease is Trichomonas. The disease is characterized by obvious button-like yellow deposits in the throat mucosa. The main body of the disease

    2020-11-08 Breeding pigeons Trichomonas disease control trichomonas
  • The reason for the high embryo mortality rate of pigeons

    The reason for the high embryo mortality rate of pigeons

    The reason for the high embryo mortality rate of pigeons

  • Prevention and treatment of chlamydia trachomatis in pigeon

    Prevention and treatment of chlamydia trachomatis in pigeon

    Chlamydia trachomatis is commonly known as bird plague. The pathogen is an infectious disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms of Chlamydia psittaci. Many kinds of birds can be infected. If there is one pigeon infection in the pigeon flock, it will spread quickly in the whole flock, and the incidence is higher, but the death is less. The route of transmission is through feed and drinking water contaminated by diseased pigeon excrement or contact from the digestive tract or respiratory tract and skin wounds. The disease was more common in 2-3-week-old pigeons. The adult pigeon showed recessive infection. Most of them occur in summer and autumn. Symptoms: diseased pigeon spirit, loose feathers, loss of appetite, abdomen
