
The simple method of pigeon pox treatment, how is it caused?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Treatment of pigeon pox: if the symptoms are mild, the pigeon pox can recover on its own. if the symptoms are serious, the scab can be carefully removed with sterilized scissors, and then the wound can be coated with iodine tincture and gentian purple, and the mucous wound can be coated with iodine glycerin. sick pigeons can also

Pigeon pox treatment methods: mild symptoms can be allowed to self-recovery, serious symptoms, the use of disinfected scissors will be carefully removed pox scab, and then in the wound coated iodine tincture and gentian violet, mucosal wounds can be coated iodine glycerin, sick pigeons can also add 0.01% enrofloxacin in drinking water, and with traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Pigeon pox is an infectious disease caused by a pox virus, which is mainly transmitted by respiratory droplets and skin contact.

The treatment of pigeon pox

1. Pigeon pox is a common pigeon disease that can produce immunity after healing. The mild disease can heal itself due to the gradual generation of immune antibodies by the body, and it is immune for life, so it can be left untreated and allowed to recover by itself.

2. If the symptoms are serious and affect breathing and eating, disinfected scalpels, tweezers and scissors can be used to carefully remove the acne scab, and then iodine tincture and gentian violet can be applied to the wound. Iodine glycerin can be applied to mucosal wounds.

3. Generally, when the first case of sick pigeons is found, measures should be taken quickly to avoid spreading. Vaccination against pigeon pox before the onset of disease is an effective means of control, but for pigeons that have been infected or infected, but are in the incubation period, vaccination is invalid. Vaccination begins at 3 weeks of age and is valid for 1 year.

4. Generally, 7-10 days after vaccination, check whether there are pox scars at the inoculation site. Pigeon pox vaccine can be used simultaneously with Bellamigo virus vaccine or Salmonella vaccine. After vaccination, supplement electrolytes for 2 consecutive days, or vitamins and reduce training.

5, because the pigeon pox is generally weak body resistance of young pigeons, so in the breeding peak season, do not passively wait for the emergence of sick pigeons to take measures.

6. The sick pigeons can be treated with moroxydine hydrochloride in drinking water with 0.4% concentration for 3-5 days continuously, or 0.01% enrofloxacin in drinking water and Chinese medicine. The formula is gentian 90g, isatis root 60g, cimicifuga 50g, honeysuckle flower 40g, wild chrysanthemum flower 40g, forsythia 30g and licorice root 30g. The above Chinese medicines are processed into fine powder, which is evenly mixed into feed according to 1.5g of each pigeon every day and fed in the morning and afternoon. If you feed seed feed, not good mix when, can be the above Chinese medicine decoction, add appropriate water, let pigeons drink freely.

7. You can also add a variety of vitamins and cod liver oil to health sand and drinking water, which is conducive to enhancing pigeon resistance, protecting skin and promoting wound healing. Generally, it can be cured in 3-5 days continuously. For individual seriously ill pigeons, skin pigeon pox can be peeled off with tweezers, and then purple liquid can be applied to the wound. For mucosal pigeon pox, the membrane on the mucosa can be peeled off with tweezers, and then a little "throat syndrome powder" or "Liushen Pill" powder can be blown on the focus. Blow once a day for 3 consecutive days.

2. How is pigeon pox caused

Pigeon pox is an infectious disease caused by pox virus, which generally occurs in young pigeons. The epidemic season is mainly from March to June every year. It will also be infected in other seasons. It will pose a serious threat to racing pigeons without vaccination. This virus is mainly transmitted by respiratory droplets and skin contact.

2. Theoretically speaking, people who come into contact with infected pigeons may also be infected, but pigeon pox virus is a specific virus, which is generally susceptible to pigeons, but not very sensitive to people. People with weak constitution may feel uncomfortable after contacting sick pigeons, but there will be no harm and symptoms like pigeons, so don't worry too much. Usually, after pigeons are fully cooked, all pox viruses will be killed. Eating will not cause harm to human body.